Paris Hilton/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ear Worm]]: Her music was rather catchy
** ''I Want You, Not Leaving Without You, Nothing In This World''<br />Don't forget ''Stars Are Blind'' or its parody about her!
* [[Love to Hate]]: For some of her detractors, she's fun to despise.
* [[Love It or Hate It]]: Dare you to find someone who is like "eh" about her, She doesn't make people feel things for her in halves. .
* [[No Such Thing as Bad Publicity]]: She probably wouldn't be nearly as famous as she is if it weren't for her sex tape.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: If she really is that smart, she does a damn good job of hiding it.
* [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap]]: Her performance in ''[[Repo! The Genetic Opera]]'' and her mock Presidential campaign did this for a good number of her detractors.
** As of late, she's begun to focus more on managing her own business and actually ''doing something.'' (Bless you, ladies of [[The View]].) This could take her out of the Scrappy Heap for more people depending on where it all goes.
* [[Rich Bitch]]: Well, we definitely know she's got the green. More often than not used as slang for a wealthy chick.
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[[Category:Paris Hilton]]
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