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General [[Wild Mass Guess|Wild Mass Guessing]]ing for the [[Pokémon]] [[Series Franchise|franchise]]. This includes theories that span multiple generations and [[Spin-Off|multiple]] [[Canon]].
'''NOTE''': To prevent [[Archive Panic]], all new Guesses are to be put on [[Pokémon (Franchise)/WMG/Open Three/WMG|Page Three]]. Responses to theories on this page are still welcome.
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== Alternatively, the universe undergoes constant renewal. ==
Why do they never mention another generation? Simple, because each generation is its own universe. Each reality collapses on itself via Big Crunch, and is reborn as the next generation. This is why Ash is [[Not Allowed to Grow Up|forever 10]]-because each season's Ash isn't the same as before. That, or Arceus causes a [[Cosmic Retcon]] every once and a while [[For the Lulz|for shits and giggles.]]
== Poketopia is run by [[Pokémon Colosseum|Cipher]]. ==
The entirety of Poketopia (in Pokemon Battle Revolution) is a ploy for Cipher to regain power after Pokemon XD by building up cash and Pokemon reserves through legitimate business. This would make Mysterial either Greevil's superior or someone who stepped in to fill the power void left by Greevil at the end of XD. Sashay may be a high-ranked officer - maybe even an Admin - due to her being the only trainer who has the Cipher riff used in Colosseum and XD in her battle theme.
** Adding on that, Joe is Mirakle B.'s civilian self and he will defect to team Miror B. as soon as he learns of its existence. Kruger is Cipher's new enforcer, taking the position from Dakim. He was a former leader of a "normal" {[[The Mafia|Mafia}}]] family which got assimilated by/allied with Cipher (The "Kruger Family" trainer class aren't his relatives, their his underlings)
** Or it's a splinter group of Team Cipher. Specifically those that have the ambition of Team Cipher, [[Even Evil Has Standards|but not the lack of a moral code.]] They were booted out because [[Card-Carrying Villain|Team Cipher]] [[Complete Monster|hates morality in itself.]]
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* Look at [http://pokemonorigins.yuku.com this].
== Pokémon are the groundskeeper species of Earth, placed there to prevent humans from ruining the place and keeping them occupied. ==
There is another species, possibly still in charge and possibly [[The Dark Side of the Sun (Literature)|Pokemon themselves]], perhaps Unown. The Pokemon are there to filter out pollution (Grimer, Muk, Koffing and Weezing) and make them gross but harmless compounds, take care of, pollinate, and plant plants (bug and plant Pokemon), keep the oceans clean and rescue people from drowning (Water Pokemon), and protect people from the elements and balance the effects of other Pokemon (ice, fire, electricity, etc), as well as provide less-pollutive sources of power. The Dark and Steel Pokemon types were added to balance Psychic helper Pokemon and be more durable for menial labor such as cut and rock smash.
== All grass and trees are sentient species of Pokémon. ==
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** Well, they actually could, but only if you don't believe that creationism, evolution, and aliens are mutually exclusive.
* This troper would like to add to this theory, as it makes the most sense. Consider, for instance, Kyogre and Groudon. Many view these two legendaries as the point where legendary Pokemon started becoming obscenely powerful, as those two in particular are credited with creating oceans and continents. Makes them sound like physical gods, no? But let's consider what we've seen these two do. Kyogre can make it rain endlessly, Groudon causes a drought. Endless rain could create oceans easily and endless, intense sun could dry up oceans to create continents. It's easy to see how, from those particular abilities, one might be convinced that they're responsible for shaping the Earth, when in reality all they can actually do is manipulate the weather. This is something just about every Pokemon can already do, just not to the same extent as Kyogre and Groudon. So, when you think about it, while Groudon and Kyogre are special in having such abilities, they're not uberly powerful god Pokemon.
* This troper has an alternate theory regarding the origin of Legendary Pokemon. In this troper's opinion, today's legendaries are the remnants of ancient extinct species of Pokemon. Eventually, as the rest of their species died out, one or two of certain kinds proved resistant and survived, and underwent a special "Ultimate Evolution", which gave them a more majestic, legendary appearance, greater power, immortality, and in many cases, loss of gender and/or sterility. Eventually, over time, humanity formed myths about these Pokemon, and we get to where we are today. There is support for this theory, such as why some legendaries still have genders, and why you can breed Manaphy to get Phione, but the Phione won't evolve into a Manaphy. The Phione is the species that Manaphy used to be, but it underwent the one-of-a kind evolution and became what it is now.
