Partially-Civilized Animal: Difference between revisions

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These animals are a notch higher than the [[Nearly-Normal Animal]], [[Speech-Impaired Animal]], and [[Talking Animal]], but not quite [[Civilized Animal|Civilized Animals]]s. They're [['''Partially-Civilized Animal]]'''s!
Like the [[Nearly-Normal Animal]], [[Speech-Impaired Animal]], and [[Talking Animal]], the [['''Partially-Civilized Animal]]''' is very much an animal when it comes to thought processes, personality, instincts, priorities, and motivations. They are more frequently depicted as just walking on four legs than on [[Four Legs Good, Two Legs Better|walking on two legs]] or [[Running on All Fours|walking both ways]]. Quite a few of them can walk on two legs as well they can on four legs, but they still normally walk on all fours. Like the [[Civilized Animal]], they may wear a few accessories or articles of clothing (often in pantless fashion) and often have some sort of [[Mouse World]].
[['''Partially-Civilized Animal]]'''s can make human-like arm and hand gestures and many can grasp objects as if they have opposable thumbs. Some are bipedal even if their species isn't naturally so, but many others are depicted as staying on four legs if they are a four-legged animal in [[Real Life]]. Like [[Nearly-Normal Animal]], [[Speech-Impaired Animal]], and [[Talking Animal]] birds, [['''Partially-Civilized Animal]]''' birds can have [[Feather Fingers]], but their wings have to look completely like wings.
Unlike the [[Nearly-Normal Animal]], [[Speech-Impaired Animal]], and [[Talking Animal]], [['''Partially-Civilized Animal]]'''s exhibit some form of civilized manner, usually to a lesser degree than the [[Civilized Animal]], and often have some form of [[Mouse World]]. Unlike the [[Civilized Animal]], the majority of the mannerisms are that of the animal and they are more likely to be four-legged than two legged if they are naturally four legged.
This is between the [[Civilized Animal]] and the [[Nearly-Normal Animal]], [[Speech-Impaired Animal]], and [[Talking Animal]] on the [[Sliding Scale of Anthropomorphism]].
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* The animals in the two ''[[Ice Age]]'' sequels
* The owls in the ''[[Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole]]''
* Timon and Rafiki are this in the three ''[[The Lion King]]'' movies, but they are [[Civilized Animal|Civilized Animals]]s in the TV series ''[[Timon and Pumbaa]]''.
* The animals in ''[[Rio]]''
* Rattlesnake Jake and the armadillo from ''[[Rango]]''
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* Red XIII from ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'' walks on four legs and generally acts like the ...[[Buffy-Speak|pumadogthing]] he is, but at the same time [[Talking Animal|able to talk]], [[Intellectual Animal|extremely intelligent]] [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|and wears a hair decoration]].
* The Bunny Children from ''[[Epic Mickey]]'' are this, even though [[Oswald the Lucky Rabbit]] (their father) and Ortensia [[Interspecies Romance|the]] ''[[Interspecies Romance|cat]]'' (their mother) are full-fledged [[Funny Animal|Funny Animals]]s.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* The canines in ''[[Wurr (Webcomic)|Wurr]]'' at first seem like [[Talking Animal|Talking Animals]]s... then we find out that the dogs are in the Bronze Age.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
