Persona (video game)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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'''The Characters of ''Persona''. Spoilers Abound!'''
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The main character of ''Persona'' and designated leader of the group. His affinity is with the Emperor Arcana, which grants him use of Seimen Kongou, his starting Persona. He wields a sword and a sub-machine gun as weapons. He is most commonly dubbed the "Boy With The Pierced Ear", but with the loss of the earring in the North American version, it was shortened to simply "Boy". The manga refers to him as "Naoya Todou".
Dragged along to participate in the "Persona" game to settle [[The Bet|a bet]] between Mark and Brown, the protagonist and his other classmates catch a glimpse of a little girl crying. [[Lightning Can Do Anything|Lightning flashes]], and those who haven't played before are knocked out, sent into the border between consciousness and unconsciousness. A [[Guardian Entity]] named Philemon meets Naoya in a dream, asking him to state his name. Upon doing so, Philemon is impressed, for not everyone who comes to his realm knows who they really are. The protagonist gains the ability to summon his Persona, and then sent back to reality. Upon regaining consciousness, he finds himself in the school infirmary, the last of his classmates to wake up. The school nurse and their homeroom teacher Saeko Takami urge the group to go to the hospital to have themselves checked, opening up an opportunity to visit Maki again.
The group waits for Maki outside the ICU where she is being treated after complaining of severe pain. Tremors shake the building, and when the door to the ICU is opened, there is nothing behind it but a wall. Demons soon run wild in the hospital, attacking the people inside. Upon encountering a gang of demons, Naoya and his friends all awaken to their Personae. He is then designated as the leader.
* {{spoiler|[[Angsty Surviving Twin]]}}: In the manga.
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* [[Heroes Prefer Swords]]
* [[Iconic Item]]: He ain't called the "pierced ear boy" for nothing.
* [[The Kirk]]: He's presented with a few [[Moral Dilemma|moral dilemmas]] during the course of the game which will prove what kind of person he is. These options are usually represented by the conniving Kei and the more headstrong Masao. Your choices will significantly affect the [[Multiple Endings|outcome of the story]].
* [[One Head Taller]]: Especially noticeable when Maki has to stand on tiptoe to kiss him.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Compared to the rest of your group, he is, [[Heroic Mime|due to being the player himself]], the least emotionally defined, and whenever the multiple personalities on the team clash, he is usually picked to make the choices they can't agree on, and its implied that's why everyone trusts him to be the leader.
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Maki Sonomura is a frail girl who has been sick all of her life, bedridden and suffers from episodic fits of dementia. When she's not in too much pain, she often paints disturbing still-life pictures, escapes into her "Ideal" world, and waits for her friends to come visit her. Kandori Takahisa takes advantage of this by kidnapping Maki from the hospital, and uses her unconscious mind as a test subject for his DVA generator, transforming the entire city into a reflection of Maki's "Ideal" version of Mikage-cho. In this world, Maki is healthy, demons wreak havoc everywhere, the hospital and police station do not exist, and the city has two sides, one light and one dark, divided in half by an ominous barrier.
Part of Maki accepts, and at the same time rejects this development. Thus, three manifestations of her psyche actually emerge: The "Ideal" Maki which joins the party, Mai (Mae in the NA version) and Aki, (Maggie in the NA version) two alternate selves that represent her innocence and malevolence respectively. The "Ideal" Maki remains the same age, while Mai and Aki manifest as Maki's child self. Depending on how the protagonist handles himself, the "Ideal" Maki will {{spoiler|either succeed in turning the city back to normal and save her true self, or become ridden with guilt about her deep-seated nihilistic wishes and lose her identity forever}}.
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Despite being the main heroine of the SEBEC route, Maki has only a minor role in the Snow Queen route. Another version of her, credited as the "Masked Girl", appears as one of the Night Queen's allies, and claims to be responsible for everything that has happened. She and the Masked Boy (actually a masked Kandori) merge with the Night Queen for her battle with the heroes, but are defeated. Afterwards, Mark reveals that he left the Ideal Maki behind at SEBEC, tying the Snow Queen route back into the main story.
Maki is the party's support character, able to cast healing magic from the far end of the group's formation. Because of this, she wields exclusively long-range weapons, a crossbow and a [[Handguns|handgun]]. Her starting Persona is Matsu of the Priestess Arcanum.