It's also worth mentioning that, if Palkia and Dialga really were rulers of space and time, then destroying the world would have been a trivial matter. Dialga could stop time and destroy the world at its leisure, Palkia could likely just make it disappear, and the two working in tandem could do this while time is stopped so no one else could interfere. Either way, using their specific powers to try to destroy the world likely wouldn't have caused the sky to go funny. The legends regarding their particular abilities could, instead, relate to their signature attacks. If Dialga used Roar of Time and time seemed to stop/slow down while it was being used, then an onlooker might think it had control over time. Likewise with Palkia's Spacial Rend. And the legend regarding Arceus using 1000 hands to create the universe could stem from its Judgement attack, which apparently works by firing a lot of lasers at the target. And if Arceus was known to have created Dialga and Palkia, and Dialga and Palkia were assumed to be rulers of time and space, then it wouldn't be a stretch to assume Arceus is the creator of the universe. In fact, in the upcoming Heart Gold and Soul Silver games, Arceus seems to be able to make one of these Pokemon for the player while in some ruins. This suggests that Arceus does indeed have the power to create these Pokemon (under certain circumstances, mind you,) so someone who knew this and knew about Dialga and Palkia's powers could, as stated, think Arceus to be the creator. As such, all of them end up with their real capabilities being blown out of proportion in myths and legends.
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== Pokemon don't have sex the way real life animals do. ==
They use what we would consider to be [[G-Rated Sex]] and magically generate eggs using some sort of ritual. This would explain how [[HotImprobable Skitty-On-WailordSpecies ActionCompatibility]] is possible, why Pokemon genitals are apparently non-existent, and why no one has ever seen Pokemon lay eggs or presumably mate (they actually ''don't''). Egg groups simply denote which Pokemon are capable of performing whatever ritual they use with each other. Legendaries can't perform the ritual at all, and dittos are capable of bypassing barriers altogether.
* Magic? This can be explained with science. Pokémon are [[wikipedia:Oviparity|oviparous]], and females will normally lay eggs, which are then [[wikipedia:External fertilization|fertilized externally]] by the males. Unfertilized Pokémon eggs bear almost no resemblance to fertilized ones (which ''can't'' really be explained by science), which would explain both why the egg-laying process has never been seen and why the child inherits so much of its move data from its father--thefather—the egg isn't really a "Pokémon egg", per se, until the father fertilizes it. (Maybe unfertilized Pokémon eggs are extremely small, similar to human ova.) The idea that the females lay the eggs regardless also explains why the only requirement of the instant egg cheat is the presence of at least one female that could normally produce an egg. The other parent could be a male of a different egg group, a genderless or legendary Pokémon, [[Les Yay|another female]], or even [[Truly Single Parent|non-existent,]] but if there is no female or the only female would normally be unable to be a parent, [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|the resulting egg produces a]] [[Game Breaker|Game Breaking Glitch]].
** That... that actually makes more sense than what I posted. Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have the answer!
* Another idea is that Pokemon reproduce via pollination.
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== Pokemon sex and birth is hideous, disgusting stuff that people can't help but block out. ==
The eggs are between eight and ten inches tall and four to six inches wide. Some ''Pokemon'' are smaller than that, and can still have eggs (not including, for example, Oddish's leaves). A full-grown Ponyta can burst forth from one of these eggs, small enough for a ten-year-old to carry five of them outside of a Poke Ball. And don't forget [[HotImprobable Skitty-On-WailordSpecies ActionCompatibility]]. It's got to be traumatizing enough that the Day Care Lady (or guy, in R/S/E) won't tell you anything, even if they can bring themselves to think about what your Tropius did to that poor, poor Oddish... [[Squick|and the bloo- sap- fluids after laying the egg]]...
* And don't forget the ability to hatch a ''a full-size Snorlax'' from one of these ten-inch eggs!
** Well, not anymore now that Munchlax exists. ''Onix,'' however...
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The Pokemon Center saps the mysterious evolution-related energy from the Pokemon a little bit at a time, each time they're healed. The Rare Candies were already around, but Pokemon Centers bought out the brand and the formula so they could add a weakening agent, as well as helping the Pokemarts and Department Stores maintain the cartel that keeps Potions higher-priced than they could be. Now, if you want to raise a Pokemon to level 100 at its strongest, you have to battle. A lot. And get healed. A lot. The battling helps the Pokemon recover from the Pokemon Center drain.
