Persona Rebirth/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Blood Knight]]- Tsukasa seems to enjoy fighting a little ''too'' much.
* [[Berserk Button]] - Katsurou in particular tends to push this button a lot.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Skinship Grope]] - Mostly to figure out Kaede's true gender. Needless to say, the Gropee did not [[Berserk Button|like that]].
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* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Manabu was constantly abused by his parents (and still is abused by his father, now that his parents have divorced) as a child, and frequently bullied in grade school for his [[Gonk|froglike]] appearance, leading to his extreme self-esteem issues and cowardice, which in turn have led to all of his problems with his Persona.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: Attempts to eat Ayane during one topic after living in the ruins. {{spoiler|In an [[Alternate Universe]] topic, he eats Miyuki alive as he rapes her after going completely insane.}}
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: If someone doesn't know Manabu's name, then they certainly know his nickname, Frogface. {{spoiler|He actually hates the name so much that it was enough to send him into a rage in [ Frogface In Repose].}}
* [[Kill the God]]: {{spoiler|Recently announced his intention to do this to the Butterfly.}}
* [[Laughing Mad]]: It says a lot about your sanity levels when you've spent almost an entire thread laughing, Manabu...
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Michi is your average (for Nagashima) insane child. She talks to her three dolls, a teddy bear, a bunny rabbit, and a Shisa doll, and thinks that they talk to her. The Shisa doll is the only doll that "talks" to her; it is actually her Persona speaking to her, rather than the doll actually doing the talking. She's not mentally unstable, but she's mentally damamged enough to be unable to recognize the difference between reality and her own little world. She's extremely nice, but frequently freaks other students out.
* [[I Reject Your Reality]]: The girl doesn't like society and its reality at all.
* [[Pyromaniac]]: She likes fire. A lot. To the point of having a homemade flamethrower.
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Kyomu Monto is a year one girl, who throughout most of her life was fairly ignored next to her overactive younger brother and overacheiving older sister. As such, she was very [[Lonely Rich Kid|lonely]]. Not that she cared. In fact she spent most of her time actively avoiding attention, not having many friends and spending her time reading or watching anime or playing videogames. Throughout her time she decided that life had no meaning, so there wasn't any point trying.
Then she got her Persona, [[Final Fantasy V|Exdea-]] Exodus.
She decided that she would use this power and the shadows to [[Nietzsche Wannabe|destroy the world]], and set out to manipulate others into helping her do so. She has so far managed to only be able to fully manipulate one person, Isoroku, but has since been feeling rather guilty about some of the stuff she did to the other girl...
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* {{spoiler|[[Complete Monster]]: How she views herself, and acts like. She still finds herself unable to actually kill anyone when not under complete control of her persona. Though, consider the shit she's endured, she may be more [[Jerkass Woobie]].}}
* [[Character Development]]: Definetely showing the starting signs of it, starting to think of Isoroku to be more of a friend then a tool at least. {{spoiler|And then she Descended.}}
* [[Creepy Monotone]]: Sometimes speaks in a monotone, but she usually isn't malicious when doing so. {{spoiler|You should be more [[Unstoppable Rage|worried]] [[Yandere (disambiguation)|when]] she she stops... Unless you're Kouji.}} It has completely gone now {{spoiler|due to her Descension.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Cyborg]]: Of the [[Artificial Limbs]] variety, given to her by a Russian she met in the ruins for free. After losing her first set she got new, better ones. In return for this she is working with Aleksandria}}
* [[Determinator]]: Strangely for someone like her, she shows this trait at times. She even says she believes strength to be "... The will to push on forwards, always standing by the view that you think is right.". It just so happens that right to her is that the world is pointless, and should be destroyed for it.
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* [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]: Her main goal is destroy the world, as life is pointless.
* [[Ice Queen]]->[[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: She is one, or at least wants to become one. Despite how much she wants to rid of them, emotions exist inside her. She sees them as her flaws. Acts less icy to Kouji and Isoroku, who seem to be the only people she cares about. {{spoiler|Now she is no [[Ice Queen]], but she wants to kill everyone close to her. Including Kouji and Isoroku.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Yandere (disambiguation)]]: To Isoroku at one point. [[Word of God]] states that she was [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?|confusing platonic love and lust love]], as opposed to actually being [[Ho Yay|in love with her.]]}} Becomes less so after {{spoiler|Isoroku went [[Super-Powered Evil Side|monster form]] because of Kyomu, though there's still some traces.}} And now {{spoiler|She wants to kill Isoroku AND Kouji because she wants to cut all ties to her past life, but is finding it incredibly hard to do so.}}
* [[Tsundere]]: Unwittingly acts like this to Kouji, until she realized she was being one to him and asked him to be her boyfriend.
