Pokémon/WMG/Crossovers: Difference between revisions

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== Ash is an reincarnation or alternate universe equivalent of [[Doctor Who (TV)|The Other]]. ==
In Doctor Who, The Doctor has been revealed in the expanded universe to be the reincarnation of one of the founders of Time Lord society. Ash and The Doctor have quite alot in common. Both have traveled with female companions who tend to leave him to do their own thing. Both of them have a sentient companion that they may or may not understand (Pikachu/The TARDIS) and who is prone to disobeying. Both of them have also traveled with a male companion who's most famous trait was hitting on people (Brock/Captain Jack Harkness). Both of them tend to be very rebellious and stubborn, with [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]. Both of them are normally kind, but can get unkind at times. Both of them have died and come back from the dead. Both of them change their look from time to time (though, The Doctor's change is a bit more drastic). Both of them are normally [[No Hugging, No Kissing|non-romantic]] (though 9 and 10 have been very, very romantic). Both have been played as [[The Messiah]] and both have saved the world. Also, neither of the age. Ash may not be a Time Lord, but he is at least the reincarnation of one.
== Ash changes his name and joins the military. ==
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== Dawn is this universe's [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Key]]. ==
Because the [[NamesName's the Same|Name's The Same]]. And why not?
== The contest participant in Gen IV named Jorge is [[Halo Reach|Jorge]]. ==
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== Speaking of [[Yu-Gi-Oh GX]], [[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (Video Game)|Galactic Leader Cyrus]] is the grown-up [[Yu-Gi-Oh GX|Syrus Truesdale]]. ==
Even if you don't factor in ([[Dub Name Change|Dub]])[[NamesName's the Same]] and the rather unusually ''light'' [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|blue]] [[Anime Hair|hair]] that they have in common, there's also the old man in Sunnyshore City who mentions that when he was much younger, Cyrus was a "quiet boy who liked the company of machines." Syrus uses [[Cute Machines|Vehicroids]] throughout the GX series and, early on, could very easily be described as "quiet" due to his shy nature...
== Pikachu is Ash's [[His Dark Materials|daemon]]. ==
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== [http://pokesho.com/img_chara/game1/i_ituki_gsc.gif Itsuki (or Will)] from Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal is [[Haruhi Suzumiya|Koizumi Itsuki]]. ==
Think about that: both are psychics, both are kinda fruity (a tuxedo with bright magenta details, ''come on''), both have the exact same hairstyle (although Will's is purple), and both have the exact [[NamesName's the Same|same name]] (at least in the original)! How can they not be the ''same friggin' person''? Makes one wonder where the others are... Perhaps they are all acting as other Elite Four members, or even Gym Leaders. Makes things difficult, since most of the Haruhi cast uses their last names/nicknames to identify themselves, and most of Pokemon characters use just the first name...
== Ash is an avatar of Vishnu. ==
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== Ethan and Lyra are [[Control Alt Delete|Ethan and Lilah]] ==
[[NamesName's the Same]].
== Ethan/Lyra is being controlled by Baoba ==
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== Pokemon takes place in the Xenosaga universe. Arceus was a bio-organic war machine similar to Deus that landed on a terraformable planet. ==
Relating to theories of Arceus imposing as a [[A God Am I|God]], and the pokeverse has a [[Magic aA Is Magic A]] rule, the planet where Pokemon takes place is not even close to [[Like Reality Unless Noted]]. Rather, taking the apopcalyptic theories above in a new direction, the pokeverse wasn't designed to be: it was like a weapon disposal facility, to isolate Arceus. However, Arceus, still being sentient enough to function, created reproducing life forms such as Mew (which lead to pokemon, and if you will, human life) to eventually help repair itself when the time is right. Until then, it lies dormant to conserve power (until [[The Kid With the Remote Control]] comes along).
Now where are the connections? Let's look:
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And Hobbes? Hobbes was burned in an incinerator after being thrown away - but turns out he actually was sentient, and he's reincarnated as a Zubat which Cyrus catches. This is why he manages to evolve it into Crobat despite claiming to be emotionless.