== Pokemon are [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Proud Warrior Race Guys]]s. ==
This seems to pretty much be their mentality in the anime, and explains why they don't mind being captured and used by worthy trainers (and rebel against ones they don't think are worthy). It also makes the recruitment processes in ''Ranger'' and ''Mystery Dungeon'' make sense.
* It would also explain why the wild Pokemon not only attack you when you're walking through the grass, but sometimes make it so you can't run away (like with Mean Look or the ability Arena Trap).
== The Pokemon Day Cares are a Team Rocket front. ==
While it makes sense for some Pokemon to lay eggs in the wild, such as Bird-type Pokemon, there are also Pokemon with [[Non-Mammal Mammaries|certain characteristics]] that make little sense on what appears to be both warm-blooded and have young 'hatch' at instant physical maturity and able to hunt for themselves. And that's ignoring the rather hefty supply of Pokemon that do have an immature form that they evolve out of due to happiness, gender ratios that wouldn't make sense in the wild, the ''wildly'' unusual yet successful alleged [[Interspecies Romance]], or the simple [[HotImprobable Skitty-On-WailordSpecies ActionCompatibility]]. Or the simple part where eggs are so reliably and quickly produced. Or how Pokemon can observe things that occur while still in their eggs. We've even seen records of Pokemon giving birth, albeit only in research documents. And no one has ''ever'' seen a Pokemon lay an egg, even though some species are farm livestock.
But we do know of a situation that results in mature Pokemon breaking out of fluid-filled containers at difficult-to-predict intervals, emerging with significant control of their own powers; we've seen it [[For Science!|happen before]], [[Gone Horribly Wrong]]. Only one group has the technology or interest in doing so.
The question becomes why. Obviously Team Rocket gain a lot from maintaining the day care: easy access to samples from some of the strongest and rarest Pokemon on the planet, hand-delivered to them. And cloning Pokemon for their own benefit has obvious results. But what do they gain from releasing a selection of the clones, powerful beings that Team Rocket has [[Paranoia Fuel|had adequate opportunity to brainwash, alter, or implant tracking chips within]]?
* The Pokemon actually have two eggs at a time. They give you one, giving you an incentive to give them more Pokemon, and keep the other for themselves.
* Let me just point something out. Why is it that the woman at the counter has to look left and right? It's as if she's making sure that there aren't any main protagonists here who might expose the day care for what it is!
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== Pokemon have both psychic powers (not to be confused with the [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors|Psychic type]]) and matter-replication abilities. ==
It explains a lot of the questions under [[Fridge Logic]]. It explains why a little turtle can fire a stream of water with fire hose volume, and a horse can move about on water when battling. The field isn't drenched after Surf because the Pokemon that used it turns the water back into energy. The matter created in this fashion can only be commanded by the Pokemon that created it, which is why they can't dispel each other's attacks. The extra mass gained by evolution? Think ''[[Animorphs (Literature)|Animorphs]]''. They pull the energy out of some other space and build their new body according to the protocol in their DNA.
* It could be that they take everything they need from atmosphere itself. Like water. [[Bleach|Yes, you've seen such explanation before.]]
* That "other space" bit makes more sense now that Platinum has been released, with the Reverse World. Perhaps as the God of Antimatter, Giratina is the "break the laws of physics to let new matter come into being" god? The smaller size of the Reverse/Torn World would be explained by it only having the equivalent antimatter to the positive matter used in the creation and evolution of Pokemon (if antimatter and matter are being created all the time, but instantly destroy each other, Arceus and Giratina separate the pairs so that they can add the normal matter to the Pokemon universe and the reverse matter to the Reverse/Torn world.)
== Humans in the Pokemon world are [[Made of Iron]] bordering on [[Nigh Invulnerable]] ==
During Pokemon battles, Pokemon use moves like Sandstorm, Fire Blast, Hail, Blizzard, Surf, Earthquake, and loads of other attacks of that kind. Considering the blanket effects some of these attacks have, it's hard to believe the trainers are totally unaffected. The truth is that humans in the Pokemon world are practically superhuman, capable of feats such as surviving incredibly powerful attacks and breathing underwater indefinitely.