* [[Opposites Attract]]: Her and Kouji.
== '''Kouji Sakuma''' ==
A sixteen-year old boy in his first year of high school who had a very happy childhood and grew up more or less on fairy tales. His most defining characteristic is that he loves everyone. [[Love Freak|Everyone]].
His Persona is [[Classical Mythology|Cupid]], represented here by a [[Moe Moe|cute]], [[Winged Humanoid|winged boy]], who is a little [[Deadpan Snarker|snarky]] for some reason.
* [[The Archer]]: Wields a bow and arrow, but does not come with the personality archetype by an, uhm, [[Incredibly Lame Pun|longshot]].
* [[Cuddle Bug]]: He just wants to hug everyone.
* [[Emotions vs. Stoicism]]: More or less started a bet with Kyomu about who could [[Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism|prove their philosophy to the other.]]
* [[Innocent Blue Eyes]]: Shares the trait with his Persona.
* [[Kissing Under the Influence]]: Kissed Kyomu for the first time when affected by her Marin Karin.
* [[Light'Em Up]]: His only offensive spell at the moment is light-based.
* [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Kind of.
* [[Love God]]: His Persona, Cupid.
* [[Love Freak]]
* [[Nice Guy]]: But a bit of an idiot.
* [[For Happiness]]: He loves everyone, thus he wants everyone to be happy.
* [[Opposites Attract]]: The chemistry between him and [[Defrosting Ice Queen|Kyomu]].
* [[The Power of Love]] / [[The Power of Friendship]]: Believes in it. Hard.
* [[Red Mage]]: Currently has as many offensive skills as support skills.
* [[Stupid Good]]: Wants to do what he believes to be the right thing, but makes some really dumb decisions along the way.
* [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]]: Truly believes love will solve everything and that everyone is really a good person on the inside.
== '''Kinzaki 'Charlotte' Kirihara''' ==
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He started his life in another town, that was filled with Yakuza. He and his friend, Ryoma, were sick of all the violence happening all around them, and decided to dress up in ridiculous costumes and fight crime. Initially, they were rather successful. And then they were actually recognized as a minor threat, and were nearly silenced. One night, they were ambushed by a ridiculous number of men. Kaji let his friend escape and took most of the beating himself. His mom found out the next morning when he was hanging, half dead, from a light post by his cape. She was not really pleased, and sent him to Nagashima to live with his relative.
After an uneventful period of time, going around beating up criminals, Kaji found himself, along with three others, in the ruins. He awakened his persona, and has currently resolved to join Kaede's team, condemning the member of Sora's team as criminals.
* [[Badass Normal]]: Even before he got his persona powers, Kaji was beating criminals up and down the streets of Nagashima.
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* [[Expy]]: [[Kamen Rider Kiva|Kaji would like you to return that life to god.]]
* {{spoiler|[[Fallen Hero]]:}} {{spoiler|Succumbs to his Shadow's hannibal lecturing, essentially "ascending" the wrong way and becoming a [[Knight Templar]].}}
* [[Form-Fitting Wardrobe]]: "Kaji Okawa runs around in spandex and beats up people."
* [[Impossibly Cool Weapon]]: It's a bat that transforms into a staff that transforms into a spear thing. Goddamn.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Would you like to see his staff?
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* [[Born Unlucky]]: And ''how.''
* [[The Pollyana]]: Despite all the awful stuff he goes through, Ryouta almost always tries to keep a positive attitude, though there have been occasions where he's had small breakdowns.
* [[Yank the Dog's Chain]]
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* [[An Axe to Grind]]: An Axe is his weapon of choice. The weapon in question just so happens to be the same axe his uncle murdered a bunch of people with.
* [[Bishonen]]: Sora uses this to his advantage to manipulate women.
* [[Friends with Benefits]]: It would seem that Sora often had a relationship like this with his past girlfriends. Chances are likely that he's never been in a real romantic relationship before.
* [[In the Blood]]: One of the reasons Sora is {{spoiler|(or pretends to be)}} evil.
