Patapon: Difference between revisions

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* [[Annoying Laugh]] - "Keh heh heh heh!" That's kinda annoying sometimes.
* [[Annoying Arrows]] - Yumipons arrows don't do a lot of damage on their own; they're made for for spreading status effects around the battlefield. It works in reverse, too; it's not uncommon for just two or three enemy Yumitons/mens/deths with fire or sleep bows to rain a nightmare on the squad from on top of a building until it's toppled. They are also still useful against bosses since the bosses pretty much take up half the battlefield, so almost all the arrows will hit them.
* [[Anti -Magic]] - Slogturtle has this ability.
* [[Anyone You Know]] - "Aid us, Oh Mighty Troper!"
* [[Arrows On Fire]] - Yumipons can end up with these with the right equipment.
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* [[The Chosen One]] - Patapon Hero.
* [[Clingy MacGuffin]] - The hero's mask may or may not be this.
* [[Color -Coded Armies]] - Played straight in ''Patapon'', everything on the Patapon side is white, everything on the Zigoton side is red.
** Continues with Karmen using orange, Bonedeth using toxic green...And Akumapon using sickly purple along a gratuitous amount of [[Extra Eyes]].
** Also used in ''Patapon 3'' 's multiplayer Versus games. One team is Blue, the other is Red.
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* [[Cowardly Boss]] - most bosses back off after they've incurred significant damage.
** Inverted in Patapon 3, bosses will go berserk and attack without warning once they've lost enough health.
* [[Crapsack World]] - Patapon 3. You and your [[Five -Man Band|Five Patapon Band]], plus Sukopon at the Hideout, are the last surviving members of your species from an apocalypse which you brought upon yourselves. Excluding Silver Hoshipon, everyone else has been turned to stone, is a demon or controlled by one, or is a massive, starving beast trying to devour you. Happy place indeed.
** It is implied the other tribes are suffering/suffered as well. Sonarchy heavily implies once {{spoiler|that the Karmen have gone extinct due to this, and does this ''while taking shelter in the very same bunker-like building you first saw Ormen Karmen perched/napping upon during Patapon 2'' no less.}}
** Minorly, also present during Patapon 1, but that has more to do with the fact Patapon are absolutely helpless at surviving on their own.
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* [[Dramatic Wind]] - The cape from the Patapon 3 heroes always flows behind them. Even if they turn around.[[Fridge Logic|Even if there should be no wind at all.]]
* [[Drop the Hammer]] - A preferred weapon type for Dekapons.
* [[Dual -Wielding]] - The fighting style of the Myamsar class.
** The Destrobo and Bowmunk, along with their predecessor Robopon, could arguably count as this... that is, if you count using massive prosthethic metal hands to smash everything in your path dual wielding.
* [[Easy Communication]] - Not giving out any commands or failing to complete an order sequence makes the Patapons stay still as sitting ducks, [[Too Dumb to Live|not making any effort to save themselves]]. No wonder the Zigotons were owning them at the start of the original Patapon.
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* [[Easy Logistics]] - For some reason, Toripons, Yumipons and Yaripons have infinite ammo. No Patapon of your army ever seems to get tired in the battlefield,even if you never see them eat, and in fact you never see them leave the obelisk.
* [[Eccentric Mentor]] - Silver Hoshipon.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Dinosaurs]] - Again, Dodonga and it's variants.
* [[Everythings Better With Bunnies]] /EverythingsBetterWithCows /EverythingsBetterWithMonkeys /EverythingsBetterWithPenguins /CuteKitten /MessyPig /PreciousPuppies / [[Frogs and Toads]] /long etc.The list of rarepons in Patapon 2 is pretty large, with examples pertaining to almost every classic animal/creature stereotype. You can even make angels and [[Instant Awesome Just Add Dragons|dragons!]]
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Spinning]]: The "Don Chaka like it's 1999!" dance. Also, the Hero does a lot of spinning in hero mode if he's a Robopon or a Dekapon.
** [[Spin to Deflect Stuff]]: The Uberhero Wooyari's Hero mode has him spin his weapon very quickly to make a ring of fire or ice, which can deflect arrows.
* [[Evil Counterpart]] - ''Patapon 2'' 's Dark One is an [[Evil Knockoff]] of your own hero, down to changing classes when needed.
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** The Rarepons from the two previous games were the rarity-based variant, purposefully done.
* [[Fan Nickname]] - Patapons = Pons, Zigotons = Ziggies.
* [[Fire, Ice, Lightning]] - Come Patapon 2, there are weapons and effects pertaining to all three.
* [[Fission Mailed]] - In the first and second game. Unless you managed to get [[Sequence Breaking]].