* This Troper thinks that does explain a few things, like why nobody seems to care about the fact kids are wandering about with a team of living weapons. That also would fit well well with the below WMG, as in perhaps they didn't just bother with weapons because Pokemon are more powerful, but because most weapons would be less effective against someone than, say...[[Kamehame Hadoken|Hyper Beam]].
* Come to think of it, this also explains Team Rocket's continued existence and the fact that Pokemon attacking trainers is used for comic relief rather than causing serious injury.
* ''[[Pokémon Black and White|Black and White]]'' seems to confirm this considering the [[No OSHA Compliance]]-ness of the Mistralton City and Icirrus City Gyms. We also see Alder jumping down from a very high cliff to meet the protagonist and his/her rival in which he didn't get even the slightest injury.
== The presence of Pokemon stunted weapons development ==
Seriously, why develop things like swords and clubs when you can command super-powerful beings? That one banned episode of the anime aside, humans in the Pokemon world never developed weaponry like guns. The reason that evil teams let you pass them by once you beat them is because, hey, you have Pokemon ready to battle and theirs are fainted, and no one messes with someone who commands superbeings. No one came up with guns because it never occurred to them that humans could defend themselves from Pokemon with powerful enough technology.
* Except for some lasers and death rays, of course; because the villains' science is so cliched it would be a staple in every boss' secret room.
* There was another episode in an early season, with a criminal who is distinctly shown with a gun. It was only a training exercise, as this troper recalls, but the Officer Jenny at the scene distinctly warns Ash about the dangers of attacking an armed opponent.
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** Or it's [[Crystal Dragon Jesus|what Manaphy is to Kyogre.]]
* Regigigas is said to have moved the continents long ago, and may be a personification of strength. It created Regirock, Regice, and Registeel in its image.
** Adding on to that, one Regigigas created the other Regis to assist humans. This Regigigas stayed in the area around Snowpoint with one set of Regis, but the people who lived there eventually became horrified of its power and sealed it away. Knowing that it was powerless without Regirock, Registeel, and Regice, they also hid those three away in areas protected by a seal that could only be broken by Regigigas. What they didn't realize was that the Regis weren't unique, and others lived in faraway regions.
* Cresselia is the moon goddess, obviously. Her opposition to Darkrai, the deity of nightmares, may indicate that she has some influence over dreams as well. Their residence on Fullmoon and Newmoon Islands, respectively, as well as their respective typing, may also indicate that they are the equal-but-opposite gods of light and darkness.
* Manaphy may be a sort of aquatic Jesus figure, given its status as a powerful, one-of-a-kind legendary that is born to a rare but otherwise unremarkable species of ordinary Pokemon.
** Which is still classified as a legendary, mind you.
* Jirachi is the god and occasional granter of wishes.
** It may have a connection to the prominence of Stars in [[Super Mario Bros.|other Nintendo]] [[Kirby|franchises]].
* Shaymin is the deity and protector of nature. Celebi is actually the deity of peace and prosperity, as indicated by various Pokedex entries stating that it only appears in peaceful eras. Its association with plant life is mostly symbolic.
** Shaymin is only around in great turmoil, when the world is in danger. Celebi is only around in a state of peace. They rule dystopian and utopian parts of nature, respectively.
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** Or, as Mewtwo is a mon created by science, he possibly resembles "Science" in the Religion vs. Science argument, while all the legendaries are the so-called "Gods" everyone believes in that stand for the Religion argument (obviously). After all, no matter how many people believe Arceus is God, you're always going to have the atheist that will not believe. So Mewtwo is meant to represent that non-belief. Hm...this leads discussion for another WMG coming on.
** Or what happens when you play God...
* The pseudo-legendaries are demigods. Garchomp, Salamence, Dragonite, etc., only have mere physical form, but they actually have higher base stats than the Legendary Trio members. I can only conclude that Mew made them first as a sort of police force to keep the Pokemon [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|(and especially the humans)]] in check until Arceus can come in his human avatar.
* What about Rotom?
