Penny and Aggie/Recap/D-Day: Difference between revisions

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* [[Adults Are Useless]] - Played with, in the case of Michelle's parents. On the one hand, they express their concern over her having stopped socializing. On the other, they appear not to notice she's been losing weight at an unhealthy pace until Penny's intervention alerts them. In their defence, one strip early in the chapter shows Michelle avoiding having to join them for dinner by cooking for them while claiming to have eaten already, wearing long oven mitts to conceal her thin hands, and distracting them by feigning interest in her father's business.
* [[Camp Gay]] - Fred.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]] - At the end of [[Penny and Aggie (Webcomic)/The Popsicle War Interventions/Recap|Interventions]], Sara is seen having just phoned an unknown person. The beginning of the present arc reveals that she was calling Penny to give her a heads-up about Aggie's plan to turn Marshall against Karen, and to let Penny know where they'd be jogging. This answers the question of how Penny both knew to track Aggie down, at the climax of the previous arc, and figured out what had crushed her spirit.
* [[Enemy Mine]] - Daphne's apparent attitude towards Penny. In contrast to Aggie, who as of the beginning of this chapter interacts with Penny in a genuinely friendly way, even joking with her, Daphne is civil but more guarded.
* [[Extreme Doormat]] - Once again, [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] with Helen. She falls apart after discovering she's no longer needed as a mole, nor as Bob's and Elmer's sexual partner.
* [[Friends Withwith Benefits]] - Stan and Brandi again, with a hint that their mutual attraction is becoming more than physical. In contrast, as of this arc Stan is no longer FWB with Cyndi.
* [[How Dare You Die Onon Me!]] - Penny's desperate, angry--and successful--attempt to make Michelle see what her self-starvation is doing to her and those who love her.
{{quote| If I let you go now, you're gonna beam yourself right back to Planet Rationalization, and meanwhile you're dying, Shelly!}}
* [[Imagine Spot]] - Katy-Ann pictures herself as Eve, with Aggie as the serpent, offering the temptation of a "pulpit" as [[Forbidden Fruit]].
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* [[No More for Me]] - Nick's reaction to his coffee cup when he overhears Penny and Aggie entering the house, as friends.
* [[The Power of Friendship]]
* [[Put Onon a Bus]] - This chapter is Helen's final substantial appearance until the much later, brief arc "Bussed Out," in which she literally boards a bus to Boston and to ''[[Something Positive]]''.
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]] - [[Discussed Trope|Discussed]] by Penny and Aggie with regard to Sara, who, as Penny memorably puts it, "has been trying to breed you and me like lesbian mares for most of the year."