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* In the first ''[[Crysis (series)|Crysis]]'' game, the US fleet isn't the least bit able to defend itself against the slow moving hordes of alien ships. Worse, the fleet gets only a 5 second warning about the approaching ships before they wreck the carrier's flight deck by simply crashing into it. A later cutscene shows many more alien craft in the background, and a nuclear warhead had just been detonated, so [[They Just Didn't Care|they could've easily told us]] the aliens did a [[Zerg Rush]] and 99% were shot down before getting close and have the damage done by the remaining 1%, or that the systems were blinded by the nuke's EMP waves.
* In the various ''[[Star Wars]]'' space sim games, there are often laser turrets that are more specifically designed for swatting X-wings. They tend to fail horribly at their jobs when you learn how to handle them.
** In the ''[[XStar Wars: X-Wing]]'' and ''[[TIE Fighter]]'' games, you can simply jiggle the stick while moving in any direction but directly at a turret to evade all fire—the [[Frickin' Laser Beams]] move so slowly that the slightest deviation in direction will throw a shot off.
** The ''[[Rogue Squadron]]'' games often forced you to directly confront these laser turrets, which is suicidal to do head-on, but if you can get below their firing arc (and they're often on top of hills or on canyon ledges to facilitate this), they're completely helpless.
** ''Battlefront II's'' Space Combat mode avoided player immunity to AA by having the automated turrets of capital ships shoot exploding lasers (don't think about it). This made up for their poor accuracy by making it extremely difficult for small fighters like A-Wings to fly within range of them, lest they run into a flak barrage and explode uselessly.