** Rotom isn't a legendary.
** Of course it is, it's a wandering [[Warhammer 4000040,000|Machine Spirit]].
== The programmers in the game are [[Physical God|Physical Gods]]s who laugh at the player's failures ==
The programmers in the games admit that they created the player and everything around them. They even created Arceus, with the intention of Arceus creating the universe. And because they're [[Magnificent Bastard|magnificent bastards]], they created the [[Eldritch Abomination]] MissingNo. with the knowledge that they could fix the glitch at any time, but enjoyed watching the chaos he created. And every new generation, they destroy the old universe and make a whole new Arceus to make a whole new universe. In pokeworld, each universe only lasts five years at max. FR/LG is them remaking their favourite universe without the glitches. It's the only one that still exists.
* Eh, there are too many [[Continuity Nod|Continuity Nods]]s for this to be plausible.
== The Pokemon world is a social experiment by a post-[[The Singularity|Singularity]] civilization in the [[The Future|far future]]. ==
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I haven't seen all of Pokemon, not even close. But has there been a Pokemon that didn't die of injuries, disease, or malnutrition? If there is, it could possibly be post-battle trauma or a disease. But anyway consider if Pokemon are immortal this way, eventually they may devour the world dry of resources. From the eggs and Pokemon like Weedle still around, it seems like Pokemon definately breed even though they have the immortality. So the constant battling that has now become a way of life is being used to 'save' the planet!
* Pokemon Coliseum mentions at one point that Pokemon can live far longer than humans. The old man stating this says that the Treecko standing next to him is [[Older Than They Look|ninety years old]].
** But in the anime, Tracey is shown to have an elderly Scyther. If a Pokemon can age, it must be able to die of senesence at some point.
** They probably age incredibly slowly relative to human lifespans. Heck, Rock and Steel types probably have lifespans in the tens to hundreds of thousands of years.
** Maybe Pokémon are like the Turritopsis nutricula?
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This brings up the disturbing thought that a number Pokemon cries are [[Incredibly Lame Pun|terrible puns]]. Bulbasaur for a dinosaur with a plant bulb on its back? Charmander for a fire breathing salamander? And these things actually ''say their names''? Give me a break. This could not occur in nature. Unless...
The only possibility is that in the Pokemon world, English is derived from Pokemon language and attributes. Other languages would be the same process, but alternate interpretations of Pokemon sounds.
This also explains why more recently discovered Pokemon have less punny names.
* Oh, they do, just [[Genius Bonus|in different languages]]. So English ain't the only language that Pokemon helped create.
* Well, there are the Unown, which are literally the English alphabet.
** English alphabets (actually a specific kind of Latin alphabets) can be used for writing many languages, not only English.
* There is a flaw in saying Pokemon are named after their cries, as not all pokemon say their name. Krabby's cry is 'Koo-kee', Staryu's is 'H-YA!', and Starmie has it's strange cooing sound.
** Also, most of the cat-pokemon say "meow/nya;" Lapras "croons;" Onix and other large species just roar; Dawn's Pachirisu and Iris's Axew both make a sound that sounds a bit like "gib-wah."
Say instead, then, that Pokemon species start out with a "cry" that is appropriate for their apparent species...but in associating with humanity, and instinctively trying to communicate better with their trainers, their cry "morphs" into the human name for them, which gets hardwired into the next generation. Krabby is halfway there; originally its cry was just a bunch of clicks, and "kookee" is as close as it can come to "krabbee" now. In 20-3020–30 years, it will finally achieve the "r" and the "b" sounds, and the first vowel will go from "ooo" to "uh" to "ah" to the flat "aa" of Krabby.
* Some species (Onix, Meowth, Skitty, Staryu, Lapras, et al.) don't possess the genetic disposition to change their cry in that way. Team Rocket's Meowth is an exception, a genetic sport that not only randomly got the gene, but got a "super-effective" version, allowing him to (and giving him an instinctive desire to) learn human language.
* Alternately: Meowth, the Slowking in Movie 2, and the Gastly in the "Maiden's Peak" episode all awoke their own dormant genetic potential to learn to speak ''through'' their fierce desire to do so.
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== Legendaries aren't "caught", they consent to follow the player character. ==
Going off the above theory, it does make little sense that a legendary Pokemon, especially ones like Giratina or Arceus, could be controlled by human technology like normal Pokemon. Instead, they probably allow themselves to be "caught" after recognizing the player as a [[Worthy Opponent]]. They probably make a unspoken contract with their trainer, that they agree to fight for them for the extent of the lifetime of that human, but if they dislike their trainer, that human will experience, at best, a painful death.
