Percy Jackson & the Olympians/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== The Oracle is Chaos ==
No, not ''[[Sailor Moon|that]]'' Chaos, nor ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000|that one]]'', but the primordial Greek Deity that existed long before even Gaia and Uranus. The spirit of the oracle is all that is left of her, and she is playing a millenia-long [[Gambit Roulette]] to regain her power from the Gods.
* I think you forgot [[Final Fantasy I|two more]] [[Dissidia Final Fantasy|Chaoses.]] Does it seem like Chaos gets used a lot for villainous characters, or am i just paranoid?
** Did someone mention [[Sonic Adventure|Chaos]]?
* Doesn't the source mythology inherently [[Joss]] this?
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== There will be one grand crossover with all Cosmologies ==
With Riordan planning to write a series about [[Egyptian Mythology]], there may be a final book that has the gods from many cosmologies getting together to fight...something big. Maybe Aliens.
** Definitely true, since ''[[The Kane Chronicles]]'' references Percy Jackson a lot.
** Maybe they'll fight ''each other''.
** Right now, Gaia has been awakened and is all gearing up to get her vengeance on. In the Kane chronicles Sadie brings a message between Nut and Geb, the divinely separated gods of the earth and sky. That and, you know, [[Oh Crap|very likely aspects of]] [[Did We Just Have Tea With Cthulu|Ouranos and Gaia respectively.]] [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]] anyone?
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* Possibly debunked by Apollo talking about going to japan to learn Haiku, which makes it sound that other areas besides the US are not part of the civilized world (Though, who knows what a god might consider recent.)
* Also, Canada is said to be where Lastrigonian Giants are from - and the way it's said makes it seem like there's nothing else there.
* Debunked by the fact that in the second series, with Egyptian gods, a half-blood is living in London.
* Also debunked by the fact that at the end of the series the satyrs have been overwhelmed with leads on new half bloods from all over the world.
* What? No, it's referred to as the heart of western civilization. At no point do they say there is no other civilization.
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Again, self-explanatory.
* Not if Rick Riordan wants to fend off all those accusations of being a ''[[Harry Potter]]'' knockoff...
* The son will have his memory wiped and be sent back in time to host Kronos. They named their son after their son!
** Now we've gone from stealing Harry Potter to stealing Doctor Who! Are you TRYING to piss off the major nerd fanbases?
== The Half-Bloods' dyslexia only applies to the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets ==
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* Stella has no known family except a mother who looks exactly like her, She has mixed Italian/Greek heritage but values the Greek more like a Greek goddess who was Roman for a while. They both live in New York. She seems to solve crimes for the mystery and logic rather than because it is her job such as when she didn't go on strike. And finally, they are both played by Melina Kankarades.
** Stella has had sex, Athena is a maiden. Jossed. Hard.
*** It was a look-alike succubus!
*** If Athena is a maiden, what's up with Annabeth and all her half-siblings? double Jossed.
**** They are gifts from the mind. Don't recall in which book
**** It's from the fourth book. Athena mentions that she and all other children of Athena are quite literally brainchilds (brainchildren?) formed from her divine thoughts and "ingenuity of the mortal father".
== In [[The Film of the Book|the movie]] all of the mythological creatures are [[Mutants|mutates]] ==
* To elaborate Grover the satyr must "earn his horns", Medusa was cursed into gorgonhood, and demigods are plentiful implying that as far as the gods are concerned biology is just a polite suggestion and therefore create satyrs, centaurs, hydras, and whathaveyou on whim. Also, [[Unfortunate Implications|Unfortunately]] [[The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body]]
** Actually, the part about Medusa being cursed is from actual [[Greek Mythology]]. Athena cursed because she was a maiden of one of her temples and had the [[Disproportionate Retribution|audacity to be raped by Poseiden in Athena's temple.]]
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** That's a pretty crappy "Defense" mechanism.
** This is actually canon in the original Greek myths; it was how Hera killed Dionysus' mother, a mortal princess - she goaded said princess into asking to see Zeus' true, divine form, and got burnt to a crisp.
* The sequel series reveals that their true form is pure energy. That'd explain it.
== There will be a Crossover Crossover with ''[[The Kane Chronicles]]'' eventually. ==
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== One or more characters is a [[Time Lord]] ==
* Kronos
** Pshaw!
== Rachel Elizabeth Dare is Cassandra of Troy reborn. ==
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* The second book does feature at least one heroic character who was reborn {{spoiler|(Hazel)}} and at least one other character who un-died almost immediately {{spoiler|(Gwen)}} due to Thanatos being chained. And if the gods get desperate enough, Hades might be willing to allow some loopholes...