* [[Five -Bad Band]] - The Zigoton Generals in the first game
** [[The Brute]] - Beetleton
** [[The Dark Chick]] - Kharma
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*** [[Sixth Ranger]] - Slogturtle
*** [[The Dragon]] - Ragewolf
* [[Five -Man Band]] - Patapon 3
** [[The Hero]] - [[Department of Redundancy Department|Your Hero.]]
** [[The Lancer]] - Hatapon.
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* [[Forged By the Gods]] - Divine weapons. Well,you "don't" actually forge these yourself,it's more like you "help" the blacksmith forge them...
* [[Forging Scene]]: Ton Kampon and Fwoosh Famooze's minigame.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]] - Some of the bosses shoot these from their mouths. In ''Patapon 3'', players can get the lasergun too.
* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]] - Makoton a normal soldier,once you killed his best friend.He turns into a general then he turned into the {{spoiler|demonic evil and hard Dark One.}}
* [[Fungus Humongous]] - Sentient demonic mushroom Matango.
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** And then we have the level ''"Search for a Lucky Star"''. Oh my god. First off, despite what people might say, you do NOT have to sacrifice one of your own Patapons to get it to stop raining; it happens randomly, and scarcely. Once you {{spoiler|rescue Hoshipon}} from the Pincheek, '''you must keep still'''. March too far ahead, and he will get mad and promptly leave without giving you anything, and no one warns you about it except he himself saying "Hey hey, are you listening to me?" earlier. Oh, and doing this is the only way to obtain the [[McGuffin]] needed to unlock the [[Giant Enemy Crab]] boss and continue the story. Headdesks ensue.
** In Patapon 3, not all versions of the manual state where you can find the Pause command... which leads to several people completing the game without the ability to pause.
* [[Have You Seen My God?]] - The standard start of the games; with the few remaining Patapon trying desesperately to get you back.
* [[Healing Potion]] - Sometimes these are dropped.
* [[Heel Face Turn]] - In each [[Sequel Hook]], {{spoiler|the Patapons are seen working with their enemy tribe to achieve whatever next challenge they'll be facing}}. Played with in the second game; [[Worthy Opponent|Gong just wants his honor from beating you]], but realizes about halfway through that the Karmens are a bigger issue.
* [[Hello, Insert Name Here]]
* [[Hero Antagonist]] - The Zigoton species as a whole once you progress enough in the original game, when they switch from fighting you to push you back into their domination, into fighting you to prevent {{spoiler|the freakin' world from being destroyed!}}(which is what their legends state will happen if you reach IT). But specially General Gong: he cares for his troops (and his troops adore him back), remains loyal to his queen until the death, and sacrifices himself in a last stand to defend his species's honor, {{spoiler|which are about to be all turned into demons so the Patapon are stopped once and for all.}}
* [[Hero Unit]] - introduced in the sequel. Upgraded into the Uberhero for the third game.
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* [[MacGuffin]] - IT is the main motivation of the Patapons on their journey to Earthend. What IT is, though, is unknown to anyone.
* [[Mama Bear]](or [[Papa Wolf]]) - Pekkora are cute, fluffy, sheep-like creatures that inhabit the snowy levels of Patapon 2. Usually, they have a [[Gentle Giant]] demeanor; they will refuse to attack back their offenders,and will simply try to run away at a slow pace along with their little Pekkorako. But, kill any of their children, even a single one, and they will turn into a terrifying monster with massive maws,in a [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]...right at your army.
* [[Man -Eating Plant]] - Two of the bosses, Shookle and Shooshookle.
* [[Man On Fire]] - Unless you invested time and ka-ching in upgrading your troops's resistance to fire in later levels, expect your patapons to constantly run back and forth through the screen in a frenzy, their asses ablaze and losing health as they disobey your commands and unwittingly get in the way of enemy attacks.
* [[Mask Power]] - And how! The Hero from the second game is powered up through masks and with the right combination he can become a Gamebreaker
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* [[Musical Assassin]] - The Megapon units shoot sound wave projectiles out of tubas.
* [[Musical Gameplay]]
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]- Literally. {{spoiler|Your Hero unit is the lone Patapon who broke the magical egg at the world's core and caused the downfall of the Patapon empire.}}
* [[Nintendo Hard]] - If you don't know what you're doing.
** Patapon 3 in general. Specially, the multiplayer dungeons. Even the first of these requires a well-coordinated lvl 25+ team with decent equip and rhytm skills to be completed. [[Oh Crap|And it only gets harder from there.]]
*** The last floor of the last multiplayer dungeon features '' '''[[Cluster F -Bomb|fucking bladed pendulums that are a fucking one-hit K.O. and never fucking STOP!!]]''' ''
* [[No Body Left Behind]] - Patapons and the opposing tribes melt into puddles when killed; however it seems to be just the way their body works, as defeated Uberheroes melt as well but DO leave their mask behind. Averted with bosses. Played straight with Patapon 3's mini-bosses such as Treants and Cyclops, which just dissapear into nothingness.