== Formalized, competitive battling is a recent development. ==
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So, let's start with the origins of the Pokémon world. Suppose that a long time ago, there was an [[Earth-That-Was]] situation. Humanity evacuated to find a new world. This world, naturally, would be the Pokémon world. The planet was terraformed with certain… devices (we'll return to this later) and reshaped into a roughly Earth-like format. This is why certain regions correspond to actual locations in Japan, and why Orre is like Arizona. Also, certain regions were named for their Earth-Prime (as we'll call it for simplicity) counterparts. Ever wonder why there are references to China, South America, and various other Earth locales in the Pokedex? This is why- some of them are in fact referencing the Earth-Beta locations. Lt. Surge is from America-Beta, and fought in a war on the game's planet at some point in the past, but it's just called America due to years of just calling it America and what have you. Of course, not all regions have their Earth-Prime names, whether because of people becoming original with the names or the pronunciations becoming corrupted- like Orre for Arizona or Phenac City for Phoenix. By now, though, a lot of this has been forgotten, due to thousands of years passing.
Ah, you say. But you mentioned terraforming. What's up with that? Glad you asked. Simple answer- Regigigas was part of the machine. Consider, for a moment, that Regigigas takes a while to start up, rather like a not-so-good computer. Also consider that it requires three ''keys'' of sorts to start up, the golem trio. Finally, Regigigas has plugs for hands. It's mentioned in the dex that Regigigas moved the continents by towing them with a rope- however, again due to the telephone-game effect, it was actually a device called the R.O.P.E. that Regigigas used to tow the continents, by plugging its hands into it. While seemingly organic, Regigigas and its trio are all bio-organic machines, perhaps created from materials found on humanity's new planet. It's unknown what Registeel eats, and Regirock can repair itself with boulders, so there seems to be both machine and living being there- and their Clear Body abilities are shared with the Beldum line, the only other robotic Pokemon. Consider for a moment that they were originally simple automatons, but of course [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]] and they gained sentience, possibly turning on their masters. The Braille in Hoenn suggests the Regis were sealed out of fear of their power. And what better way to make sure the strongest one is kept locked away than by hiding its three keys in separate regions? The legends were passed down to keep people from unleashing this power again, but so much time passed that all the warnings were naturally forgotten.
Now, the technology rant leads us to our next segment- why are the levels of technology so random? On the one hand, humans on the Pokemon world can capture giant animals in baseball-sized capsules and have teleport pads, but there are few motorized vehicles seen and TV and radio are at the same level as the real world. My conclusion is that some sort of disaster- in fact, perhaps the possible golem rebellion- ended up destroying part of the technology humanity had developed, and so in some areas we were set back while other advances were mostly intact. Of course, it wasn't perfect, since Poke Balls had to be made of apricorns for some time until technology advanced back to a suitable level, but it worked. Less vital things, like aforementioned forms of entertainment, were either mostly lost or considered unnecessary luxuries and mostly ignored while humanity recovered and did more important things on their new home. Of course, if the above is true and the Regis are all manmade, then this means that Porygon isn't the first artificial Pokemon.
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== The legendaries were [[Gods Need Prayer Badly|created by belief]] ==
The Legendary Pokemon did not exist until mankind (and possibly Pokemon-kind) believed in them. The legendaries are, in fact, powered by belief. They can use all the powers mankind would expect them to have, but because they require man's belief, their actual abilities are finite. Dialga, for example, can control time because that's what mankind expects, but it never actually created time. Arceus can use abilities like Judgement and create the other legendaries because people believe it can. Groudon never created land, but it ''can'' create land. The conflicting backstories for the various legendaries are because the legends themselves conflict: the pokedex is just spitting the legends about the Pokemon back out at you.
== The various incense items (Sea Incense, Lax Incense, etc.) are psychotropic drugs to Pokemon. ==
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== The reason Pokemon learn moves when they do is because of the Pokemon Trainer's skill. ==
Or, in the case of wild Pokemon, their skill. It explains [[Mis BlamedMisblamed|why Lance makes his Pokemon learn moves at the wrong levels]] and why some Pokemon know things they shouldn't. It's like adaptation, but... well... better.
== Team Rocket is actually a well equipped mercenary force disguised as black marketeers ==.