* [[A-Cup Angst]]: Which Aki pokes fun at.
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* [[Beauty Mark]]
* {{spoiler|[[The Blank]]}}: The Ideal Maki first appears as this due to [[The Reveal]].
* [[Break the Cutie]]: ''Big time'', {{spoiler|once she learns she's just a figment of the real Maki's imagination}}.
* [[The Chick]]
* [[Creepy Child]]: {{spoiler|Aki}}.
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* [[Squishy Wizard]]
* {{spoiler|[[Toy Time]]: At least one boss takes the form of an oversized windup toy thanks to her thoughts becoming real.}}
* [[Your Mind Makes It Real]]: Maki is indirectly responsible for Mikage-cho's transformation. The town is gradually turning into the "Ideal World" which exists in her mind.
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Masao doesn't believe in the demon summoning game "Persona" one bit. He holds a bet with classmate Hidehiko Uesugi to prove that he's right on it being a fake, with the loser having to treat everyone to a meal at Peace Diner. When nothing happens immediately, Masao assumes that he's won. Upon waking up at the clinic, Masao is thrilled that they were being sent to the hospital for a checkup, because this means that he gets to visit Maki again in the process. After the event where the ICU disappears and demons run rampant in the building, Masao awakens to his Persona along with the others, and urges the Protagonist to find Maki.
In the North American version, Masao's appearance is heavily altered, turning him into an African-American boy with stereotypical slang injected to his lines. Additionally, his hat is replaced by a gold baseball cap.
* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]
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Kei "Nate" Nanjou is a rich boy from Persona who stands to inherit a wealthy group of companies. As heir of a wealthy family, Kei already met with Takahisa Kandori at some point in the past, taking an instant dislike to him from the beginning. While his parents are often away on business, Kei is looked after by Yamaoka ("Alfred" in the NA version), the Nanjou family butler. Since he seems to have grown up under Yamaoka's watch, he considers him as more of a father figure than a servant. A distinctive trademark incorporated into Kei's uniform is a scarf with the number 1 printed on it. This symbolizes his desire to become the "#1 man in Japan".
Kei was dragged along to join into the demon summoning game "Persona", which was started by a feud between Masao and Brown. For his part, Kei chooses to just watch, as he feels that everyone was just feeding Masao and Brown's stupid squabbles. He also witnessed the spirit of a sobbing little girl, and was incapacitated by bolts of lightning which sent him to the Philemon's realm.
When Yamaoka is killed by zombies in the hospital, Kei [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|flies into a rage]], awakening to his Persona along with his friends and destroys the demons that killed his faithful guardian. He resolves to fulfill the Yamaoka's wish, find out what caused the sudden influx of demons in Mikage-cho (Lunarvale), and bring the person responsible to justice.
Kei fights with a longsword and is a crack shot with a sniper rifle. His starting Persona is [[Dishing Out Dirt|Aizen Myouou]] of the Hierophant Arcanum. Kei uses his status, wealth and knowledge a lot to [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|negotiate]] with demons. In the NA version, Kei is the only playable character given an actual last name to substitute the Japanese one, making him the heir to the Trinity Family trust instead of the Nanjou Group. His full name became Nate Trinity (though ''Eternal Punishment'' later pretends his last name never changed and restores it to Nanjou), and was given blond hair and fairer skin to match the localization.
* [[Badass]]
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Reiji Kido is an antisocial transfer student of St. Hermelin who rarely shows up for class. He blames his stepbrother Takahisa Kandori for how his life has turned out, and believes that the latter must die. To this end, Reiji skulks around the SEBEC facility, waiting for a chance to confront Kandori. Despite his brusque tendencies, many girls of St. Hermelin take quite a shine to him. Reiji's Persona awakening was also triggered during the SEBEC incident, but he is less than willing to join the party unless certain conditions have been met early in the game. Reiji is adept at [[Power Fist|boxing]], and an [[More Dakka|assault rifle]]. His Persona, Bres (Guni in the NA version), belongs to the Devil Arcanum.
Though rumored to be a gang leader, Reiji has no actual subordinates to speak of. [[Cain and Abel|The fevered pursuit of his half-brother Takahisa Kandori]] is the only thing on his mind. [[Black Sheep|Reiji was the product of an affair between Takahisa's father and a mistress]], and wants revenge for his mother being abandoned as a result of his birth. It's for this reason alone that Reiji believes Takahisa should pay with his life. It's a little-known fact that Reiji dabbles in magic tricks on the side, specifically with playing cards. He uses this skill in demon contacts.