== Prometheus will be the villain in the new series. ==
Do you ''really'' think that a couple of kids could [[Out Gambit]] the Titan who's embodies forethought least of all Percy "[[Leeroy Jenkins]]" Jackson? Prometheus always has a plan, from giving fire to man, to being chained to a rock, to telling Percy to give up ''knowing'' that that would urge him onwards to eliminate Kronos and pave the way for his own designs which are much, much more insidious and intricate than "Take over a kid's body, Attack Zeus head on, ????, Profit!". [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|Nice Job Breaking It, Perce.]] Jason's going to be spending the next series fixing your mistakes.
* Firstly, Elpis is Hope, Secondly, Kronos' plan was quite intricate, but Forethought is not "Seeing the future", it's "planning ahead". Thirdly, Jossed.
** But Elpis ''isn't'' hope. Elpis is the expectation of something to happen. It can be something good, or something absolutely horrible, as anyone can tell if they read Ancient Greek manuscripts.
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Completing the big three Western mythologies.
* Son of Thor? Yes Please.
* Ziggy <ref>(Short for Sigurd, of course)</ref> Thompson and The Asgardians?
** His companions will be a snarky daughter of Odin and a dwarf. At the end of the first book, they will be betrayed by a son of Loki who is in league with Surtr and wants to bring about the Ragnarok. Ziggy will bathe in Fafnir's blood and become invincible like Percy. And when the two meet, it will be an extended game of grabass to see who can stab the others weak spot first.
** The storyline will involve, at some point, werewolves, following one part of the Sigmund myth. Also, it will be mentioned that like the Greek demigods, Norse ones tend to have ADHD. However, it's far more likely in their family to manifest as bouts of [[Unstoppable Rage]]. Rather than suffering from Latin-Cyrillic dyslexia, they have to deal with a measure of Gigantism(all being, at the very least, exceptionally big and strong, if not so much as to get a special medical label) and [[Big Eater|a huge appetite.]]
* [ Confirmed!]
** YAY!!!
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* What "Eastern Mythology"? [[Japanese Mythology]]? [[Hindu Mythology]]? Arabian Mythology?
** All of them.
** The gods (all of them, including [[God|the metaphysical one]] ) MUST grant him immortality so he can complete this massive endeavor!
== And the natural progression of all of this will be... ==
Percy, [[The Kane Chronicles|Carter]], [[The Heroes of Olympus|Jason]] and [[Norse Mythology|the son of Thor]] will team up with [[Chinese Mythology|the daughter of the Jade Emperor]], [[Japanese Mythology|the son of Susano-o]], [[Aztec Mythology|a child of Quetzalcoatl]], [[Celtic Mythology|the son of Lugh, trained by Cu Chulainn]], [[Hollywood Voodoo|the child of Baron Samedi]] and the [[Hindu Mythology|child of Ganesha]].
They will travel the world and epic crossovers will be had by all. Percy will do battle with Orochi, Carter will engage Meretseger who has allied with Surtr and strives to bring about the Ragnarok. The Chinese and Japanese demigods will enjoy a [[Slap Slap Kiss|vitriolic relationship]] culminating with them squaring off against [[Eldritch Abomination|Ame-No-Mikaboshi]] while [[Altar the Speed|getting married on a sinking ship.]] Meanwhile, Jason will be sucked into a [[Love Triangle]] with the daughter of Baron Samedi and the daughter of Quetzalcoatl while they try and stop Loki and Tezcatlipoca from upending the world and bringing about chaos. The son of Lugh will die in the throws of the [[Unstoppable Rage|ristrad]] while bringing down Gaia and the child of Ganesha will put an end to Danu while transcending the cycle of suffering...
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== Other famous demigods ==
Demeter and Aphrodite would have had the most adult Demigods because it's mentioned early on in the series that monsters would be less drawn to them.
Famous children of Aphrodite would probably be but aren't limited to:
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* Rudolph Valentino
* Annette Funicello
* Megan Fox (or she could be Aphrodite in disguise. That explains why her appearance is always changing).
* Marilyn Monroe
* Julie Harris
* George Gobel
* Jennifer Jones
* Many real life [[Alpha Bitch|Alpha Bitches]].
* [[Justin Bieber]] - His massive [[Hatedom]] and [[Hate Dumb]] is an organized attempt by the children of Apollo for revenge.
** Until Anonymous/the internet caught on. Now it's just [[Hatedom]].
* [[Taylor Swift]] - Same as Bieber, and ''damn'' if she didn't inherit [[Unkempt Beauty|her mother's characteristics]]!