Line 295 ⟶ 296:
== The Pokemon and humans are actually made of self replicating nanomachines. ==
This explains why Pokemon can be healed instantly by Pokemon Centers, why there is no "real" wildlife, the way Pokemon of all species can communicate, how [[HotImprobable Skitty-On-WailordSpecies ActionCompatibility|Skitty and Wailord can breed]], and why they can unleash [[No Conservation of Energy|huge amounts of energy]] without a source. [[Fridge Logic|Pikachu doesn't cause heart attacks]], they [[Convection, Schmonvection|breathe in volcanoes]], and all have psychic powers. Because they are nanomachines they can "eat" each other, become "ghosts", "reproduce", and fit into [[Hammerspace|Poke Balls]]. Why can Pokemon do weird things like enter dreams, hypnotize, teleport, learn from CDs, become ghosts, evolve, shapeshift, and fly? They are nanomachines. They can simply rearange themselves when necessary.
The only real things seem to be water, some random foliage, mountains, and air. Perhaps the purpose of their existence is to terraform the planet for the true humans. Arceus is likely a supercomputer in control of everything. Once the true humans arrive, they may or may not turn everything off, thus ending the inhabitants existance forever.
* On the bright side though, they might get reused elsewhere.
Line 301 ⟶ 302:
== Extingishing a Charmander's tail is ''not'' fatal; this lie helps protect both Charmander and their ''trainers''. ==
As seen in the [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (Video Game)|Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]] games, Charmander ''can'' have their tails get wet -- evenwet—even completely submerged -- withoutsubmerged—without immediately dying. Trainers are simply told otherwise in order to teach them caution. Remember, the starting age for trainers is canonically '''ten''', ''and'' you run into some trainers that are much, much younger. [[Mons]] are dangerous enough without giving a fire-breathing lizard to some [[Curious Asas a Monkey|curious kid]] who might want to play with his new friend's [[Incendiary Exponent|pretty tail]]...
So they say "Hey, kids! See your Charmander's fiery tail? If it goes out, '''IT'LL DIE'''. So be careful, won't you? :D" And the kids are a little psychologically scarred, but hey, that's better than ''burning your hands off'', right? To say nothing of how an irritated charmander would likely react to some brat toying with or even ''yanking'' its tail... Even if the ''charmander'' doesn't retaliate, once it evolves... See what happened to [[Meaningful Name|Ash]]. But this way, the kids know to be cautious, and will hypothetically treat their new charmander with extra care.
In fact...
== All of the entries implying that somebody harmed a Pokemon are actually meant to ''dissuade'' that behavior. ==
Because [[Children Are Innocent|children aren't alway innocent]] -- they—they ''can'' [[Kids Are Cruel|be cruel, sometimes horribly so]] -- and—and even when they ''mean'' well, [[Curious Asas a Monkey|there can]] [[Ambiguous Innocence|be problems]]. To combat this, several PokeDex entries casually mention some of the consequences of this sort of experimentation... like, say, [[Video Game Cruelty Punishment|what would happen if you cut a Raticate's whiskers off]].
...Admittedly, this doesn't do much for the brats who [[Schmuck Bait|want to see if that'll]] ''[[Schmuck Bait|really]]'' [[Schmuck Bait|happen]], but at least ''this'' way they can't say they weren't ''warned''.
Line 318 ⟶ 319:
== Aura powers Fighting, Dark, and Psychic types, but in different ways ==
This explains why they typically have [[Personality Powers]] and why they have type match-ups like they do, because of hiow one part of the soul affects the other.
-In the anime and games, it's clearly shown that aura based moves take shape in Fighting type moves, as evidenced by Lucario's [[Kamehame Hadouken|Aura Sphere]]. However, it actually provides the powers of all fighting types, simply in different ways. their training which apparently results in [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]s is actually tightening their connection with aura, giving them powers. Lucario's simply manifest more directly. This explains the MASSIVE physique of most Fighting-types.
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-Likewise, Dark-types draw on another part of their body for power, their instincts, or spirit, while Fighting-types use their physical body. Their instincts take form in Dark-type energy, explaining why the less powerful Dark-types simply have enhanced abilities relating to thievery and dirty tactics, while powerful Dark-types actually have shadow powers. The type reflects that, as bad Dark-types are shown to be survivalists and thieves, while noble Dark-types like Absol have powers relating to instinct.
