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** The real reason is that George Foreman never knew his father, and wanted to be damned sure his children knew where they came from.
* When future [[Sex Pistols]] manager Malcolm McLaren met future Sex Pistols Johnny Rotten and John Simon Ritchie (better known as Sid Vicious), who hung out with a gang of ''other'' kids named Johnny, he assumed that they had adopted the names as a gesture of solidarity, in much same way in ''[[A Clockwork Orange (Film)|A Clockwork Orange]]''-like gesture. Actually, they really all ''did'' have the same name.
* [[<!-- 28nom_de_plume29%28nom_de_plume%29 Luther Blisset]] is a legendary example from ol' Europa... -->
* More [[Truth in Television]]: All baptized male Sikhs are supposed to take the surname "Singh" (lion), and all females "Kaur" (princess). This started out as a way of concealing their caste of origin when Sikhism took a stand against the caste system. Nowadays, due to the confusion of having hundreds of Singhs in the phone book, most Sikhs officially go by an additional surname.
* Prog Rock group Dream Theater would have been a [[Five-Man Band]] containing two Johns (Myung and Petrucci) and two Kevins (Moore and Labrie) but the singer chose to use his middle name of James instead.
* [[Michael Jackson]]'s children are named Prince Michael Jackson, Paris Michael Jackson, and Prince 'Blanket' Michael Jackson II
* There's a story that a London club in the 19th century called all their waiters Charlie, so that people wouldn't get distracted from the food trying to remember their names.
* Similarly, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries it was common for the (mostly black) sleeping car porters on American trains to be called "George", regardless of their actual name, in honor of George Pullman, whose company had manufactured most of said cars. This eventually lead to the formation of an organization called the [[<!-- 22George22%22George%22 Society for the Prevention of Calling Sleeping Car Porters "George,"]] which at its height counted King George V of the UK as a member. -->
* Hawaiian Pidgin, Hawaii's English-based Creole, utilizes the word/phrase "Da Kine" as a sort of universal placeholder. It can take the role of any noun, verb, adverb, or adjective, and its meaning usually (but not always) derived from context or body language. Because no other English dialects contain words that function this way (though the above-mentioned "smurf" comes close), outsiders often struggle with this, and locals have been known to use it to deliberately confuse and frustrate non-native speakers.
** It's not unheard of for "da kine" to be used several times in the same sentence, each instance having a different meaning from the others. "I went to da kine with da kine fo' get some da kine, but da line stay so long he got all da kine and we left." (In context, it was "I went to Foodland with Marc to get some ice cream, but the line was so long he got frustrated and we left")
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