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[[File:Stress-BreakSomething_2336BreakSomething 2336.gif|frame|Let it out, buddy.]]
Sometimes you are just angry. Angry enough that you decide to take it out on something or someone. [[Violence Is the Only Option|Physically.]] This violent behavior may target a simple inanimate object, an opponent in a boxing match, or other similar situation, or maybe some convenient villain who happens to be in the area. Anyway, the point is that you are resolving your anger in a violent, but still somewhat socially acceptable way.
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See also [[Dartboard of Hate]], in which the character takes out his frustrations on an enemy's image, and [[Punch a Wall]], a subtrope that specifically deals with punching vertical surfaces.
== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[ShinCrayon ChanShin-chan]]'': ''"The Happiness Bunny"'' - a Japanese woman and daughter who release anger over their abusive husband/father by beating up their stuffed rabbits.
* In ''[[Legend of Galactic Heroes]]'', Reinhard exhibited a tendency to smash wineglasses whenever some particularly bad news was delivered to him. [[Justified Trope|Justified]] in that drinks (and thus glasses) are readily available in those meetings where such news is delivered to.
* How about ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ|Judau Ashta]]'' punching ''Bright Noa, of all people''?
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* One ''[[Dilbert]]'' T-shirt had a picture of Dogbert walking away from a smashed computer with a baseball bat over his shoulder, and the caption "The network is down, but I feel a ''lot'' better!"
== Fan Works ==
* In the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' fanfic ''[[The Arithmancer]]'' and its sequel ''Lady Archimedes'', Hermione resorts to this as stress relief after discovering the Room of Requirement.
* In the [[Spice Girls]]/[[Backstreet Boys]] fic, ''[[In The Dark]]'', Mel gets Melanie to throws at windows of Otis Darwin, as a way to overcome her trauma. Officer Shaw checks it out, and he gives [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right| his baton to destroy Otis's TV set]], blaming it on vandals. He knows who really did it but opts to help.
== Film ==
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* [[Glee]]: Finn, still seething after the betrayal of his best friend's affair with and impregnation of his girlfriend, [[Big Damn Heroes|gets to Sectionals with enough time]] to teach the group a few songs he printed off with the Cheerios printer. After he "trashed the thing."
** In a much earlier episode, Mercedes had developed a crush on Kurt (unaware that he was gay). After he turned her down, but failed to mention he was gay, she smashed his windshield, then sang a song about it. Possibly not an example, as the window smashing may not have been to make herself feel better, but to [[Inverted Trope|make Kurt feel worse]].
* [[Buffy]] Season 2 episode 1, where she ground [[The Master (trope)|The Master]]'s bones to dust using a sledgehammer.
** Spike spends much of the 7th season of the show with an intense case of [[Badass Decay]], presumably due to the after-effects of him being given a soul, and then tormented by the First Evil. After retrieving his [[Badass Longcoat]], he tracks down the Monster of the Week and engages in a brutal brawl with the guy (this being the first time we see Spike enjoy himself all season) before snapping its neck. Afterwards, he tells the corpse that a good fight is "Good for the Soul."
** "A New Man". Giles, after a [[Humiliation Conga]] of events make him feel outdated and useless, comes across his old enemy Ethan Rayne and says, "You have no idea how much thrashing you is gonna improve my day."
** In "Ted" Buffy claims she's not angry over her [[Parent with New Paramour|mother getting a boyfriend]]. [[Gilligan Cut]] to Buffy whaling the crap out of a vampire with a dustbin lid while a nervous Giles stammers that she really should move on to the staking...
* When [[Angel]] sees his [[Love Interest]] Cordelia having sex with his son, he kicks down the door to the stairwell, then we hear the sound of him doing the same to every other door he comes upon.
* [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|Star Trek Deep Space Nine]] episode "For the Uniform." Eddington is always one step ahead of Sisko, so Sisko pummels a punching bag. It works a little better than most since he also shares his feelings with Kira at the time.
* [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]] episode "Chain of Command II." Cardassian Gul Madred has been torturing Picard since the end of the previous episode. Part of the torture involves a remote-activated pain implant. At one point, Madred leaves Picard alone with the remote, so Picard smashes it against the table. Madred walks in and tells him it won't help; he has more remotes. Picard's response:
{{quote|"Still.. It ''felt'' good."}}
* ''[[The Goodies]]''. In "Lighthouse Loonies" Bill goes insane and ends up chasing Tim around the lighthouse wielding a pie. After eventually copping Tim in the face with it Bill says calmly, "I feel better now."
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** Zuko does this ''a lot''.
* Ren in ''[[The Ren and Stimpy Show]]'' does it sometimes. A particularly good example is the beginning of the ''Adult Party Cartoon'' episode "Altruists", where he beats Stimpy up as if it's some kind of routine.
* When told she needs to stop working so excessively, Nicole of ''[[The Amazing World of Gumball]]'' decides to start breaking household objects to relieve stress.
* Benson from ''[[Regular Show]]'' does this often, as he has anger management issues. It's lessened gradually, thanks to character development.
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** That is why, say, inner-city boxing and MMA programs are no longer used for venting frustrations or psychological treatment. Boxing programs and MMA programs do not exist to help their participants vent frustrations and become more peaceful, they exist to provide a safer and legal way of engaging in violence and in some cases to allow participants to better their lives through becoming athletes rather than criminals.
** The reason is actually pretty obvious: [[Percussive Maintenance]] alone does not provide an outlet for one's feelings or emotions unless it is actually coupled with some way of communicating said feelings or emotions and getting some feedback on them. For this purpose, an active form of art (e.g. theatrical martial arts, interpretative dance) or music (e.g. with the actual intent of expression rather than just randomly hitting things) would likely be better than boxing or MMA.
*** The other obvious reason is that it conditions you to deal with emotions agressivelyaggressively, rather than training you in self control. Oddly enough, teaching people to deal with frustration by fighting means a fight the next time they get frustrated.
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