* [[Big Brother|Dr. Will]].
Famous children of Demeter would probably be:
* Gregor Mendel
* Williams; who is thought of being someone who noticed the Bartlett Pear.
* Will Keith Kellogg; potentially her roman aspect.
* Eli Whitney, although he might have been a child of Athena.
* A lot of professors, deans, and ministers of Agriculture, horticulture, and related fields in the world.
* The inventors of the greenhouse in Rome; though children of her roman aspect because, well, they were invented for ''Rome''!
* John or Mary Elitch (Since [[Elitch Gardens]] originally was a flower garden)
* C.W. Post
* René Dumont
* Louis Pasteur; although he might have been a child of Athena.
* Jethro Tull (Not ''THAT'' one!)
* Robert Bakewell
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* Rush
* Nirvana
** I HIGHLY approve of this theory.
* [[Spinal Tap]] - except for the drummers.
* [[Elvis Presley]]. ''[[The Kane Chronicles]]'' (which takes place in the same universe) says he was an Egyptian magician. But it could be possible that he was a son of Apollo who fell in with the Egyptians because he didn't know his Greco-Roman heritage.
* Johan Sebastian Bach; son of his Roman aspect though.
* A lot of early composers, though probably a mix of his roman and greek aspect since they only made music to what was popular at the time.
* Haydn
* Brubeck
* Tchaikovsky
* Yo Yo Ma
* [[Darren Criss|Darren]] [ Criss] (Since the song had to do with Greek Mythology)
* [[Jimi Hendrix]]
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== The villain in the third series will be Chaos. ==
First, Kronos. Second, the deity who came before Kronos- Gaia. Third, the deity who came before Gaia... Chaos.
* [[Oh Crap]].
* Isn't Chaos already the villian of Kane Chronicles?
* [[Crossover|Exactly.]]
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== Dionysus is Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force ==
Lets look at the facts shall we:
* Both Carl and Dionysus are described as middle aged men with a bad temper, a drinking problem, and looking in not the best of health.
* There are theories that Carl is the reason the ATHF universe is so insane. Everything around him is pure insanity and yet he is regarded as the [[Only Sane Man]]. Keep in mind that Dionysus is also the God of Insanity as well as drinking and partying.
* Both hate half-bloods, just of different variants. Carl hates food/human hybrids, Dionysus is not found of Demigods.
* Carl has been shown to like Pac-man much like Dionysus.
== Kurt Cobain isn't Apollo's son... ==
Apollo IS Kurt. He fits the description to Apollo's mortal form to a T, and he's a genius at poetic lyrics as well as fantastic guitar skills. Kurt Cobain was a social experiment done by Apollo for shits and giggles.
** So Apollo just got bored of his Cobain disguise around '94 and decided to fuck with our minds, bring SHITLOADS of tears, and kill a genre just as it started, and pretend to have shot himself? Not cool
== The series is set in the same universe as [[The Spiderwick Chronicles]] ==
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== The rare humans who can see through the Mist are candidates for the Oracle. ==
Two of the three people we see who can see through the Mist attempt to become the Oracle (Rachel is successful). In addition, all three of the ones we see are female, and the Oracle spirit tends to prefer young females. The difference is that Sally Jackson chose not to take up the opportunity.
* I thought this was already known fact in the series.
== Whoever made Mythomagic is a demigod. Or god (Hermes/Apollo?) ==
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* Are home to a host of mythical creatures, some even crossing over from Greek Mythology like griffons, unicorns, dragons, and of course, the prominence of owls
* Have a shield that makes it so normal people can't see magical or mythical things
* Have names that mean more that meets the eye (Minerva and Hermione especially)
* Quests characters must fulfill
* Go by the fact that you can't fight fate
Also, where does all of this magic in [[Harry Potter]] stem from? It's never explained in Harry Potter how the magic came to be, it's only implied that it has always been around. That, coupled with the fact that the {{spoiler|Roman Camp}} implies that even distant ancestors of the gods still hold abilities and powers of their blood line, it could be that after centuries of the gods having children, and those children having children and so forth, that a whole new breed of people were born with the ability to manipulate the world around them, because their ancestral backgrounds became so watered down that they no longer have the specific powers full on Demigods do. Instead, they have the potential to hone and shape their left over raw power how they please. They need wands to hone that power, because on its own it isn't nearly as powerful as a demigod's. The [[Harry Potter]] world may just be the result of hundreds of years of god blood breeding in and out of society.
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