Over the Gun: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:LetsPlay.OverTheGun 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:LetsPlay.OverTheGun, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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{{quote| ''Alright dudes, how's it going?''}}
[http://www.youtube.com/user/overthegun OverTheGun] is a [[Let's Play|Let's Player]] specializing in Blind Runs. His playthroughs are called "HTSF" or "How to Successfully Fail" which pretty much describes what you'll find: going through the game while making some very hilarious mistakes. The HTSF is typically organised of sets (which separate playing sittings) and parts (due to Youtube's time limit). Has a strong British accent and a fairly [[Cluster F -Bomb|foul mouth.]]
A "new season" of HTSF has started since his move to Bliptv, where the playthrough is now separated into one hour episodes, split into parts.
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** ''[[Silent Hill Homecoming]]'' is a notorious offender, being the very first HTSF that he has willingly abandoned, due to the sheer unplayability of the PC port.
* [[Advancing Wall of Doom]] : In the ''Ultimate [[Doom]]'' HTSF:
{{quote| '''Overthegun''': "[[Cluster F -Bomb|Ohshishishishitfuckfucfucdamndamndamndamn]]"}}
* [[All Your Powers Combined]]: Invoked against the werewolf boss in ''[[Castlevania Rondo of Blood]]'' (part 3) with ''[[Street Fighter]]'' characters:
{{quote| '''Overthegun''': "You can't have everybody's moves! You can't be part Vega, part Blanka, part Ryu...[[Metaphorgotten|part wolf...part man...]] [[Pre -Ass -Kicking One -Liner|He's gonna be part fucked over in a second.]]"}}
* [[Analogy Backfire]]: He describes [[Pacman]] Championship Edition DX as "sweet as a fucking nut". <ref> Nuts aren't sweet.</ref>
** In ''[[Half-Life 2 (Video Game)|Half-Life 2]]'', while complaining about uncookable grenades:
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** In ''Minecraft'', he gets so desperately lost in a cavern that he eventually started to go partly insane trying to get out. He even went as far as to dub the place 'The caverns of fucking despair'.
** In ''[[Gears of War]] 3'', a [[Griefer]] during the finale of the game, prolonging the part for a good hour, is considered this.
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]: What makes Block 3-3 in ''[[Super Castlevania IV]]'' such a pain in the ass for him? Transparent staircases, swarms of [[Goddamned Bats|goddamned crows]], lethal enemy placement, a recurring [[PowerupPower-Up Letdown]], [[Nintendo Hard]] platforming, falling into the bottomless pits before the boss fight, falling into the bottomless pits during the boss fight, [[Serial Escalation|falling into the bottomless pits AFTER the boss fight,]] and to top it all off? Forgetting to finish the stage with a [[Victory Pose]].
* [[And Now for Something Completely Different]]: He doesn't only do let's plays. He has also done some [[Starcraft]] 2 replay commentaries, reviews, Podcasts, and the occasional [[Stupid Statement Dance Mix]].
* [[April Fools' Day]]: On 2009, posted the highly demanded [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJLWKYLrsL0 [S1][P1] [[Metal Gear Solid 2]].]] [[Broken Record|A little bit poor in taste.]]
** Subverted on August 1st, where he posted a fake hack of his channel. [[Gone Horribly Wrong|That didn't]] [[Dude, Not Funny|work out]] [[Wild Mass Guessing|that great.]]
** In 2010, he did a more harmless version and screwed around with his channel page layout a bit.
* [[Attention Deficit Creator Disorder]]: And aware. He tries a lot of stuff outside of the classic HTSF, has a lot of HTSFs which are still incomplete, and starts up a lot of different projects with varying degrees of consistency.
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* [[British Accents]]: If his current location is anything to go from, it's from Yorkshire.
** [[Oop North|Leeds]], to be precise.
* [[Buffy -Speak]]: Engages in this at times.
{{quote| '''Overthegun''': "That might be more of an even distribution of time displacementy immunity weirdy thing."}}
* [[Camp Gay]]: His opinion of an NPC wearing "the gayest robe" he has ever seen (bright, shiny pinkish purple) during his "Quarter-Play" of Divinity2.
