Persona Non Grata: Difference between revisions

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But Argo doesn't want us anymore ..."''|Leslie Fish & the Dehorn Crew, [ "Banned from Argo"]}}
You, possibly along with your [[True Companions|merry band of travelers]], have found a nice place to hang out. Maybe it's a nice bar, a seaside town, or a resort planet. But then...things happened. You may not have ''meant'' for bad stuff to go down, but sometimes events are beyond your control. There might have been [[Gone Swimming Clothes Stolen|nudity]], [[We Come in Peace, Shoot To Kill|violence]], [[Stuff Blowing Up|stuff]] [[Impressive Pyrotechnics|blowing]] [[A Nuclear Error|up]], [[Intoxication Ensues|certain]] [[Everybody Must Get Stoned|substances]] may have been imbibed/smoked, and whoops, you just started a revolution. Possibly, your name is [[Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds|Mike Nelson]], in which case, you're probably screwed.
Whatever happened, when it's all over, you're not allowed back. '''EVER'''. Nor is anyone else on your crew.
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May or may not be considered a [[Noodle Incident]]. The redheaded stepchild of [[You Can't Go Home Again]]. See also [[Hollywood Restraining Order]]. May or may not be related to [[Banned in China]]. Video games with a [[Karma Meter]] or [[Alliance Meter|Alliance Meters]] may impose this on a player at certain locations as part of [[Video Game Cruelty Punishment]] or for plot-related reasons.
== Anime and Manga ==
* Has happened to the ''[[Dirty Pair (Light Novel)|Dirty Pair]]'' on at least two occasions. They go off on leave to some distant resort with plans to lounge on the beach, but while they're there [[BusmansBusman's Holiday|they inevitably get drawn into some sort of illicit intrigue]] and wind up causing massive destruction in their attempts to stop it.
** Other times, this can't happen as the place that would've banned them ''no longer exists''.
* Something like this happened to the original ''[[Macross]]''. A freak accident causes them to be banned from <s>Utah</s> <s>the USA</s> ''the Earth''. This is after they spend several episodes getting back to Earth ''[[Shaggy Dog Story|through the defense of the Zentraedi]]''.
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== Fan Fic ==
* In ''[ A Trail a Mile Wide]'', the crew of the [[Mass Effect|SSV Normandy]] [[Mass Effect 2|SR2]] find themselves banned from a colony after [[What Did I Do Last Night?|a truly epic shore leave]]. The story itself heavily homages the Trope Naming song.
* In the ''[[Chuck]]'' story ''[ What Fates Impose]'', Sarah and Bryce mention that they've been banned from Paraguay for [[Noodle Incident|an incident involving a donkey]].
* In the [ Harveste] series, the Addamses are banned from Haiti and Indonesia. Gomez has been banned from Africa for an undetermined amount of time, but as of 1995, has at least ten years left on the ban. Grandmama is accepted as a witch doctor in five countries and banned from the rest of the world.
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== Film ==
* In [[Casino]] Nicky gets his name in a ''Black Book'' and is banned from the casinos ''because of notorious and unsavory reputation''. [[Cassandra Truth|Sam warns him beforehand]] but Nicky mocks the issue as the book only has two names and one of them still is [[Al Capone]] and continues to generate waves. Then he laments, as the ban hurts his operations.
* After the massive battle that spanned half of Paris in ''[[G.I. Joe the Rise of Cobra (Film)|G.I. Joe the Rise of Cobra]]'', the Joes are banned from [[Cheese -Eating Surrender Monkeys|France]]. Forever.
* ''[[O Brother Where Art Thou]]'': Ulysses should have stayed out of the Woolsworth [sic].
** Is that ''all'' Woolworths, or just that particular one?
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* In the first ''[[Knights of the Old Republic]]'' game, if you end up killing an important fish on Mannan, the planetary authorities ban you from ever coming back.
** You ''can'' blackmail the authorities and force them to let you return, which is perfectly in line with the previous evil action.
* In ''[[Umineko no Naku Koro Ni]]'', Ange mentions briefly that [[White -Haired Pretty Boy|Amakusa]] will get arrested if he's ever caught back in France.
* Max has something to brag about in the ''[[Sam and Max Freelance Police (Video Game)|Sam and Max Freelance Police]]'' game ''Moai Better Blues'':
{{quote| '''Max''': ... and I've been banned from 27 local arcades for playing ''Forbidden Dance Insurrection'' in ways that the designers never intended.}}
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* ''[[Chowder]]'' episode "Banned From the Stand" featured Mung Daal being [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|banned from Gazpacho's fruit stand]]. Mung can't simply buy fruits from another stand because the fruit stand owner code allows Gazpacho to extend the ban to the other fruit stands in Marzipan City. After Mung tried (and failed) to buy fruits under several disguises, Gazpacho became so paranoid he banned everyone... even ''himself''. Because being banned from a stand last for as long as the stand remains, his only way out was destroying the stand and building a new one, from which {{spoiler|Mung got himself banned after repeating what got him banned from the first one}}.
* ''[[Generator Rex]]'': Lansky in "Moonlighting" has a [[Running Gag]] of "I can't go to (X). Long story."
* In ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', after a trip to the bowling alley, as the Cutie Mark Crusaders leave, Scootaloo says that Mr. Kingpin will probably never let her back in the bowling alley again after making a gutter ball... on another lane. She seems oddly cheerful about it.
* In [[Family Guy]], Peter alludes to being banned from Sea World for something when he prepares to explain to Chris what a whale's blowhole is for (or more specificially, what a whale's blowhole is ''not'' for), but [[Noodle Incident|we never hear it]] due to the scene shifting. The closest to an explanation given is from Seth MacFarland's in-character commentary for the episode, where he, in Peter's voice, claimed that he basically had sex with a whale's blowhole.
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* [[Ozzy Osbourne]] was banned from entering San Antonio after he was caught urinating on the Alamo.
* The Sheraton hotel chain will not host a Shriners' convention, owing to the extreme rowdiness and damages that tend to follow them. Ray Stevens' song about a Shriners' convention involved molestation, extreme intoxication, and a motorcycle going off a high diving board; the real ones aren't nearly that sedate.
** The Bullingdon Club, a near equivalent catering to young [[Upperclass Twit|Upper Class Twits]] in Great Britain, are effectively banned from just about every bar and restaurant in the country for much the same reason, but get around it by the simple expedient of booking function rooms through some sort of shell corporation and [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|writing cheques for the cost of repairing the venue]] as they stagger away from the wreckage.
* During [[World War II]] the Allies tried to quarter ANZAC troops in Cairo. The Egyptian government refused, saying that while New Zealanders were welcome, the city was still recovering from the victory celebration the Australian troops gave in [[World War One|the last world war]].
* In [[Ancient Greece|ancient Athens]], criminals convicted of the most heinous crimes weren't executed or imprisoned for life, they were instead ''exiled'' from Athens. At the time, most of the territory in the Greek islands was untamed wilderness, and exile often amounted to a death sentence.