Oz/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: He's a very good guy with great intentions but he can be really petty at times.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: He can be an angry, angry man.
* [[Kavorka Man]] or [[Handsome Lech]]
* [[Love Makes You Crazy]]: Wittlesey moving to England drove McManus to drinking, {{spoiler|singing Camptown Races at a wake for a slain black CO}}, and {{spoiler|Glynn finally firing him.}}
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* [[Decoy Protagonist]]: Writer Tom Fontana had to argue for this, as it was unheard of to focus on one major character, only to kill him in the first episode.
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Kill It With Fire]]
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Wouldn't allow his kids to see him in OZ.
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* [[Distaff Counterpart]]: Is pretty much this to all the other inmates.
* [[Gosh Dang It to Heck]]: Which makes her foul mouthed moments even funnier.
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]: She is very attractive indeed... and she knows it.
* [[Manipulative Bitch]]
* [[Platonic Life Partners]]: With Richie Hanlon and Nat Ginzburg.
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* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: Subverted. No one finds her attractive but she uses her position to get who she wants to have sex with her.
* [[Dominatrix]]
* [[Double Standard Rape (Female On Male)]]: Exploited. She knows that no one would believe a woman could possibly rape a man. She uses this to her advantage.
* [[Manipulative Bitch]]
* [[The Vamp]]: A variant. Unlike most Vamps, she doesn't lure men with promises of sex, she outright molests them.