Paper Mario (franchise)/Funny: Difference between revisions

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** [[Completely Missing the Point|"I DON'T KNOW ANYBODY NAMED GONZALES!!!"]]
** And, of course, Bowser's reaction to the news that he has been beaten to yet another Crystal Star... by ''[["No Respect" Guy|Luigi]]''.
** "Swimming. I was ''swimming''."
** In the first interlude, Bowser can listen to two Hammer Bros. in a conversation. The first one starts blabbing about how he caught Bowser mooning over a picture of Princess Peach, all while the other one is telling him to shut it. His reaction when he turns around is pretty damn hilarious.
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* The scene shortly after the above where, in the middle of Toadsworth talking, 2 Pianta mobsters show up in the background and begin working two Craws (Gus and Garf) over before leaving. You're in Rogueport for 5 minutes and you've already witnessed a gang war.
* During the final Bowser level, you can talk to that rich toad lady. Unlike the others, who cower in fear from Bowser, she begins admiring his horns before asking if she can mount them above her fireplace. [[Squick|Bowser's reaction is priceless]].
** Also, telling Bub that you're [[Shout -Out|Koopa Koot, and to tremble before your constant favor-asking]].
*** Or "I am Bowser, businessman of legend! Fear my accounting!"
* When you try to wake General White, the game snarks at you how that's not working. Each and every time. You do it about a dozen times. Twice. And each is funnier than the last. Stuff like "Sleeping like a 'stached baby." or "He woke up... just kidding, he's still asleep."
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'''[[Super Paper Mario (Video Game)|Super Paper Mario]]'''
* The dating sim parody between Peach and Francis the nerdy chameleon, which he uses to ask Peach to marry him. The possible responses [[But Thou Must!|range from accepting to]] ''[[But Thou Must!|considering]]''; one is "How much money do you make?" Peach snaps at the player no matter which choice is picked.
** And at one point Francis hovers the cursor over "Smooch" for a few seconds, then quickly picks something else.
** [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch|"I love going on message boards and complaining about games I've never played!"]]
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* After defeating King Croacus, Tippi says quite possibly the most awesomely nonchalant line in the whole game.
{{quote| "We have defeated your king. Get over it."}}
* The Underchomp battle, which is one big [[Shout -Out]] to the [[MOTHER]] series. The text in the battle in just ridiculous.
{{quote| "[Character] dodges like a pro"<br />
"Oh no! It's putrid!"<br />