Pokémon/WMG/Crossovers: Difference between revisions

Rename "Rated Mfor Manly" to Rated M for Manly
m (Rename "Rated Mfor Manly" to Rated M for Manly)
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== Byron is the reincarnation of [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Kamina]]. ==
He's certainly [[Hot Blooded]], [[Badass]], and [[Rated MforM for Manly|Manly]] enough, and they're both muscular and they wear capes that are shredded at the bottom. Byron's obsession with piercing the ground instead of the heavens comes from being reborn into a world under the sky, where the underground is a vast, unexplored, mysterious place, like the surface in ''[[Gurren Lagann]]''. He's still obsessed with digging, just in a direction that better fits the world he was reincarnated into. Additionally, he prefers steel-type Pokemon because they subconciously remind him of the mechs he used to pilot and battle with in his past life.
* So, who's his Simon? Roark? I bet Steven is Rossiu.
** Hareta of course.