Planet Heck: Difference between revisions

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** Then you get to play the [[Brutal Bonus Level|hellish bonus song]] Through The Fire and the Flames during the credits.
** ''[[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made On Drugs?|What?]]''
*** [http://en.[ Out of Hell|Philistine...]]
== [[Roguelike]] ==
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** In addition to the final showdowns, CHARNAME can visit the Abyss a third time in BG2 and needs to pay at least ''five'' visits to their personal hellish sub-realm in ToB. Then again it is D&D, where a stroll through Hell is the high-level equivalent of a morning constitutional.
* The ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'' series have gone there so often, it's probably got a condo there..
* Some of ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'' games. The main quest of ''[[Morrowind]]'' involves an expedition into the domain of Dagoth Ur, often described in-game as "the devil". {{spoiler|Though he's "the devil" only because he was on the wrong side of the event that made some other guys "the gods".}} Several parts of ''Oblivion'' takes place in Oblivion, [[Convection, Schmonvection|with lakes of fire and lava]] and dead bodies hanging from the ceilings; to close the Oblivion gates which pop up {{spoiler|outside each city, and (optional)}} in the countryside, you have to enter them, fight to the top of a tower, and take the magical gem sustaining the gate. In the most recent expansion, you go to the realm of the Daedric Prince of Madness, Sheogorath which is just an island with gigantic mushrooms and surreal fauna.
* Occurs, somewhat, in ''[[Jade Empire]]''. {{spoiler|After the [[Treacherous Advisor]] kills you, the Water Dragon guides you to her defiled temple, where if it is purified, she can resurrect you. However, its defilement has drawn demons intent on bringing their master, a [[Cosmic Horror|nameless entity of pure evil from outside the cosmic order.]]}}
* ''[[Saga Frontier (Video Game)|Saga Frontier]]''. {{spoiler|In Blue's quest, the twist is that the reason for the main quest was so that you could become powerful enough to keep Hell from invading the universe the rest of the game is set in. However, you don't accomplish this by ''defeating'' the King of Hell, but by engaging him in an endless battle which neither of you can win -- the game ends "midway" through it, with the apparent implication that it just continues forever: [[Sealed Evil in A Duel]].}}
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