Player Headquarters: Difference between revisions

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Compare [[Capital City]].
== [[First -Person Shooter]] ==
* [[Inverted Trope|Inverted]] in ''[[Left 4 Dead]]'' (and any other game which is based around escaping a hazardous area), where the whole point is to reach such a place (although the "safe rooms" which start and end the levels may count as they allow you to stock up on ammo, switch weapons, provide a medkit for each person in your party and allow fallen players to respawn once the surviving players reach them). However, going there is not ''that'' easy.
* In ''[[Deus Ex (Video Game)|Deus Ex]]'', the UNATCO headquarters on Liberty Island served as JC Denton's homebase. At least for a while.
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*** In ''[[Morrowind]]'', you are allowed to continue using the house of your early [[Quest Giver]] once he leaves, and can actually have one of three different manors built, complete with guards and servants, depending on which of the great houses you join.
*** In ''[[Oblivion]]'', you can buy houses from the head of any major town/city. Each one is different: the house in [[Wretched Hive|Bravil]] is cheap and kind of run-down, but large; the house in [[Shining City|Skingrad]] is extremely expensive, but it's a massive mansion, and you can get a servant!
*** In ''[[Skyrim]]'', it's similar to Oblivion. You can buy houses from the heads of the major towns and cities, but unlike ''[[Oblivion]]'', you need to earn the respect of the head through completing quests for the people in their town. Yes,[[Dude, Where's My Respect?|even if you're a well-known]] [[The Chosen One|Dragonborn]] {{spoiler|who resolved the civil war and prevented [[The End of the World As We Know It]]}}.
* ''[[Fallout 3]]'' has two Player Headquarters: the Megaton house for good players and the Tenpenny Tower suite for evil ones.
** Brotherhood of Steel bases serve this function (late) in the first two games. Medical facilities, item storage, even surgery to improve your stats are available.
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* The player gets a home where they can store items, change their appearance, brew potions, create gems, and/or forge armor and weapons in every area in [[Kingdoms of Amalur]]. They slowly build in opulence from an abandoned house in Canneroc to a full-fledged castle on the Caeled Coast.
== [[Shoot 'Em Up]] ==
* ''[[Star Control]] 1'' and ''2'' have starbases where you can build additional ships. In the first game, The star base is just good for cranking out ships. In the second game, you have one starbase that you continue to go to for resupply, story info, and is pretty much your staging ground for the entire campaign.
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* The Security Room in ''[[Dead Rising]]''. {{spoiler|Then later on, Carlito's hideout.}}
== [[Third -Person Shooter]] ==
* Comedy action game ''Giants Citizen Kabuto'' not only did this but had the player construct his own, RTS-style, complete with walls, defense turrets and upgrade-dispenser buildings for two of the playable species. The other one just ate everything he didn't throw.
* ''[[Ghostbusters]]: The Video Game'' has the titular Ghostbusters' famous firehouse, complete with the fire poles, Ecto-1 in the Garage, and the containment unit in the basement.