Playing Both Sides: Difference between revisions

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Overlaps with [[False Flag Operation]].
== Anime and Manga ==
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* ''[[Iji (Video Game)|Iji]]'': in several sections of you can take advantage of fighting between Tasen and Komato forces.
* ''[[Fallout 2]]'': Few encounters in are as pleasant as the ones where you meet two groups of gangsters fighting each other. Stay out for the first part, attack one side if it's winning too easily, then wipe out the other side afterwards. Then loot the large number of powerful weapons they drop.
* Two of the four endings in ''[[Fallout New Vegas]]'' revolve around this. When siding with either of the local superpowers, [[The Federation|the New California Republic]] or [[Politically -Incorrect Villain|Caesar's Legion]], the player averts this trope. When siding with [[The Chessmaster|Mr. House]] or [[I Can Rule Alone|going rogue]], pitting the militarily superior NCR and Legion against each other becomes instrumental. In Mr. House's case, he also wants to make sure that the NCR's defeat is mitigated, as he needs their tourism for his own economy.
* The ''[[Doom]]'' series (and [[Doom RL|the roguelike based on it]]) has monsters that are programmed to fight one another if you can get them to either blast / wallop each other or if you splash them and trick them into fighting other demons. This allows a player to clear seemingly impossible scenarios, like the [[Oh Crap|room with the Cyberdemon and 18 Barons of Hell]]. Additionally, some monsters just plain don't like each other, such as the Baron of Hell and the Cacodaemon, a feud lampshaded in the original Doom.<br /><br />This behavior does not occur in ''[[Doom RL]]''. However, the monster AI is incredibly stupid and will happily shoot at you even if there are three or four other monsters in the way who will probably be hit first.
* ''[[Last Scenario (Video Game)|Last Scenario]]'' and ''[[Exit Fate (Video Game)|Exit Fate]]'': SCF clearly likes this trope. Both of his freeware RPGs involve it in some fashion.
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* ''[[Aladdin (Disney)|Aladdin]]'': One episode had Nefir the imp trick the Odifferans into believing that Aladdin had stolen a sacred artifact, so that they would attack Agrabah, and supplied both sides with weapons for an exorbitant fee. Once his intentions were revealed (as was the fact that Nefir himself stole the artifact), both sides threatened Nefir into rebuilding Agrabah and refunding both sides' money.
* On ''[[The Spectacular Spider Man]],'' Norman Osborn is paid by the Big Man to make supervillains while ''also'' getting paid by the police to build those villains' [[Tailor -Made Prison|Tailor Made Prisons]].
* In the ''[[Looney Tunes]]'' short "The High and the Flighty", [[Daffy Duck]] is a novelties salesman who supplies for both [[Foghorn Leghorn]] and the barnyard dog in their ongoing prank war. He is found out when he accidentally sells them the same gag (the Pipe Full O'Fun Kit No. 7) and decide to [[Enemy Mine|team up]] against Daffy to trap him in his own device.
* ''[[Bob's Burgers (Animation)|Bob's Burgers]]'': In "Beefsquatch", Bob and Gene have their own cooking segment in a local talk show and try to sabotage each other. They both unknowingly enlist Louise to come up with ways of messing with each other, which she gladly does. Eventually Louise [[Even Evil Has Standards|gets disgusted at Bob and Gene's competitiveness]] and quits.