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== [[Film]] ==
* [[Austin Powers]] is a 1960s spy, frozen and then thawed, bringing his "mod" lifestyle and fashion sense with him.
* ''[[Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom (Film)|Indiana Jones and Thethe Temple of Doom]]'': Indy crash-lands into a remote village in India, whose people are suffering because they lost their sacred stones.
* ''[[Ong Bak]]'': A small traditional village has its statue stolen, and sends its resident warrior into the city to get it back.
* ''[[Stargate (Filmfilm)|Stargate]]'': A different planet happens to be remarkably similar to ancient Egypt.
* ''{{spoiler|[[The Village]]}}'' was founded by people who wanted to "get away" from modern evils, by reverting to a simpler life with [[Just a Stupid Accent|accents]].
* In ''[[Up]]'', Carl dreamed of adventuring to Paradise Falls as a child. About 60 years later, he manages to get there... and it looks exactly the same as when he was a kid.
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* ''[[The Simpsons]]'' has an episode where they visit "Colonial Springfield," based on Colonial Williamsburg.
* On ''[[Futurama]]'', Past-O-Rama is a historical theme park [[Future Imperfect|that gets everything wrong]].
* In ''[[Tom Goes to Thethe Mayor]]'', Tom and the Mayor stage a forced 19th-century re-enactment, including compulsory trade-ins of car keys for horses and a complete power-down of Jefferton's electrical grid. [[It Got Worse|Chaos ensues]].
* ''[[South Park]]'' parodied the theme park version, with the performers refusing to break character even in the midst of a hostage crisis.
* The ''[[Kim Possible]]'' episode "Cap'n Drakken" started with a class trip to a historical-recreation village, and concluded with a sail-and-cutlass battle against a [[Ghost Pirate]] crew (led by Drakken, who was possessed by the ghost captain).