In the NA version, Reiji's name was changed to Chris.
Reiji is [[Optional Party Member|an optional character like Hidehiko Uesugi, Eriko Kirishima and Yuka Ayase]]. [[Guide Dang It|He is the hardest to get out of all of them, needing several events and NPC conversations to be able to get him to join]].
* [[Badass]]
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* [[The Lancer]]: Has no stake in your group or its mission. Reiji is focused only on taking down Kandori.
* [[Obvious Beta]]: Let's just say he doesn't live up to his hype, which ''Persona 2'' [[Lampshaded]] by having the very same traits that made him "badass" as a teenager make him into an awkward and ineffectual young adult.
* [[Secret Character]]: Can be recruited as your fifth party member only if you [[Guide Dang It|follow a series of 12 steps no one in their right mind would figure out without a strategy guide]].
* [[Sixth Ranger]]
* [[The Stoic]]
* [[X Marks the Hero]]
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Hidehiko "Brown" Uesugi is the resident class clown of St. Hermelin, relying on puns and outdated jokes to get attention (this is also used in his negotiation skills). Hidehiko pesters his classmates to perform the "Persona" ritual in order to impress them, but Masao Inaba doesn't believe that it will actually work. They both hold a bet, with the loser having to treat everyone who was dragged into it at the Peace Diner. Masao thinks that he won at first, because nothing happened after the ritual. Hidehiko complains, saying that Masao didn't try hard enough when it was his turn to perform. But then a crying young girl appears, and they are all hit by flashes of lightning that send them to the border of consciousness and unconsciousness.
When Mikage-cho (Lunarvale) changes, the main protagonist finds Brown imprisoned inside the Police Station along with Masao; both were captured after going out through the hole in the school wall to procure guns there with Kei Nanjou (Kei barely managed to escape with the equipment). After freeing them both and fighting off some demons (causing Hidehiko's "forced" awakening from being attacked). Brown fights using a [[Blade on a Stick|spears]], [[Simple Staff|quarterstaves]], and a TMP machine gun as his sidearm. His Persona is Nemhain (Talon in the NA version) of the Justice Arcanum, which has the ability to case [[Blow You Away|Wind]] spells as well as absorb them.
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* [[Goggles Do Nothing]]
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Hurricane of Puns]]: Brown loves these.
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]: A huge case of this.
* [[Miles Gloriosus]]: Good lord, Brown. He claims to be the leader even if he's the last person to join, but as soon as a boss fight starts coming up or things get bad, he's the first one to suggest getting the hell out of there, and he's got no shame about being a total chicken. ...Until it's all over. Then he's the hero who killed it and things repeat from there.
** It's not like he's unaware of it, though. He explicitly says later on that he's tired of lying and running away all the time.
* [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!]]: Snaps at Michiko like this in the Snow Queen Quest after beating her.
* [[Ted Baxter]]: Subverted-boasting is one of his defining traits, but so is believing absolutely none of his own spiel. He eventually reveals that he does it to get people to like him more.
* [[Those Two Guys]]: With Yuka Ayase.
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Eriko "Elly" Kirishima belongs from a wealthy family and has been studying overseas for most of her life. She later decides to finish her schooling in Japan to later pursue a career in modeling and fashion design. She is among the popular girls in St. Hermelin High School because of her beauty and amiable personality. [[Ditzy Genius|She is smart; however, she tends to fail to realize serious life and death situations]]. She wields a rapier, and (like Kei) is armed with a rifle for long-range fighting. Her starting Persona is Nike of the Judgement Arcanum.
Apart from her outwardly feminine hobbies, Eriko is also interested in the occult. Because of this, she is the only participant of the "Persona" ritual who is actually excited to be there. She somehow sensed that her friends were in grave danger after demons begin to appear in Mikage-Cho. Eriko arrives just in time to help the group escape the hospital, awakening to Nike in the process. Off-hand, she expresses overly-ecstatic enthusiasm over the fact that her Persona is the "Goddess of Victory".
