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* [[Everything's Better With Dinosaurs]]: There is a Tyrannosaurus Rex. A boss battle.
* [[Everything's Better With Monkeys]]: Not for the [[Chew Toy|Pygmies.]] They throw the Pygmies off cliffs and [[Nightmare Fuel|rip their faces off!]]
* [[Everything's Better With Rainbows]]: You can create [[Memetic Mutation|double rainbows]]. See [[Shout -Out]].
* [[Everything's Deader With Zombies]]: You can bury Pygmies in a grave which turns them into zombies on Graveyard Island. They then walk about and bite other Pygmies, turning them to zombies as well.
* [[Everything's Even Worse With Sharks]]: [[Captain Obvious|The shark]]. You can feed Pygmies to it, drop it on their head, knock them into the water with it, or let them (attempt) to catch it...
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** Ep 3: You Always Hurt the Ones You Lava
** Ep 29: The Pyg Chill
** [[Oasis|Ep 31: What's the Story, Morning Gory?]]. See [[Shout -Out]].
** Ep 34: Monkey See, Monkey Chew
* [[Just Eat Him]]: Most the wildlife in the game (except for dodo birds, monkeys, fish, and swordfish) kill the Pygmies by eating them. The boss monsters do this to gain health.
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* [[Potty Emergency]]: If a Pygmy takes too long in the outhouse, a nearby Pygmy will start waiting, and if you [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|let them keep waiting]], they will eventually burst.
* [[Prehistoria]]: Technically the whole game (its set in the time of Pangaea), but Rock Island is most fitting (it has a tyrannosaurus Rex).
* [[Schizo -Tech]]: Despite being set in the time of Pangaea, the outhouse on Rock Island has a flushing toilet, the underwater area has a shark with a laser gun strapped to it's head and a sunken pirate ship in the background, there is a jetpack in the "Ooga Jump" minigame, and the Pygmies get electric guitars in "The Pocket God Update Song".
* [[Shock and Awe]]: One of your god powers is striking Pygmies (and dodo birds and [[Everything's Better With Monkeys|monkeys)]].
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** [[Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon|"Ep 28: Barking Spider, Crouching Pygmy"]]
** "Ep 31: What's the Story, Morning Gory", which is reference to the song "What's the story, morning glory" by [[Oasis]].
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** The [[Donkey Kong|"Konkey Dong"]] update.
** [[Charlie Sheen|Charlie,]] [[Sixth Ranger|a 7th Pygmy]] [[Charlie Sheen|who talks about winning, and shouts Charlie Sheen quotes. He also can turn into a tiger (because he has tiger blood and Adonis DNA) and a High Priest Vatican Assassin Warlock.]] The episode was called [[Two and A Half Men|"Two and a Half Pygmies"]] to drive the point home.
* [[Sixth Ranger]]: Charlie, a seventh Pygmy. See [[Shout -Out]].
* [[Slippy -Slidey Ice World]]: Ice Island.
* [[Somewhere a Palaeontologist Is Crying]]: The Tyrannosaurus Rex didn't exist in the time of Pangaea.
** There are hominoids and dinosaurs existing together in the same time/place.
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[[Category:Miscellaneous Games]]
[[Category:Pocket God]]