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== Literature ==
* [[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]] has this to say on the [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Silastic Armourfiends of Striterax]]:
{{quote| The Silastic Armourfiends were an insanely aggressive race who lived on the planet Striterax approximately twenty billion years ago "when the universe was young". They were extremely keen on fighting - one of the best ways to deal with a Silastic Armourfiend was to lock him in a room by himself, since he would beat himself up sooner or later. They wrecked the surface of their planet in constant wars, and the whole population lived within bunkers deep below the surface. ''In an attempt to deal with the problems their violent nature created, the Silastic Armourfiends passed a law that anybody who had to carry a weapon as part of their normal work [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|(including policemen, security guards and primary school teachers)]] must spend a minimum of 45 minutes each day punching a sack of potatoes. It was hoped that this would allow them to work off their surplus aggression. This plan worked only until someone had the idea to simply shoot the potatoes, and the Silastic Armourfiends were excited about their "first war for weeks."}}
* In the book Man on Fire by A J Quinell, one character named Benny gets in trouble with the law after trashing the office of an mayor who promised him a job and later acted like every politician will. Benny tried to pay off his frustration with him but he escaped so...
** The sent two dogs after him, they appeared 30 seconds later... through the windows... with their necks broken.
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* [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|Star Trek Deep Space Nine]] episode "For the Uniform." Eddington is always one step ahead of Sisko, so Sisko pummels a punching bag. It works a little better than most since he also shares his feelings with Kira at the time.
* [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]] episode "Chain of Command II." Cardassian Gul Madred has been torturing Picard since the end of the previous episode. Part of the torture involves a remote-activated pain implant. At one point, Madred leaves Picard alone with the remote, so Picard smashes it against the table. Madred walks in and tells him it won't help; he has more remotes. Picard's response:
{{quote| "Still.. It ''felt'' good."}}
* ''[[The Goodies]]''. In "Lighthouse Loonies" Bill goes insane and ends up chasing Tim around the lighthouse wielding a pie. After eventually copping Tim in the face with it Bill says calmly, "I feel better now."