Persona 4/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** Teddie states outright during the Inn trip that he doesn't feel comfortable without the suit, which is why he takes it everywhere with him. Obviously, fighting in the form he feels most comfortable in makes him more effective in battle.
** I wish he did fight as a human, then maybe he wouldn't squeak when he walked and I could stand to take him into dungeons.
** "I always bring it with me. I feel [[Blind Without 'Em|naked without it.]]"
** Didn't Yosuke say he end Teddie if he(Teddie)got dirt on his clothes. The ones the girls got Teddie with Yosuke new bike fund. so it maybe so Teddie want to live longer.
* At the start of the game, Teddie says that only he can open a door back to the real world in the TV World, and that's why they can't use other TVs to enter and rescue who has been kidnapped because of the risk that Teddie wouldn't be able to find the party. But why do they still use the same TV to enter the TV World after Teddie goes to the real world if he can just go in first and check if it's safe and open a door to go back from there? And when Teddie leaves the party temporarily after {{spoiler|Nanako's "death"}}, the party goes to the TV to search for {{spoiler|Adachi}} without Teddie to open the door and it doesn't appear in it's regular place, so how come they can go back to the real world after this?
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*** Same reason for any pairing not grounded in chemistry or canon. Its hot.
*** Exact same logic that makes Chie and Yukiko such good candidates for the game's "Yuri Couple". Rise is extremely feminine, Naoto is extremely masculine. That's it. While there isn't nearly as much subtext as between Chie and Yukiko("Chie is a strong prince!". Come on. That's not even subtext anymore), there * could be* . And that's more then enough for the fanfic writers.
** From how I've seen it explained elsewhere - it's mostly because of how Rise and Naoto compliment each other. It's the whole [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] thing. It has a much bigger following in Japan ''because'' of this trope. And also, the Japanese can just pair anyone with anyone, hinting or no. Not that I'm complaining.
* What does "mugatsu" mean?
** "untranslated japanese word".
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** Protagonist can compartmentalize.
** Don't forget the group didn't realize that Namatame was also in the TV at first, they thought he had escaped somewhere else.
* So, during Yukiko's castle, there are tones of something between Chie and Yukiko. I know, [[Romantic Two -Girl Friendship]], but still. Chie's other self getting all up about how awesome it is Yukiko thinks herself lower then Chie, and how Yukiko is really attractive, Yukiko going on about how nice it is Chie said red looks good on her (and she now wears red, pretty much constantly) then Chie getting called Yukiko's prince, and then... nothing. They're friends, but it's never brought up again. I also get that they are now romantic options, doesn't make it better. And that's not getting into Chie's shadow having lots of girls in uniforms lift her up...
* When I think of Chie's shadow I see a Yukiko-like figure being supported by three Chies. Does this mean that Chie thinks that despite her belief on her being the dominatrix in her relationship with Yukiko she REALLY thinks that Yukiko is dominating her?
** It's the other way around. Chie's Persona has a similar "banana-head" headdress as the Shadow (and her first persona even shares the distinctive coloration.) She's envious of Yukiko, hence her long and shiny black hair, but at the same time she uses Yukiko's insecurities to boost her ''own'' self-esteem ("Oh, Yukiko is the school's dream girl, but ''I'' know I'm better than her!") Hence the schoolgirls propping the main figure up over their heads.
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** Considering that you can get stabbed, shot, electrocuted, fried, blown up, poisoned, frozen and hurt in a variety of ways without dying we can attribute this to two different things. The first is that the TV world operates on very different laws than Earth does. The second is that they needed it that way to make the plot work.
*** There is also the fact we do find food in the TV world. Odd morsels and whatnot. Sure, they are mostly carried by shadows, but the shadows must acquire them somewhere. Then we have Shadow what's-her-name first dungeon, where you can get and bring to the real world actual Sake. The TV world has food and beverages, it just never a plot point.
**** There's a stock of groceries in Shadow Yosuke's "dungeon," modeled after Saki's family store, but that's it. No other dungeons are modeled after locations that could have food in them. And considering that people need glasses to see through the fog and not feel ill from its effects, the chances of a victim randomly stumbling into treasure chests with "food"-like items are very, very low. And speaking of that last point, the trio was starting to feel the effects of the fog just from wandering around in that first area they encountered ({{spoiler|Magatsu Inaba}}.) The same thing would happen to ordinary victims, so the easiest explanation is that time DOES flow differently in the Midnight Channel... not in a [[Year Inside, Hour Outside]] kind of way, but probably the reverse, where a victim can spend up to two real-time weeks in their dungeon without collapsing from exhaustion because it's been only a few hours for them (or, at least, an indeterminate but not equal amount of time.) Or would {{spoiler|Namatame}} ''really'' spend two weeks alone with {{spoiler|Nanako}}, keeping {{spoiler|her hostage}} without eating or sleeping himself and without realizing the truth of the Midnight Channel?<br />Though, come to think of it, if the Midnight Channel is a pathway into humanity's collective subconscious, it's far more likely that --dungeons being created by the victim's repressed thoughts and feelings-- these locations are much closer to a metaphysical [[Journey to The Center of The Mind]] than a place where rules of physics and biology still apply 100%.
** The dungeons are created in response to that specific person's subconscious mind: [[Your Mind Makes It Real]] writ large. It might respond to a hunger impulse in the creator's mind by providing food and water. This would even explain why the Shadows carry small food items from time to time: either the creator didn't find those particular items or they were discarded.
* We're supposed to [[Translation Convention|assume everyone's speaking Japanese]], right? Then...Teddie's bear puns really don't make much sense.
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** Maybe {{spoiler|Namatame}} just knows his mythology?
* Why doesn’t the anime {{spoiler|cover the True Ending?}} The very last scene hints at it but the show is over. Is there gonna be a movie or OVA or something? Why didn’t they cover it in the main series when a standard anime length is 26 episode and this was one was only 25? They could have done it in one episode.
** [[Money, Dear Boy]]
** According to [[The Other Wiki]], the 26th episode will be shown on August 22nd. Why then, who knows.
* How come the fact that people are watching the midnight channel other then the persona users not making a bigger spotlight in the plot? I mean come on, it would definantly explain some of the more questionable moments of weirdness censor like the weapons and armor. But the only hints we get is cut scene crowd noise and the occasional npc gossip, you'd think they'd all be approached by reporters from the local town or whatever about the mysterious new t.v. series they supposedly star in but it never happens.