Having done some investigating of her own, Eriko tells the group to head for the shrine where they meet Maki Sonomura's mother, a former employee of SEBEC. The latter reveals that the advent of demons was brought about by Takahisa Kandori, who tricked her into perfecting the DVA system, a device that wrought havoc with the dimensional divide between the real world and the demon world. After getting Maki's mother to be treated in the school infirmary, Eriko will leave the group to find a way out of the town, which is now wrapped in an ominous barrier. She can be later recruited as one of the optional fifth characters in the game upon finding her in the subway tunnel.
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Yuka is a ''[[Subcultures in Japan|kogal]]'' whose outward cheerfulness makes her popular with the boys. However, her penchant for lying and being glaringly frank at times gets her into a lot of trouble. Yuka's initial Persona is Horus of the Magician Arcanum, which exclusively deals [[Playing with Fire|fire]] damage. She employs a [[Whip It Good|whip]] and .45 handgun in battle.
Hidehiko Uesugi introduced the game "Persona" to the rest of their classmates. Yuka has played it before and was counting on Hidehiko to win the bet against Masao Inaba to get a free meal at Peace Diner. Since she wasn't hit by lightning, Yuka does not follow the group to the hospital and instead opts to hang around in school. However, she does not follow the group to the hospital, opting to go on a shopping trip instead since she doesn't feel sick in the least. As a result, her awakening isn't triggered immediately.
She isn't seen again until the group brings Maki Sonomura's injured mother from the Araya Shrine to the school infirmary, tasked to cover the hole in the wall in the room leading to the gym. However, she will be the mandatory fifth member if you have not recruited either Eriko Kirishima or Hidehiko Uesugi. You can let her join upon running into her later in the factory located at the south-eastern section of Mikage-Cho (Lunarvale), [[But Thou Must!|but she will force her way into the party]] if the steps to acquire Reiji Kidou isn't fulfilled. In the Snow Queen Quest, Yuka is a requisite member of the party.
During the good ending path, Yuka reveals that she has a reputation of a heartbreaker, a girl who dates many boys and dumps almost all of them. The reputation stuck so hard that even though she did have her own standards, people still believe her as a heartbreaker, which distresses her. However, she uses these skills a lot when she negotiates the demons.
Because her hair is already dyed blonde, Yuka's only feature alteration in the NA localization is her skin color, and her dialogue was given valley girl overtones as an equivalent to her oddball ''kogal'' speech. Her name was also changed to Alana.
* [[Badass]]
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* [[Sexophone]]: During her 'Tempt' command. Sadly removed in the PSP version
* [[Shout-Out]]: Her outfit is an optical illusion referencing the girls' uniforms from ''[[Shin Megami Tensei: if...]]''.
* [[Those Two Guys]]: With Hidehiko Uesugi.
* [[Valley Girl]]: Even more exaggerated in the PSP remake, with lines such as "Like" in between her sentences.
* {{spoiler|[[The Vamp]]: Ruthlessly squashes Toro's heart, causing him to be possessed by a rather freudian demon.}}
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Yukino was an ex-''[[Delinquents|yanki]]'' who was reformed thanks to the efforts of her teacher Saeko Takami. Though she hasn't shed her yanki looks just yet, Yukino is well-recognized and trusted by the student body, acting as a mother figure of sorts to her friends. Despite her change of heart, Yukino still retains some of her punk ways, employing throwing blades and a double-barreled shotgun in battle. Her Persona, Vesta, is of the Empress Arcanum and has both [[Playing with Fire|Fire]] and Nuclear magic at its disposal.
Yukino was among those invited to help settle the bet between Brown and Masao, but doesn't actively participate in the "Persona" ritual, opting instead to watch and keep her classmates out of trouble. Even so, she is still affected by the result, sent to the border of consciousness and unconsciousness after being struck by lightning. Yukino awakens to her Persona in the hospital following a checkup and an unplanned visit to Maki Sonomura (who was also admitted there) that turns sour with demons suddenly wreaking havoc all over the place.
In the NA version, Yukino is the only character whose name (dropping only the 'no' from Yukino) and features were relatively untouched during the transition, but also has the shortest role in the main story arc due to her leaving the group after returning to the school. The only way to get her back is to trigger the Snow Queen Quest, which was removed and only officially playable in the JP version. In this part, if Naoya opts not to continue investigating SEBEC, they would find a mysterious mask in the school. Saeko Takami gets possessed by the mask after telling them the legend of the Snow Queen. Yukino joins the party, wanting to save the teacher she owes her new life to.
