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* Occurs, somewhat, in ''[[Jade Empire]]''. {{spoiler|After the [[Treacherous Advisor]] kills you, the Water Dragon guides you to her defiled temple, where if it is purified, she can resurrect you. However, its defilement has drawn demons intent on bringing their master, a [[Cosmic Horror|nameless entity of pure evil from outside the cosmic order.]]}}
* ''[[Saga Frontier]]''. {{spoiler|In Blue's quest, the twist is that the reason for the main quest was so that you could become powerful enough to keep Hell from invading the universe the rest of the game is set in. However, you don't accomplish this by ''defeating'' the King of Hell, but by engaging him in an endless battle which neither of you can win -- the game ends "midway" through it, with the apparent implication that it just continues forever: [[Sealed Evil in a Duel]].}}
* In ''[[Final Fantasy II (Video Game)|Final Fantasy II]]'', the last dungeons; Jade Passage and Pandemonium Castle, takes place in Hell. If the party talks to the NPC Paul, he flips out, calling the lot of them insane before wishing them safe passage back (this being the latest in a number of increasingly incredulous reactions to the party's destinations from him).
** In ''Dawn of Souls'', the Soul of Rebirth mode has the player take control of four party members (or almost party members) who suffer [[Plotline Death]] during the game. They wake up in what appears to be Jade Passage, and later Pandemonium, and go about figuring out what's going on. Turns out that {{spoiler|they were actually in Raqia, and then Arubboth, the heavenly counterparts to Jade and Pandemonium. So this second part [[Subverted Trope|subverts]] this trope and reveals itself to be a [[Bonus Level of Heaven]]}}.
* The UnderNet in the ''[[Mega Man Battle Network]]'' games is sometimes this, sometimes a villain base, or a [[Bad Guy Bar]] at its lightest.
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* Mephisto's Realm in ''[[Marvel Ultimate Alliance]]''.
* ''[[Riviera the Promised Land|Riviera]]'' gives you a bonus level in Hell (accessible from the menu) after you complete the game, no ifs, buts or dancing about theology. Interestingly, you're given generalised stats and a good selection of weapons instead of the ones you had when you finished.
* The second half of ''[ Super Columbine Massacre RPG!]'' has the [[Useful Notes/Columbine|Columbine]] killers being sent to Hell, which is one part [[Divine Comedy|Dante's Inferno]] and ten parts ''[[Doom]]'', complete with demon soldiers, shotguns, and the [[BFG]]. It ends with the two killing a Cyberdemon and becoming Satan's minions, upon which they watch and mock the memorial service for their Earthly massacre.
* ''Muramasa: Demon Blade'' features a nice ''[[Gratuitous Japanese|jigoku]]'' level, replete with oni galore.. Really freakin' tough oni that take tons of damage and rarely flinch..
** Strangely, there's really no fire there, and the demons are relatively friendly. The first area's gimmick is [[Down the Drain]], and the second's is [[Blackout Basement]].