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** Another good example is when [[Over the Gun]] is showing off a playthrough of [[Pacman]] Championship Edition DX, he goes on a tangent wondering about the Sabbath which completely throws off his game.
** [[First Encounter Assault Recon|"I shot the sugar!]] [[It Makes Sense in Context|But I did not shoot the sweetener."]]
* [[Cluster F -Bomb]]: Yes. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbJdDrMTVrs This video] doesn't even cover half the actual HTSF.
** In [E3] [[The Legend of Zelda a Link To T He Past (Video Game)|Link 3]], OTG is having a hard time defeating a [[That One Boss|boss]]:
{{quote| '''Overthegun''': "See, this is a f*ckin boss, you know, that is worthy of [[MacGuffin|holding the f*ckin pendant]]. It's like; "Right, I'm a f*cking boss, nig-bitch! I'm a ball motherf*ckin snake and I've got a f*ckin pin motherf*ckin wheel on my tail [[Non Lethal Bottomless Pit|and you know what's around me? F*ckin nothing, it just drops down multiple f*ckin floors.]] [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|I hold the f*ckin pendant, I've got a pin wheel for a tail, f*ckin try it! Just come near me! Just come at me bro!"]] That is what he says! And he ''knows'' he is a bitch, he ''knows'' he is a stone cold f*ckin bitch. With a pin wheel for a tail and weird f*ckin wobbly little f*ckin legg-hair f*ckin things and he f*cking moves his ball body around with his beady f*ckin ball eyes. He is just a sack of f*ckin balls!"}}
* [[Companion Cube]]: Does not belong to the [[Trope Namer]] despite having played ''[[Portal (Video Game)|Portal]]'' but goes to Sharpie the Saw, a saw blade in the Ravenholm area of ''[[Half-Life 2 (Video Game)|Half-Life 2]]''.
* [[Completely Missing the Point]]: Played for laughs, often. For example, when admiring a painting of a crucifixion with people in mourning:
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* [[Credits Gag]]: Invoked during the credits of ''[[Castlevania Rondo of Blood]]'' and ''Splatterhouse 2''.
* [[Creepy Child]]: Strangely enough, not in a game but in one of his many life stories. During his ''[[Chrono Trigger (Video Game)|Chrono Trigger]]'' re-fail, he ends up telling a story about one night when he was about 3 or 4 years old, his mother was tucking him into bed, when suddenly he apparently said "He's coming" to his mom. His mother replied "Who's coming?" and baby Lliam just replied with "He's coming" again. This apparently "Shit his mum up" as she went down to his father who went up to see what was going on. His father got the same response, and it was finally figured out that baby Lliam was going on about the wind outside, which he apparently named as a kid "Mr. Wind", and that was the person baby Lliam was referring to, as the wind outside was blowing and Lliam could hear it.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Although he plays pretty incompetently when doing HTSF's, note that these are usually blind runs, sometimes in genres he is not used to. Lord help you if you are ever in a match with him when competitive gaming, especially in an FPS.
* [[Department of Redundancy Department]]: Has little habit of repeating the last thing he just said, the last thing he just said, indeed.
** In ''[[Bio Shock]]'', while trying to loot Smuggler's crates:
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* [[Get Back Here Boss]]: Does not react well to them, as seen [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBGHtuyN-BU here.]
* [[The Ghost]]: "[[First Encounter Assault Recon|Fear]] guy", a recurring "character" who is apparently the reason there are blocked off passageways in video games.
* [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking]]: Used to smoke, but now is kicking the habit with help from electronic cigarettes.
* [[Griefer]]: One shows up very unfortunately during the finale of his ''[[Gears of War]] 3'' HTSF, making the episode last a good hour longer.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: Many instances, and yet each instance is overcome [[Determinator|without the use of a guide.]] (Sometimes through use of a [[Take a Third Option|third option]])
* [[Halloween Episode]]: His ''[[Silent Hill]]'' playthroughs are saved for the Halloween season, [[Silent Hill 2|2]] for 2008 and [[Silent Hill 4|4]] for 2009. Popular demand gave way to ''[[Amnesia the Dark Descent (Video Game)|Amnesia the Dark Descent]]'' in 2010.