In the Snow Queen quest, Yukino is a mandatory character, believing it her duty to save Ms. Saeko after she is possessed by the Snow Queen's spirit. It should be noted that she is possibly the least edited character in the ''Revelations'' version.
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* [[Demonic Possession]]: His transformation into God Kandori. {{spoiler|Which is made full use of in the next game. Ah Nyarlathotep.}}
* [[Disc One Final Boss]]
* {{spoiler|[[Dragon Ascendant]] (At the end of the Snow Queen Quest, he says he'll take matters into his own hands. Not really a sequel hook, since the Snow Queen Quest ends up leading back into the main quest in it's true ending.)}}
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Nanjo.
* [[Evil Laugh]]
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=== Igor ===
Igor is the mysterious proprietor of The Velvet Room. He is a [[Artificial Human|marionette given life by Philemon]]. His noticeable appearance comes from his [[Youkai|Tengu]]/Pinocchio-like long nose. In [[Persona|Megami Ibunroku Persona]], Igor has calls himself "a servant of Philemon". He is always found in The Velvet Room between consciousness and unconsciousness. He uses a phone made of bone to [[Summoning Ritual|call up Personae from the depths of the soul]].
Tropes associated with Igor:
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Ms. Saeko is the homeroom teacher for the Protagonist and others. She is very popular with the students. She plays a small role in the SEBEC route of the game, helping protect the students of St. Hermelin in the real world, and appearing as an apparition in Maki's world.
In the Snow Queen Quest, she is possessed by a malevolent spirit inhabiting the Snow Queen mask, who plans on sacrificing her as a way to bring about the Eternal Night. The spirit is eventually revealed to be Tomomi Fujimori, Saeko's best friend from her high school days.
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=== Dean Harding/Vice Principal Hanya ===
Vice Principal Hanya, known in ''Revelations: Persona'' and ''Persona 2'' as Dean/Principal Harding, is the Vice-Principal of St. Hermelin High School. Unlike Principal Ooishi, Hanya hardly cares for his students and is concerned only with enforcing rules and evading lawsuits. He is detested by everyone at school. His students nickname him "Hannya," a play on his name (a Hannya is a demon from Japanese folklore).
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones|Even Jerkasses Have Loved Ones]]: The Snow Queen quest reveals that he has a daughter who stitches his suits for him.
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* [[Slap Slap Kiss]]
=== Tad/Tadashi Satomi ===
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Toro is an overweight, unpopular student at St. Hermerlin who harbors an intense crush on Yuka. He plays a much larger role in the Snow Queen quest, when his Persona (Mara) possesses his body after Yuka stomps on his yet again. The Mara-controlled Toro attacks the party, but reverts to normal once beaten.
* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]
* [[Balloon Belly]]: See below.
* [[Butt Monkey]]
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* [[Kids Are Cruel]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: "Toro" is a euphemism for the fatty part of tuna. In the English localization, his nickname was changed to "Chunky", which has roughly the same meaning. His Persona, Mara, is named after a Japanese colloquialism for "penis".
* [[More Teeth Than the Osmond Family]]: Mara.
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* [[Asian and Nerdy]]
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: It's possible to entirely miss Tsutomu at the beginning of the game. It's not until the climax that he becomes relevant to the plot.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: A deathly-pale, creepy nerd with a [[Memetic Molester]] grin and an obsession with the occult. All things considered, it's ''shocking'' that he doesn't turn evil.
* [[Ironic Hell]]: Tsutomu despises all forms of exercises, in particular push-ups. Guess what his torture punishment is in the Snow Queen Quest?
* [[Scary Shiny Glasses]]
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* [[Cute Ghost Girl]]: She's more like this then the other guardians.
* [[Equivalent Exchange]]: Her mantra. "If you want anything in this tower, you must give up something in return."
* [[Heel Realization]]: She realizes the error of her ways post-boss fight.
** [[Redemption Equals Death|Redemption Equals Not Running Away From Death]]
* [[Kawaiiko]]: An extreme case. She died in order to keep her looks.
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* {{spoiler|[[Disc One Final Boss]]}}
* [[Demonic Possession]]
* [[Facial Horror]]: She looks like [[Batman|Two-Face]]!
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]