Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"Even though I'm just a little goat..."''|'''Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: Joys of the Season''' OP}}
The tale of a group of goats (or sheep or lambs depending on translation issues)and the wolf that tries to catch them [[Once an Episode]]. In the style of ''[[Wile E. Coyote and The Road Runner (Animation)|Wile E Coyote and The Road Runner]]'', said wolf's plans are foiled each episode and the goats go home, free and victorious. The wolf, on the other hand, goes home to endure his wife's [[Domestic Abuse|epic beatings]]. That pretty much sums up the whole series, which spans 500+ episodes. '''''Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf''''' is a rather popular cartoon series in China, being one of, if not the, most successful pieces of animation the nation has ever domestically produced. It debuted c. 2005 and airs in [[Captain Obvious|China]], Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and as of recent news, New Zealand and Australia. It's also spanned three movies, and the company plans to make a movie for ''every'' animal of the Chinese zodiac.
Now for a more in-depth look at this epic story by Hwang Weiming. The group of goats live in a village aptly titled "Goat Village." The show focuses mostly on the main [[Five-Man Band|group]] of school-age goats. They are led by [[The Hero|Xi Yang Yang]]/ Pleasant Goat/ Happy Goat/ [[Flat What|Weslie]], who usually takes center-stage and saves the day against [[Designated Villain|Grey Wolf/ Hui Tai Lung/ Wolffy]]. Other goats include Mahn Yang Yang/Slow Goat/Mr.Slowy, the village elder/mayor/schoolmaster, Lan Yang Yang/ Lazy Goat/ [[Flat What|Lance/ Patty/ Fatty]], [[The Lancer|Fei Yang Yang/ Sparky/ Force Goat/ Fit Goat]], his crush, [[The Chick|Mei Yang Yang/ Pretty Goat]]/[[Flat What|Tibby]], and Luan Yang Yang/ Soft Goat/ [[Flat What|Jody]], the class president. Let's not forget the ancestors of the goat clan.
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Still, it's a cartoon for children and ''Pleasant Goat'' is highly recommended for those who want to improve their mandarin listening skills- it has simple vocabulary and is easy to understand. However, it happens to be one of those kiddy shows with an enormous amount of [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]] (by Western standards, at least), complete with ''lots'' of [[Foe Yay]], [[Ho Yay]], moments of [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]], alcoholism, attempted suicide, and blatant use of guns (which actually look and act like guns) and knives.
Think ''[[Wile E. Coyote and The Road Runner (Animation)|Wile E Coyote and The Road Runner]]'' meets ''[[The Smurfs]]''.
Here's some info from [[wikipedia:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf|the other wiki]]
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* [[Chained Heat]]: Played straight in the second movie when Weslie and Wolffy end up chained together in the middle of the desert
* [[Coat, Hat, Mask]]: Sort of, the nameless hero/ {{spoiler|Wolffy}} of Goat Village dons a straw hat, a cloak, and a cloth that covers his face.
* [[Depending Onon the Writer]]: Before [[Characterization Marches On|characterization stabilized]], how the characters acted depended ''heavily'' on this trope.
* [[Determinator]]: Wolffy has come up with 2,000+ plans to catch the goats. He always fails and ends up on the receiving end of physical pain. He still [[Awesome Moments|hasn't given up]].
** In one episode, Patty went on a trek to deliver snow to a southern village, motivated by the fact that if he doesn't deliver the snow, Little Knife Goat will never be able to see snow. {{spoiler|Not knowing this, Mr. Slowy, thinking Patty would never do such a thing, decides to let Little Knife Goat come to their village instead. The episode ends with Patty basically calling Mr. Slowy a [[Jerkass]]}}
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* [[Disguised in Drag]]: Weslie, Patty, and Wolffy have all tried this.
* [[Dramatic Spotlight]]: Used frequently for [[Department of Redundancy Department|dramatic drama.]]
* [[Dressing Asas the Enemy]]: Weslie and Sparky disguised themselves as wolf cubs once, with the former having impersonated both Wolffy and Wolnie at different points.
