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*** St. James the Greater is also the second [[Patron Saint]] of the United States, although nobody ever mentions it.
* [[A Man for All Seasons|St. Thomas More]] was made the [[Patron Saint]] of lawyers and statesmen. If ''[[The West Wing]]'' is ever remade and the President is still Catholic, there should be an icon of More in the Oval Office, don't you think?
* Bartholomew the Apostle, who - among other things - presides over mental and neurological disorders. [[<!-- 28New_Earth29%28New_Earth%29 There's got to be someone of that name]] [[AttentionDeficitOohShinyAttention Deficit Ooh Shiny|with a mental disorder...right?]] -->
* There is a traditional grouping of saints invoked together as protectors against certain ills, the [ "Fourteen Holy Helpers"] often honored together in one church or shrine: St. Agathius, St. Barbara, St. Blaise (on whose feast day Catholics used to have their throats blessed against disease), St. Catherine of Alexandria (she of the wheel, which was commemorated in the Catherine-wheel firework), St. Christopher, St. Cyriacus, St. Denis of France, St. Erasmus, St. Eustace, St. George, St. Giles, St. Margaret of Antioch (who was swallowed by a devil in the form of a dragon, made the sign of the Cross, burst out of its stomach, and became patroness of childbirth), St. Pantaleon, and St. Vitus (he of the dance, ''i.e.'', the disease choreia). Their most famous shrine, the ''[ Basilika Vierzehnheiligen]'' near Bamberg (Bavaria, Germany), is a very well-known work of Baroque architecture by the famous Balthasar Neumann.
* One theory of the origin of the nautical legend of Davy Jones' Locker is that Davy Jones is actually a bowlderized version of Saint David of Wales, whom Welsh sailors would beseech for aid in times of danger. In this interpretation, Davy Jones is not punishing, but helping sailors, by keeping their souls safe in his Locker.
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