* [[Helium Speech]]: There was a problem uploading [S5][P8] of ''[[Painkiller]]'', which ended up speeding up the volume in comparison to the video, resulting in a higher pitch for everything, including [[Over the Gun]]'s commentary: leading to this trope.
* [[Hello, Insert Name Here]]: Both runs of [[Chrono Trigger (Video Game)|Chrono Trigger]] have him exploit this, although [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|not in the way you'd think]]. The first run has him naming the characters after his friends. The second run has him just use silly names. When Claire pushes him to use more vulgar names, he shrugs that off as beneath him.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: He lists politics as one of his primary interests. Seriously.
* [[Hypocritical Humour]]: Happens often in his [[Left 4 Dead|L4D]] sets - chiding the bots for a lack of team-spirit before abandoning them to die.
{{quote| OTG: "C'mon, Zoey, don't fuck me..." [he is rescued; Zoey is subsequently attacked by a Smoker]<br />
OTG: "Fuck ''you'', though." [he uses the remaining medkit on himself] }}
* [[I Ate What?|I Drank What?]]: In [S1][P13] of ''[[Amnesia the Dark Descent (Video Game)|Amnesia the Dark Descent]]'', he reminisces about an incident of this trope. {{spoiler|Remember, don't store your cooking oil in Lucozade bottles if you've got kids.}}
* [[I Call It Vera|I Call It Sharpie]]: His trusty saw blade in ''[[Half-Life 2 (Video Game)|Half-Life 2]]''.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: During the Psycho Mantis fight in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'', due to using an emulator, he was forced to use the 2nd controller trick using a keyboard and an Xbox controller. Also his default control scheme for FPS is quite bizarre for most modern gamers using WASD.
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* [[Insult to Rocks]]: In his HTSF of ''Bloody Trapland'', he remarks that jumping while teleporting gives the character the "baby-est" jump ever. He then redacts that statement for fear of offending babies.
* [[Invisible Subtle Difference]]: According to OTG the difference between HTSF and HTF is that he tries not to swear in HTF. ...[[Half Truth|Kinda.]]
** In practice it means that he tries not to say any of the [[T -Word Euphemism|"repertoire of three"]]. All other swearwords are OK though.
* [[It Gets Easier]]: In HTSF @ [[Syndicate (Video Game)|Syndicate]], the first hobo he meets up with that could only be interacted with via execution has him commenting that randomly killing an innocent civilian is [[Even Evil Has Standards|bad taste even for his standards]]. He even predicts this trope coming into play. Fast-forward to the next mission not 45 minutes later where he very casually imitates another agent killing cowering researchers (even showing off to Claire) and very, very eagerly killing a researcher who was testing out a [[Rule of Cool|gun that shoots bullets in an arc.]]
* [[It Got Worse]]: His playthrough of ''[[Serious Sam]]'' - ''The First Encounter''. By the end of Metropolis he says that it's the most things he's seen. By the end of Alley Of The sphinxes, he finally completes the level and spends quite a few minutes ranting about the difficulty of this game.
* [[It S's Quiet... Too Quiet]]: In his ''[[Left 4 Dead]]'' playthrough. "Quiet...almost...too quiet. Toilets. Almost...too toilets."
** And again in ''[[Gears of War]] 3'':
{{quote| OTG: "It's quiet...too quiet."<br />
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** Though there have been some moments where he neglects his human teammates in games. One case is during his Gears of War 3 online co-op playthrough where a team mate gets knocked down and despite there being no enemies around, and a big health cross icon on the side of his screen at all times, he completely ignores his buddy and goes searching for ammo instead. On top of that, his wounded teammate was directly behind him and he was the closest to his fallen friend.