== Archie is [[Tintin (Comic Book)|Captain Haddock]]. ==
First off, Captain Haddock's first name is Archibald which is shortened to Archie. As some WMG state, the Pokemon world is a product of an [[After the End|apocalyse]] and there was a great disaster that caused the Pokemon to appear, but there as great human deaths and suffering in the process. As another WMG state, Tintin and co. (which includes Haddock) are immortals whom never age and that explains why [[Comic Book Time|no one ages]] even though the world around them change considerably.
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Soooo, if we take the Pokéverse verse to be an [[Alternate Universe|alternate universe]], then we've got Beatles in our universe and Beatles in the Pokéverse (this is assuming there's some kind of equivalent of everything in our universe in the Pokéverse). Only the Pokéverse's Beatles are ... rather different. Rock gods in our universe become ''real'' gods in the Pokéverse.
First up is the big two, Dialga/Palkia, or Paul/John respectively. Both are the main members of their groups. Dialga and Palkia govern time and space, can alter the fabric of the universe and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|are mascot legendaries]]. Paul and John, meanwhile, did most the songwriting, were the lead singers a lot of the time and were, well, in charge. And when they fight, it does not end well. When Dialga and Palkia fight, it destroys the universe. When John and Paul fight, it [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Heinous?|breaks up the Beatles.]] Dialga, by the way, is Paul, while Palkia is John (however [[A Worldwide Punomenon|delicious]] a Paul-kia pun would have been). See, Palkia is part Water-type. As the Beatles went on, it became apparent that John was the more experimental, laid-back of the two - more [[Incredibly Lame Pun|''flowing'']] (also rather symbolic, as John's ashes were scattered in the sea). Paul was more rigid and perfectionist, which is [[Ass Pull|synonymous with Dialga's Steel-typing somehow.]]
George is Giratina. For a start, there's Giratina's part Ghost-typing, fitting because George Harrison is, well, [[He's Dead, Jim|dead.]] Then, if we take a look at Giratina's roles in the Sinnoh games, there's some parallels with George's role in the Beatles. In Diamond and Pearl, Giratina hides out in Sendoff Spring and doesn't do an awful lot, much like [[The Quiet One|the 'quiet' Beatle]] George. In Platinum, however, Giratina plays a major part in the storyline; towards the end of the Beatles, George wrote more songs and generally got more involved. (From this, you could say the events of Platinum parallel the Beatles' breakup. Giratina appears in the midst of Dialga and Palkia's fighting, obviously majorly pissed off, and opens a portal to the Distortion World, leaving Dialga and Palkia at a loose end. George appears in the midst of John and Paul's fighting, obviously majorly pissed off, and storms out of Abbey Road studios, leaving John and Paul at a loose end.) And, let's not forget Dialga and Palkia banished Giratina to the Distortion World, while John and Paul largely excluded George from the songwriting, so of course he became a tad reclusive. The whole Origin/Altered Forme thing also kinda fits. Altered Forme Giratina is mop-topped, quiet George, while Origin Forme Giratina, which we only see in Platinum, is unrestrained, outspoken, [[Let It Be|'I-won't-play-at-all-if-you-don't-want-me-to']] George (in other words, natural George).
That leaves Ringo and Mesprit. Mesprit is not like Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. Mesprit is little, and while it is a legendary it's not as impressive as the other three. Much like Ringo. Mesprit also is the only one able the calm the main duo when they're biting each other's heads off. Much like Ringo (seriously. [[Paul McCartney]] said on a few occasions it was Ringo's influence keeping the Beatles together later on). Mesprit doesn't become that important till later on, when it calms Dialga and Palkia. [[Running Gag|Much like Ringo]] (Ringo didn't write a song on his own till the White Album). Finally, Mesprit is from a different 'group' than the other three (rather than being a god, it's a 'guardian'. [[Overly Long Gag|Much like Ringo,]] who came from a different area of Liverpool to the other Beatles, and didn't join until rather later on, when John, Paul and George were very much established as bandmates. He also left a different band to join the Beatles.
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That's why he keeps getting Pokemon that try to eat him; they remind of home.
== Darkrai is [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Nightmare Moon]]. ==
It's a character related to the moon that causes nightmares. Need I say more?
* Then is Cresselia Celestia?
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