** Wolffy and Wolnie disguise themselves as goats frequently.
* [[Drunk Onon Milk]]: Wolffy and his uncle got drunk on "fruit juice" once- strangely enough, since everyone usually gets drunk on actual liquor.
* [[Dynamic Entry]]: Little Fragant likes to "surprise" Wilie.
* [[Easy Amnesia]]: Happens to Wolnie and Sparky once. Happens to Wolffy ''thrice.''
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Happens between the goats and wolves whenever forced to work together.
* [[Evil Plan]]: Almost any scheme by a non-vegan wolf or any other baddie.
* [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]: There's the title itself, and almost any adjective preceding the characters' names.
* [[Face Fault]]: Happens often.
* [[Face Plant]]: Most of the male cast has been through this.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Penguins]]: Yep, penguins in China
* [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears]]: For Wolffy, at least
* [[Faceless Masses]]: Almost every non-protagonist goat looks the same. In the second movie, they're clearly ''copies'' of each other filling up the background. It's even worse for the nameless wolves; they're a mass of identical clones!
* [[Failure Is the Only Option]]: Wolffy and how!
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** Brother Tai and Wolffy had this in episode 3 of the 3rd season. While Tai was beating up Wolffy, {{spoiler|the Tigress Teacher/Sister Tigress, who believed he had stood her uo}} saw the scene and since {{spoiler|Wolffy [[Paper-Thin Disguise|disguised himself as a female]]}}, she kept imagining Tai as outright ''groping'' and ''making out'' with Wolffy. Then comes this line from her: "You don't like tigers! You like wolves!"
** Wilie's and {{spoiler|Little Fragrant's}} relationship starts out as this {{spoiler|only on her part}}
* [[Food Asas Bribe]]: Works for Paddi and the wolves.
* [[Fountain of Youth]]: An episode centered on this when the goats needed to save Mr. Slowy from dying of old age {{spoiler|(he lied to them as payback for mocking his age)}} and Wolnie wanted to restore her youth. {{spoiler|There was no more water left in it because too many animals drank from it.}}
* [[Freaky Friday Flip]]: Happens to Wolffy and Sparky. Then {{spoiler|Wolnie became Paddi, Weslie became Wolnie, and Paddi became Weslie}} in the same episode
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** In the 3rd season, {{spoiler|Wolffy does it again, telling the goats to leave him behind and go back to Qing Qing with the Deep Ocean Pearl so they can change Wolnie and Mr. Slowy back from fish to their original forms, while he's captured by the giant squid that guarded the pearl. Of course, he ends up fine.}}
** In the same season, {{spoiler|Mr. Slowy volunteers to be the wolves' meal to save the reputation/well-being of the goats. [[Captain Obvious|He lives.]]}}
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]: Most of Wolffy's schemes end this way.
* [[Ho Yay]]: All the male goats, and the wolves when they get along. The most memorable is the incident where Sparky thought he was pregnant with Paddi's child because {{spoiler|they kissed mouth-to-mouth during a play of [[Sleeping Beauty]]}}. They spent the rest of the episode dating and deciding who should be the father. {{spoiler|Paddi}}.
** Weslie kisses Sparky on the cheek, and tells him it was Tibby
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** Played straight in-universe with Bien Zuai Luen/ Flat mouth luen, a duck celebrity/singer that every female character and [[Even the Guys Want Him|some males]] adores.
* [[Narm]]: Has its moments.
* [[Never Say "Die"]]: Oh, averted, so so much, oddly enough. Below are but a few examples.
** '''Wolffy''': Well, Weslie, looks like your death date's here.
** '''Patty''': If I die, then we die together! (while stuck to Wolffy, both strapped to dynamite)
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* [[Story Arc]]: The ''Smart Dodging'' season and several small ones in later seasons.
* [[Take That]]: At the Chinese milk powder poison incident in the first movie.
* [[Taking You Withwith Me]]: The cast ''loves'' to use this, usually through [[Unfortunate Implications|suicide bombing]] but no one ever actually takes anyone out or dies.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: Jodie and Wolffy.
* [[Theme Tune Cameo]]: Many characters have been humming or outright singing this.