* [[Just One More Level]]: When testing out recording at 60 fps (which proved futile when considering Youtube conversion) and Youtube's increased video time limit, he decided to testrun a single attempt at the bonus mode of ''Shatter''. The first run lasts a bit less than 7 minutes (including a 3 minute introduction). [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiycOPGejyI The actual video] lasts almost a half hour due to this trope.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: In the ''[[Minecraft]]'' HTSF, as he is exploring a nearby cave, a stray wolf climbs down to his mine and he greets it. After finally learning how to tame the wolf, the wolf then preforms serious ''Quake'' style bunny-hops and strafe jumps. Upon leaving the mine with the wolf, he names it Strafe for it's amazing jumping ability. {{spoiler|Unfortunately a few minutes later back to his house, a Creeper happens to sneak up on them and after a brief chase, catches up to them and unfortunately [[Heroic Sacrifice|kills off the wolf which took the brunt of the Creeper explosion.]] Although OTG has the generosity to [[Due to The Dead|leave the wolf a grave. "Here lies Strafe. Wonderful Jumper Dog".]] Oh yeah, and he's also developed [[ItsIt's Personal|an insane grudge to Creepers]] and even [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|killed one or two out of rage shortly after the wolf's demise.]] }}
** Three sets later, OTG finds one of Strafe's brothers. He manages to tame him and names him 'Deranged', after he spends a lot of time getting through a little doggy door. {{spoiler|He lives much longer but unfortunately gets stuck outside later in the set and is killed by two zombies.}}
** Yet ANOTHER example in Minecraft is when he trecks down into the tunnels, getting diamonds, loads of Lapis stuff, and Iron. The entire time, he fears that he's going to end up falling into the lava and losing everything. {{spoiler|[[Properly Paranoid|He's right.]] Along the way, he ends up accidentally falling into the lava, with two hearts remaining, and dying instantly, losing EVERYTHING on him. The diamonds, the Iron ore and Ingots on him, his tools... Everything. He was [[Genre Savvy]] enoguh, however, to bank some of the other things he found before so it wasn't a total loss. It was still incredibly devastating as soon after that, he went down to look for his stuff... and got lost for 20 minutes. And then the game froze on him. [[Overly Long Gag|And then a creeper blows up on him as soon as he loads the game.]]}}
* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]: Has his moments. In ''[[Gears of War]] 3'', when faced with an explosive sewer zombie just before a corner, he immediately rushes in to use his chainsaw(-gun). Cue an entire horde of zombies ambushing him from around the corner.
* [[Mean Character, Nice Actor]]: Despite all the swearing and occasional rage, he's a really friendly and nice guy, who cares for his fans.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: [[Over the Gun]] comes from the poker expression "under the gun", referring to his days of a poker player. The fact that it complements his FPS skills is just icing on the cake.
* [[Monster Allies]]: In [[Castlevania Symphony of the Night]], he mainly uses the bat Familiar, on both the re-fail and the original HTSF. After the bat shows a bit of combat usage, the bat ends up being one of the rare support characters that he actually likes to have around, and gives the bat the oh-so clever nickname of 'Bob the Bat'.
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* [[Rage Quit]]:
** A perfect example of this trope can be seen at the end of the first set (part 5) of his ''[[Mega Man (Video Game)|Mega Man]] 4'' HTSF. He takes another shot at it though.
{{quote| '''Overthegun''': "Tell you what Mega Man. You can stay on the inventory screen for the rest of my fucking life for all I care. Fuck Mega Man. Done. [[Every Episode Ending|Hope you enjoy that guys. Catch ya next time.]] [[Cluster F -Bomb|Fuck Mega Man. Fuck off. I've had enough. See ya. Fuck off.]] Done."}}
** Another honorable mention is [[Sonic the Hedgehog 2]]. He dies a couple of times in the same spot and gets a game over which has a countdown that starts at 10. When he presses start to continue, it goes to 9 so he thinks he has 9 more continues. He then proceeds to die in the same spot as before and gets kicked to the menu screen. [[Cluster F -Bomb]] ensues.