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== '''Haruka Rin''' ==
Haruka Rin would seem to be the example of the perfect student. Her grades are excellent, her parents are both wealthy lawyers, she takes care of her appearance, and she often excels in the activities she participates in. The problem? Haruka is a schizophrenic. As a result the girl has little sense of identity left, only grasping onto fragments of her old self. It's unclear whether or not her voices reflect what she is personally feeling, or if they are independent of her real thoughts.
She currently has not aligned herself with either faction, though she tends to explore more with members of Kaede's team. Haruka finds the whole situation to be rather foolish. A certain awkward care has been shown for Manabu, whom she now has shown a desire to protect. This is likely due to the incident that happened between the two earlier.
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* [[Ice Queen]]: She often can act rather coldly to people, which can likely be blamed on her fragmented personality. It also helps that she is predominately aligned with Ice type spells.
* [[Murder Is the Best Solution]]: It's been implied that her voices have compelled her to attack people before, though the most recent example came when {{spoiler|she tried to kill Manabu with a broken beer bottle. The ringer? She did it because they convinced her it was helping him.}}
* [[The Schizophrenia Conspiracy]]: Mostly averted. The Role Player is doing her best to portray Haruka as a realistic Schizophrenic. Of course, not being a doctor or expert on the disease, some slips are bound to be made.
== '''Yuuki Mikawa''' ==
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* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Not as bad as most cases. Her parents are workaholics with long hours to support their lifestyles, so she doesn't see them often. Her older sister tried to step in to fulfill that role, with mixed results, and her 'family' in the US helped substitute. She still spends time with them, and doesn't entirely mind the gap.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Straddles the line. She's normally Blue Oni, thinking logically and letting people who say "it's not what it looks like" try to explain. When it comes to helping people or something sets off her fight/flight response, however, she acts distinctly Red Oni.
* [[Technical Pacifist]]: She won't start a fight, but she'll sure as hell end one. More directly, she has a strong aversion to killing someone, but not beating them up.
* [[Throw the Dog a Bone]]: Her life was getting pretty crappy when Chouko started stalking her, but even with all that she was able to start a steady relationship with Ryouta. The fact he has a girlfriend who is willing to go through all his bad luck to be with him means this can apply to him too.
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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
* [[Cool Bike]]: Its first appearance was Kyousuke crashing it through a window... and then falling off it.
* [[Duct Tape for Everything]]: He attempted to reattach his hand with the stuff. Also, he tried to tie up Kira with it.
* [[I Love Nuclear Power]]: Kyousuke's main weapon of choice, when he's not using his [[BFS]], are ''nuclear spells.''
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}
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Chouko is a third year student at Taiyoutono. Though she appears normal, she has experienced a fair amount of trauma over her life, culminating in a rather obsessive personality, in which she has a tendency to attach herself to others in order to [[Yandere (disambiguation)|"protect" them.]] Her Persona is [[Greek Mythology|Arachne]] of the Devil Arcana.
When Chouko was younger, she had a haughtier personality, which led to her and her sister being attacked over some comments she made. Though her attackers hadn't meant to hurt them as badly as they did, the end result of the fight led to Chouko's sister dying, and Chouko having to go through therapy in order to regain use of her legs. A few years later, she entered a relationship with a boy from school. A few months after they'd been dating, the boyfriend was stabbed to death in front of Chouko's eyes in a mugging. This caused her to undergo a complete psychotic break, causing her to gain her new obsessive personality.
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* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}
* [[Lethal Chef]]: Despite being in the Cooking Club, she's completely incapable of cooking ''anything'' edible.
* [[Meganekko]]
* [[Speech Impediment]]: Chouko speaks with a rather noticeable (and grating) stutter. Sometimes it gets so bad she can't even finish her sentences. {{spoiler|It disappears when she goes into full-on Yandere mode.}}
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Hides her mental issues under a stutter and a smile.
* [[Trauma Conga Line]]: Sister and her get beaten nearly to death, escape, get hit by a car, Chouko goes into therapy, sister becomes a vegetable and later dies, Chouko recovers, Chouko dates boy, boy gets mugged to death...
* [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]: Acts crazy-possessive towards Sora to the point of {{spoiler|dismembering a woman Sora had his eyes on.}}
== '''Katsurou Yamato''' ==
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* [[The Power of Rock]]: Joe is the personification of this trope. He walks around with his guitar almost everywhere and will usually end his monologues with a solo. When fighting shadows, he uses his guitar as a weapon and will often cast his spells (all lightning-based, of course) via a quick riff. One could even make the argument that [[Ronnie James Dio|his persona might have something to do with rock.]]
