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[[File:manhats.jpg|link=Watchmen (Comic Book)|rightframe|Dr. Manhattan, giving "[[Flipping the Bird|the finger]]" a whole new meaning.]]
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** Jack Hawksmoor even [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] this at one point, telling the President of the United States something to the point of: "We don't have weapons of mass destruction. We ARE weapons of mass destruction. Don't fuck with us."
** And later on, this is taken to its logical conclusion: {{spoiler|[[The Authority]] takes over the USA, forces what amounts to martial law. Then a rebellion made up of other People of Mass Destruction fought against their power.... and it ends up with Washington being nuked. [[Oh Crap|Oops]].}}
* In the [[Marvel Universe]], [http://en.[ Bolt|Black Bolt]] of the Inhumans, whose voice is so powerful that a shout could awaken volcanoes and cause earthquakes on the ''other'' side of the planet. His birth cries devastated a city. He fears his own powers so much that he's taken a lifelong vow of silence...but when he declares war, he ''really declares "War."''
** In the "[[War of Kings]]" storyline he and the Inhumans do go to war against the Shi'ar and their evil emperor Vulcan (aka Gabriel Summers), who is also a Person of Mass Destruction and a [[Complete Monster]] to boot. What happens when two of these forces collide? {{spoiler|Both are apparently dead by the end of the story.}}
* In the ''[[House of M]]'' storyline in the [[Marvel Universe]], Scarlet Witch ends up becoming one of these, and is somewhat obedient, at first.
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* Marvel's ''[[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]'' was kicked off when Nitro, previously a C-List villain whose power was to "explode", detonated with the force of a low yield nuke. This leveled a small town and brought the attention and ire of the general public down on the heads of superheroes everywhere. (Amazingly enough, at no point in the ''Civil War'' storyline did anyone ever utter the line "It's all Nitro's fault".)
** Unless you count the Wolverine Civil War tie in dedicated to him trying to hunt down Nitro. But the actual main comic itself, yup.
* The [[Marvel Universe]] also has Robert Reynolds, aka [[The Sentry]], who has the power of "[[Up to Eleven|a million exploding suns]]". Easily the strongest individual on Earth (matched only by [[The Hulk]]), capable of [[Flying Brick|flight, super speed, super strength]]; and those are just the powers he uses most often. The [[Superpower Lottery]] made him [http://en.[ (Robert_ReynoldsRobert Reynolds)#Powers_and_abilitiesPowers and abilities|quite rich]]... but also ''seriously'' unhinged, with a (very chatty) [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]. Not to mention that at one point he was taking directions from [[Manipulative Bastard|Norman Osborn]].
* [[Solar Man of the Atom]] in both the [[Valiant Comics]] and [[Dark Horse Comics]] versions.
* [[A Distant Soil]] has Seren, Liana, and Jason.
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* The ''[ Unexpected] [ Results]'' series (a ''[[Trinity Blood]]'' fan fic) has Johanna Sinclair, a character with time manipulation abilities that can trigger what is referred to as 'temporal whiplash', with the effect varying according to the age of the victim. In the case of a human it'll have a similar effect to an electric shock and usually knocks them out. When used on a vampire the result is akin to a bomb going off and it is theorized that using it against anything older than a vampire (i.e. a Crusnik) would be like setting off a nuke. This puts her in the rather difficult position of being theoretically capable of taking out the [[Big Bad]] but not without a hell of a lot of collateral damage.
* Shinji in ''[[Shinji and Warhammer 40 K (Fanfic)|Shinji and Warhammer 40 K]]'', due in part to the [[Lensman Arms Race|ever-increasing scale of the battles with the Angels]], usually ends up destroying much of Tokyo-3 in his efforts to save it, to his considerable chagrin. After a leave of absence, the fact that surprise reinforcements cause so much devastation tips off the defenders that he's returned. There's also a time when whatever ability lets him sync with an Eva get flipped inside out, briefly giving him the power to "crack the planet in half," but he spends a whole story arc trying to fix it.
* ''[ Deep Sleep]'', a ''[[Heroes (TV)|Heroes]]'' [[Dark Fic|fanfic]], has Peter and Sylar battle ([[Coconut Superpowers|fully utilizing their powers]]) and inadvertently [[Story -Breaker Power|shattering continents,]] leaving the west half of the Americas a smoking wasteland, [[A Million Is a Statistic|killing millions]], and bringing about a very [[Bad Future]].