{{quote| '''Overthegun''': "Piss off ''Sonic 2''! The only reason you have become tough is by being full of shit and not givin me all me continues. Fuckin' throwin' me into holes at the end just to blaze through a continue and then not givin' me the other nine continues. You suck! Fuck you Sonic 2! Up yours! I'm not goin' through the entire game again! Bollocks! Fuck that!"}}
** [[Defied Trope|Defied]] with SegaSonic the Hedgehog. Although his first try ended up with a [[Nonstandard Game Over]] (remember this is an arcade game so he had to start the game all over again) he goes on a huge rant on how he will never play a Sonic game ever again...right before wanting to see the ending and trying again, with less fail.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: An inverted Trope. In his re-fail of [[Castlevania Symphony of the Night]], one part he picks up a Knight Shield which is identical to his current shield in every way in terms of stats, but it has a different sprite and color. When he puts it on, Claire speaks up mentioning that it looks pink, in which he instantly switches back to his old blue and silver shield.
** Double Subverted with the car in ''[[Borderlands (Video Game)|Borderlands]]''. At first he fights over Claire on the colour of the car, him prefering the black car while Claire preferring the pink one. Eventually however, the pink car begins to grow on him, and he doesn't mind.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: A very strange variation occurs in ''[[Braid (Video Game)|Braid]]'' where he seems to have met his match when one of the lowliest of mooks manages to steal his key. Although the [[Mook]] obviously doesn't deliver one, Overthegun actually delivers one against himself for the mook. It has to be heard to be believed. (parts 6 and 7 of the first set)
{{quote| '''Overthegun''': "He's got me key! He's got me key! How am I supposed to get that off him? How did a [[Fan Nickname|goomba]] steal me key? How did I let that happen? I dunno how to get it back off him. [[Epic Fail|It's only me that could manage to do that.]] Oh, he's such a cock. I want me key off ya mate but I don't know how I'm gonna do it though. It's okay me saying I want it off of ya but you've got my number 'aven't ya? Look at that. That's not good news. That's a goomba with a look on his face as if to say ' I'm protected by these weird mechanics. I am gonna jump off your head. Not only that, I've got your key. ' He looks quite, quite serious...He dun't look phased by the fact that I'm stood underneath him. He is gonna stomp me face through. [[Crowning Moment of Funny|This is the first time in 21 years of gaming, that I have been bested by a goomba.]] A goomba that actually knows it's got the better of me as well. That is fucking unreal right there. He's got my number and he's got his number on his foot up me ass. 'sigh' Fuck."}}
* [[Ret Gone]]: On the third part of the seventh episode he finds a third wolf and names him obelisk. Shortly after his game crashes and his dog was gone with no trace. He even said he couldn't bury Obelisk because there was nothing to bury and said it was a [[Fate Worse Than Death|fate worse than Creepers]]
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'''Overthegun''': [[Lampshade Hanging|"Fucking stupid music then."]] }}
* [[Schmuck Bait]]: He always seems to stumble across ways to die that seem incredibly obvious to the viewers of the videos, even if they've never played the game before. One example is in his F.E.A.R 2 playthrough, where he stumbles across an obvious railed out hole, in which a body was just dropped into. It's bloody around the walls, there's no visible means of climbing out of the hole or no general way of escaping, and there are tons of bodies down at the bottom. OTG seemed to think that was a good place to go loot searching. No prizes for guessing what happens to him.
* [[Self -Deprecation]]
* [[Self -Imposed Challenge]]: He is not used to the WASD control configuration, but always plays on that configuration to keep things interesting. His actual preferred control configuration would have him be considered an [[Improbable Weapon User]].
* [[Shaped Like Itself]]: "If it's immune to time rewind, then...it's immune to being rewound. In time."
* [[Shout Out]]: Makes quite a few. Getting "[[Terminator]] 2'd" in [[Metal Gear Solid]], "[[Fullmetal Alchemist|Roy Mustanging]]" in [[Bio Shock]]...
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]: OTG smoked through much of his 'Season 1' [[HTS Fs]] but after a while, started to quit smoking actual cigarettes. He still smokes, although it's with his new eCig.
