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* [[Do Not Call Me Paul]]: Lloyd, who would much rather be known as Mr. Logos. Inverted with his friend Marc, whom everyone calls the Marquis despite his protests.
* [[Hollywood Homely]]: Invoked and lampshaded by Gillen when it comes to Laura Heaven, who is meant to be shorter, slightly fuller-figured and not quite as attractive as Penny B or Emily Aster. Only as Gillen points out, this is a world drawn by Jamie McKelvie, so 'less attractive is relative'.
* [[ItsIt's Popular, Now It Sucks]]: Used [[In Universe]]. Since the cast is made up primarily of people who are essentially indie music snobs with magic powers who draw their power from their indie music snobbery, this trope can appear from time to time. The crib sheets suggest that the authors aren't entirely free of this trope either.
* [[Jerkass]]: As he gleefully says in the first few pages of ''Rue Britannia'', David Kohl is ''such a cock''. (This leads to him being tricked and then beat down by The Goddess, just on principle, before she informs him someone's trying to resurrect Britannia and makes him try and stop it.)
* [[Magic Music]]: A very postmodern example.