Plain Jane: Difference between revisions

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# The character really isn't plain at all and comes to this realization herself or it is pointed out by another character. This type of Plain Jane could have been [[Beautiful All Along]] or [[She's All Grown Up|grown up nicely]] as the story progressed.
# The girl in question really is homely, but compensates for her looks with her skill, smarts or heart. This type seems to acknowledge her unattractiveness, but does nothing to better her appearance and couldn't care less. This type of Jane is usually a [[Tomboy]] or a working girl. Usually ends with a "Don't judge a book by its cover" [[Aesop]], but not always.
# The Jane is very aware of her "ugliness" and uses it as a reason to [[Wangst]] and get attention from others. This more often thenthan not can result in "[[I Just Want to Be Beautiful]]".
The Jane can also be the [[Butt Monkey]] of the story because of her looks and used for comedy. If the Jane is only considered ugly in canon, then she may suffer from a case of [[Hollywood Homely]].