* [[Sophisticated As Hell]]: Despite swearing very casually, he still manages to put in some refined vocabulary. Lampshaded by Claire in the ''[[Borderlands (Video Game)|Borderlands]]'' second set (part 22):
{{quote| '''humbugle''': "I always find it funny with you, because you've got this proper like, broad Yorkshire accent and then you say all these like...proper...you know...[[Buffy -Speak|"LOL" words-]]"<br />
'''Overthegun''': "-Archaic."<br />
'''humbugle''': "...words genereally spoken by proper posh people. So it's like, WTF?" }}
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* [[Talking Is a Free Action]]: Subverted in ''Xain'd Sleena'' where he rambles on about the [[Double Jump]] mechanics...while the level timer ticks away until it runs out and kills him.
* [[Taking the Bullet]]: During an assassination mission in ''[[Prototype (Video Game)|Prototype]]'':
{{quote| '''Overthegun''': "Oh for fuck's sake! It- bloody car tanked for him! Oh that's BOLLOCKS! Everybody's jumping in front of me rockets,man.'Noooo. Not the [[Buffy -Speak|APC-tank-thing]] noooo!' Dickheads! "}}
** Also happens in Minecraft. Strafe the wolf took a Creeper explosion, keeping it from hitting OTG.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: Every time he "takes a piss" at some point, [[Hilarity Ensues]]. EVERY TIME.
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* [[Viewers Like You]]: Mostly on his streams. For a specific example, the viewers actually pitched in to purchase a graphics card when it died during his ''[[Amnesia the Dark Descent (Video Game)|Amnesia the Dark Descent]]'' run. He is using it to this day and is not hesitant of thanking the viewers at the time of this edit.
* [[Viva Las Vegas]]: Actually had one hell of a 21st almost-birthday experience here, during a tournament trip. The whole story can be heard at the end of hid Dota2 Twitch.tv stream.
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?]]: In the below-mentioned "Curse you Cloud8745", he writes in the description.
{{quote| '''Overthegun''': "A running joke between Aaron and a few people, and is quite obviously not serious...except for the [[Doom|sounds when going first person]]...Those are serious."}}
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Heinous?]]: His "Curse you Could8745" video, where his home is "ransacked" by another Letsplayer (as an injoke) and he overreacts to all the little changes in his room.
* [[Who Dares]]: Has recently been quite fond of this phrase, especially in his ''[[Gears of War]] 3'' HTSF.
* [[Wild Mass Guessing]]: [[Gone Horribly Wrong]], when accusations were being wrongly thrown left and right on who hacked his channel on August 1st 2009. (See [[April Fools' Day]]) He needed to make two videos apologizing for the chaos it stirred up.
* [[Women Drivers]]: In ''[[Borderlands (Video Game)|Borderlands]]'', Claire (in-game name Humbugle) does little to clear up the stereotype on at least two occasions.
{{quote| '''Overthegun''': What have you done to this Claire?<br />
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{{quote| '''Overthegun''': "It's not [[Pacman]]. It's [[Pokémon]]. You can't go from right side of the screen to the left side! It dun't work like that!"}}
* [[X Meets Y]]: He first thinks ''[[Braid (Video Game)|Braid]]'' is ''Mario'' meets ''[[Prince of Persia]]''. He realises that he's quite off the mark by the end of the first set.
* [[Yank the DogsDog's Chain]]:
** [[Thirteen Is Unlucky|Part 13]] of ''Ghouls 'n Ghosts''. OTG is struggling hard for the last hour to find a weapon drop to replace his axes (which acts as a [[PowerupPower-Up Letdown]] for him). He begs for any another weapon and he [[Give the Dog A Bone|finally finds chakrams.]] In less than ONE MINUTE of acquiring the chakrams axes respawn right on top of him. To hammer the point home, he actually manages to get a sword after that incident and he, again, gets axes in less than a minute. {{spoiler|He manages to keep some daggers he later finds though.}}
** In ''[[Serious Sam]]'', the part 3 of set 2, he spends over ten minutes on a single difficult mob fight. When he finally gets through to beating the mob, he clicks on his second monitor, tries to save his game and realizes that he just saved his game paused with no idea how to unpause it. Cue redoing the mob fight again.
* [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe]]: Absolutely loves Frog from ''[[Chrono Trigger (Video Game)|Chrono Trigger]]'' due to this trope.