* [[Heroic Sociopath|Mark Westion]] in ''[[Yukari Is Free]] [http://\]'' (an ''[[Azumanga Daioh (Manga)|Azumanga Daioh]]'' [[Mega Crossover|Mega-Crossover]]) possesses the power to fire giant lasers. At one point in the story, he fires one so big it accidentally destroys a planet. His girlfriend then hits him in the face with a baseball bat.
* Justin in [[Kira Is Justice (Fanfic)|Kira Is Justice]].
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** Not to mention his {{spoiler|[[Taking You With Me]] moment, where he ''creates a volcano'' underneath the capital city of Alera.}} It is awesome.
** Also not to mention {{spoiler|our dear [[Guile Hero]] Gaius Octavian, who combines all that power with a devious little mind that looks at everything sideways and upside-down. He once had to get through the gates of Riva, a product of centuries of the strongest furycrafting which added up into something that could take dozens of fireballs without the slightest scorch mark. Tavi pries it apart by using plants to make cracks and pits in the surface, then pushing water in and freezing it. When it finally shatters, the pent-up furies are released and... well, it takes four minutes for the buildings to finish collapsing.}}
* In the ''[[Babylon 5 (TV)|Babylon 5]]'' [[Expanded Universe]] trilogy ''The Passing Of The Technomages'', young [[Magic From Technology|technomage]] [[Bald of Awesome|Galen]] becomes this after learning the spell that creates an unstoppable [[Sphere of Destruction]]. While there are limits on the spell, such as range and size, there is no limit on how fast or how many times Galen can cast it, the spell being one of the most primitive. In a fit of rage, Galen casts the spell dozens of times to level an entire city in a matter of minutes (by destroying building supports) and eliminates 4 powerful warships (by literally taking out their power cores). And after that, he demands to be taken straight to the enemy homeworld to destroy everything there. It is no wonder both sides fear the technomages.
** He becomes even more powerful by the end of the trilogy. By the time of the ''[[Crusade (TV)|Crusade]]'', he is the strongest technomage in existence, simply because only one other technomage has managed to {{spoiler|work in harmony with the tech instead of controlling it}}, but he died shortly after.
* The enslaved gods in the first book of the [[Inheritance Trilogy]], who are used as [[Attack Animal|AttackAnimals]] by their mortal masters, the Arameri family. Although these gods are 'hobbled' and less powerful than before their enslavement, they're still collectively responsible for deadly epidemics, 'disappearing' the inhabitants of cities, and turning a few mountains into craters. They are especially deadly because they're pissed about their enslavement; [[Be Careful What You Say|they will follow any instructions strictly to the letter]], and will use any loophole to try and kill their masters. Their most powerful member, [[Weapon of Mass Destruction|Nahadoth]], {{spoiler|uses a badly-worded command to sink a continent in a fit of pique. He was trying for the whole planet.}} The gods' mortal owners, who have used these gods to set themselves up as rulers of the world, tend to avoid using him for this reason.
* Retired Drop Commando Alicia DeVries in David Weber's ''Path of the Fury}}'' (revised/expanded in ''[[In Fury Born]]'') is practically a PMD with her standard commando loadout of cyborgish enhancements. Then she gets inhabited by the last surviving Greek Fury, Tisiphone. Said Greek Goddess soon learns to interface with computers and other technology through Alicia's built in radio interface and no security system can stop her, especially since she can also dip into other humans' brains for information. Next Alicia/Tisiphone steal one of the elite AI fighter ships, which are their own special kind of POMD when combined with a "normal" enhanced human specially selected and trained to interface with those ships. The tripartite human/goddess/computer fusion becomes the unstoppable force to smash the people who murdered Alicia's family and the entire populations of several colony worlds.
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* ''[[Star Trek Voyager]]'' ("Child's Play"). Icheb has been genetically engineered to pass on an infection that will destroy Borg cubes when he is assimilated (this causes problems when Voyager returns the youth to what they assume will be his doting parents). When you think that the average cube has a crew of ten of thousands of drones and can destroy a Federation battlefleet, this is pretty damned impressive.
** Kes becomes one after being in space turns her [[Psychic Powers]] [[Up to Eleven]].
* Illyria in ''[[Angel (TV)|Angel]]'' [[Story -Breaker Power|is depowered quickly to avoid this]].
* Doomsday on ''[[Smallville]]'' is this trope crossed with [[Serial Killer]].
* The Doctor, from ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'', who once killed his entire race.
** {{spoiler|Rose "whoops, I absorbed the core of the Tardis" Tyler}} in "The Parting of the Ways", who psychically vaporized an entire fleet of Daleks without even thinking very hard.
*** {{spoiler|The writer note that she is basically the Phoenix from X-men, sans-psychic powers.}}
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[[Category:Person Of Mass Destruction]]