* [[No Cutscene Inventory Inertia]] - Patapon 2. In the few cutscenes of the game,your hero unit always appears as a normal lvl1 yaripon with Shuba mask, no matter what class, level, rarepon and mask you have him as.
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* [[Nostalgia Level]] - The final duel against Ravenous features the original, unremixed version of {{spoiler|Gong's theme}} as the song. {{spoiler|He even says the same thing upon death!}}
** {{spoiler|At least this time [[Tear Jerker|it's just temporary.]] }}
* [[One -Hit Polykill]] - Several late-game ranged weapons (bows, the megapon's red notes) have got "pierce factors" and can go through several enemies and through structures. In the case of the megapons, these red notes are so strong that they can literally become one hit polykills.
* [[Only Sane Man]] - In Patapon 3 your hero seems pretty well aware about the insanity going around and often lampshades events and characters in his dialogue, even without the player's choice input. Within the different sides, Ragewolf does this to the other Dark Heroes, and Silver Hoshipon and Hatapon to the rest of Patapons.
* [[Pass Through the Rings]] - Patapon 2 and 3's obstacle courses. Only by getting past the signs you earn the needed time to get to the end. Specially frustrating in Patapon 3 as this is the only way to obtain the Pause song, and to reach it you're going to have to ''literally wipe out every single obstacle in range with your every attack command to make it to the end in time.''
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* [[That One Level]] - The Evilmass of Adamance in Patapon 3. It doesn't help that a certain guillotine gives players a [[Guide Dang It]] moment or even glitch out on you unexpectedly.
* [[The Wiki Rule]] - [\] Call it Patapedia.
* [[This Cannot Be!]] - "Impossible...Bababaan is can't can't let it happen".
* [[Timed Mission]] - The obstacle course training levels in Patapon 2 and 3 have you try to reach the end before the timer runs out. Reaching it is, in fact, the only way to obtain the pause song in Patapon 3.
** The second floor of Estate of Earnestness has you doing this. Fail to reach the end in time and you won't obtain the key needed to open the gate and get to the boss.
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* [[Walking Head]] - The Patapons and the tribes opposing them.Heck,they're EYES on stick legs!
* [[War Has Never Been So Much Fun]] - Brightly colored backgrounds, absolutely adorable critters as your army and your enemies, defeated units melt into the ground instead of collapsing in pools of gore. The Patapons's ultimate goal is to reach Earthend. Aww, look at the cute little eyeballs with [[Badass Adorable|swords and spears]] go at it!
** Then comes the desert level, and the game does a [[Darker and Edgier]] spiral of madness showing what you're actually doing. [[My God, What Have I Done?]] .
* [[We Could Have Avoided All This]] - The Patapons and the Zigotons both want IT, but the Zigotons have a prophecy stating the Patapons will destroy the world if they march. {{spoiler|They don't even really find IT at the end.}} The Queen sort of lampshades it in the ending cinematic.
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?]] - Triggering either Fever mode or one of your miracles.
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's for Kids?]] - Mild violence, censored bad words (Rarely in Patapon, at least), pole dancing, creepy monsters [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|and]] [[RPG Elements]]. Yup, E-rated.
** Final bosses Gorl, Dettan Karmen, Arch Pandara. [[Eldritch Abomination]] with a hint of [[Body Horror]].
* [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made On Drugs?]] - You're the god of a tribe of eyeball people, which you must command into battle against other tribes of eyeball people by drumming four sacred, colored drums, so they can reach their ultimate objective; IT, which is located at the end of the Earth and no one knows what it is, but [[Unfortunate Implications|is said to grant eternal happiness.]] Along the way, you deal with masks with great powers that wipe out memories when worn; giant multicolored easter eggs with several [[Sealed Good in A Can]] inside, including a princess and the core of the world; massive [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]] with a second head on their stomach; star-shaped people that drop money from their body, demons, and even overweight djinns. Yep, not made on drugs indeed.
* [[When It Rains It Pours]] - In the first two games. ''Patapon 3'' has a "light" rain too.
* [[When Trees Attack]] - ''Patapon 3'' introduces a tree-like enemy.
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* ~You Shouldn't Know This Already~ - You can't learn new drumbeats until you unlock the relevant "drum" by finding it in the stage it's hidden in.
* [[Yellow Lightning Blue Lightning]] - Cartoonish lightning to accompany the storms is the way to go.
* [[You Bastard]] - The huntable Pekkora in Patapon 2. The tips not only mention that killing the Pekkora without killing it's children gets you a better quality fur, it actually encourages you to do it. Then you actually do it, and are immediately rewarded with [[Tear Jerker|the sight of the little Pekkorako crying]] [[What the Hell, Hero?|over the limp body of their mother in the background.]]
** Patapon 1 is filled with this from the desert stage and on until almost the very end.