-Psychic-types thus use their minds to connect with aura, giving them their abilities. With weaker psychics, this power is a not quite visible form of ESP, but with powerful psychics such as Mewtwo, they can form physical structures with their minds, like Psystrike and Psyshock. The reason some are weaker than others all has to do with intellect, hence why the intelligent Mewtwo and Lugia are the most powerful Psychic-type Pokémon.
-Ghost-types use their emotions to connect with their aura, providing them easier connections to aura, as there is no training required. This explains why most Ghost-types that explicitly aren't spirits returned from the grave, like Gengar, are very emotional and mischievous, while returned spirits like Spiritomb and Dusknoir are more serious about their goals.
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== Pokerus is a Pokemon. ==
Specifically, the baby form of Deoxys. It's too small to see, let alone catch, and since Deoxys is a Legendary, you can't breed for it. The method that makes it evolve hasn't been seen in any of the regions thus far.
* "Pokerus, the Symbiotic Pokemon. It can't move on its own, so it attaches itself to passing Pokemon, enhancing them in exchange."
* But, the Pokerus doesn't have all of the properties of pokemons so it won't be.
== [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors|Pokemon Type]] is rooted in DNA. ==
Specifically, in a set of seven base pairs, or rather, two sets of three and a "Normal expresser". In each set of three base pairs, each of the sixteen possible letter combinations of the first two results in one of the sixteen elemental types. The third base is a "knockout". If it expresses as "on", the type expression for that set of three is Normal, otherwise, it expresses the type determined by the preceding two bases. So if, say, A and T represent "on" for the type knockout base, then if AA codes for Fire, AAG or AAC would yield the Fire type, while AAA or AAT code for Normal. The second set of three determines secondary type, though if it codes for the same type as the first set, the Pokemon is mono-typed. The seventh base (the "Normal expresser") is another "on or off" gene, which determines if a Normal-type 3-base set will be expressed as part of the Pokemon's actual type, as it is in Normal / X Pokemon like Pidgey (Normal / Flying), Bibarel (Normal / Water), Girafarig (Normal / Psychic) and Deerling (Normal / Grass). It could be that the reason we've never seen a pure Flying type,<ref> Aside from the Gen V legendary, and Pokemon that become it through an ability (like Arceus, Porygon, and Kecleon); but they're rule-breakers anyway!</ref>, is that the Flying gene is "delicate" and needs another type, or the Normal expresser active, in order to be viable.
* [[Flat What|What?]] No. DNA is merely the template for making proteins - it's the ''proteins'' that do all of a living system's dirty work, so to speak. [[You Fail Biology Forever]]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
** Original poster here. When I say, "codes for a type", I mean, "codes for the construction of organ systems associated with a given type and its moves". It's Art Major Biology in any case, so please conserve our precious supply of exclamation points.
== The Missingno "glitch" was actually an unintended [[Final Boss Preview]] for the final game in the series, and Glitch City is the [[Very Definitely Final Dungeon]]. ==
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And [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|it cheats]], as is only fitting. Instead of merely having four moves, it has every move known to... whatever it is, which is likely all of them, It's stats are far higher than anything else in the game, and it can't be caught. Whether stated or implied, Missingno is [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|somehow killed]] by the protagonist's team, and Glitch City begins to collapse without Missingno's power supporting it. However, because this is Pokémon, and the hero always triumphs, the protagonist escapes before it completely collapses, he is haled as a hero for all time, yadda yadda yadda. Then whatever postgame there is is unlocked. (Though that leaves the question of "if these guys are so strong, why didn't they fight Missingno instead?")
... Okay, it's highly unlikely that this will ever happen ([[Cash Cow Franchise|A final Pokémon game?]] Yeah, right.), but {{[[User|SM Deathwind]] the troper behind the idea}} was rather tired at the time and figured he'd share his sleep-deprived brainchild.
* Actually it's more likely than it seems. Why? Because...
Line 358 ⟶ 361:
* You're off by 32,001 Pokemon. Note that every Generation has a different number of Pokemon that has never been (and will never be) below 100 and that the total number has so far never ended in zero.
** Where did you get 32001? If a 16-bit number is used, they may go up to 65535 (or 32767 if the number is signed). (It is the question, though: When (if ever) will the pokemon numbers exceed three digits, and when (if ever) will they exceed sixteen bits?)
== No 'Legendary' Pokemon is actually unique/one-of-a-kind; they just live beyond the boundaries of human civilization. ==
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