* [[Shock and Awe]]: his main skills are all electricity (and [[The Power of Rock|sound]]) based.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Considers himself to be the absolute greatest guitar player in the world... [[Captain Obvious|He isn't]].
* [[Unconventional Formatting]]: His persona's name is kind of hard to pronounce. (Whenever he is mentioned in threads, his name is written [[Painting the Fourth Wall|in a different font and with a link to the song responsible for its creation.]])
* [[Waxing Lyrical]]: Joe's monologues, and even his casual conversation frequently break out into song accompanied by guitar riffs.
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* [[Blood Knight]]: Despite his inability to feel emotions, he can be quite enthusiastic during a battle.
* [[Celibate Hero]]: Knows that [[Shrinking Violet|Isoroku]] has a crush on him, but always thinks of himself unworthy to be loved due to his inability to feel and love.
* [[Cool Sword]]: Wields a nodachi, [[I Call HerIt "Vera"|Hanamatsuri.]] Also an [[Ancestral Weapon]].
** [[Dual-Wielding]]: Now wields a unique sword, [[Flaming Sword|Rekka]] as his second sword.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: At times.
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* [[Dissonant Serenity]]: Arguably the most off-putting feature about Nezumi is her complete and utter relaxation in the face of whatever is thrown her way. The only time she's broken her demeanour is when she first saw [[Eldritch Abomination|Jubilex]].
* [[Elegant Gothic Lolita]]
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: Jubilex is considered one of the most powerful demon lords in [[Dungeons and Dragons]]. In it, it appears as a ginormous slime ridden with assorted body parts. [[Non -Standard Character Design|Here however,]] he looks like [[Squick|Cthulhu got a fifty foot spider pregnant]].
* [[Expy]]: At first, she doesn't readily appear to be one. But then upon closer inspection, [[Fridge Horror|you realise]] that, if Mai is Pheonix Wright, then Nezumi is {{spoiler|[[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing|Dahlia]] [[Complete Monster|Hawthorne]]}}.
* [[Fridge Horror]]: Her [[Expy]] status could count as this.
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== '''Takashi Kouno''' ==
Takashi is a teacher at Taiyoutono High and one of the damn best teachers there are at the school. Which is not saying much since [[Adults Are Useless|all of them are asleep, stoned out of their brains on coffee or both.]] He is a reformed yakuza, so he tends to be grumpy and isn't necessarily the [[Sir Swearsalot|best role model out there.]] The teacher was pretty content with his life until [[Call to Adventure|shit happened.]] He gathered the adult persona users and is occasionally in correspondence with the [[Wild Mass Guessing|WMG]] [[Fan Community Nickname|squad]]. His persona is [[Classical Mythology|Hephaestus]] [[Non -Standard Character Design|the talking, flaming, seven-armed urn.]]
* [[Atomic F-Bomb]]
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Zenshiro Murakami is one of the local Yakuza leaders that are trying to take over Nagashima's underworld. One problem though. Zenshiro has no interest in the goal and much rather surf rather than extended his clan's territory of influence. Despite being a Yakuza leader, Zenshiro has a laid back personality that really just wants to live a normal life, however it is an impossible wish as his father was assassinated, leaving Zenshiro to take control of the clan despite his disdain of the title. This usually prevents him from surfing on the beach. However that does not mean he is a push over, Zenshiro wields a [[Improbable Weapon User|gargantuan anchor spear]] that is not easy to wield with one arm. [[One-Handed Zweihander|He does though]].
Zenshiro has not yet attained a Persona.
* [[Weapon Across the Shoulder|Anchor Across The Shoulder]]
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Descendant of the Samurai, one would think that Muramasa would hold the same values as his ancestors. He doesn't. Muramasa has absolutely no care in the world other than himself, in fact, he tries to make everyone else's life as horrible as he can allow just for laughs. The [[Evil Albino]] has [[Mismatched Eyes|two different eye colors]] one being red while the other [[Eyes of Gold|being gold]], which he keeps hidden under his eye patch. A skilled swordsman who cares not for mock battles and craves to test his blade, the only thing saving the people around him from getting craved by his blade is the law. If only there was a place that he could kill freely without the law to get in his way... does such a place exist?
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Although he keeps a calm, collected image in public, Muramasa enjoys cleaving bodies with his katana.
* [[Evil Albino]]
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]