Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl Adventure!/YMMV: Difference between revisions

Undo revision 1727775 by (talk)
(More details needed. Arguably, he doesn't even count in this version as he's much less charismatic, loses his cool more often, and has several feats revealed to actually have been Charon's doing.)
(Undo revision 1727775 by (talk))
Tag: Undo
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* [[Les Yay]]: Cynthia's obsession with fighting Mitsumi.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Cyrus {{spoiler|kidnapping Mitsumi's favorite Eevee and threatening it's life as leverage to ensure Mitsumi fights for him. Though to his credit, he ends up not killing it even when Mitsumi renounces her affiliation with Team Galactic ''and'' forfeits her battle with Hareta - he just leaves everything in Jupiter's hands and looks the other way. We later find out that it was Charon who came up with the idea to use Mitsumi's love for her Eevee against her and gave it to Cyrus, making this a [[Kick the Dog]] for him as well.}}
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: [[Big Bad|Cyrus]], leader of Team Galactic, has some of the qualifications for this down. As in the games, he's a brilliant minded [[Visionary Villain]] who's often thinking many steps ahead of the heroes, is able to rationalize his actions no matter how deadly as being [[Necessarily Evil]] for the sake of a better future for the world, and has just enough charisma to sway many into following his lead without letting any of them know that he the plans to literally destroy the existing world with by resetting time back to the universe's beginning using Dialga's powers and then creating a new one in it's place where all living things would be stripped of emotion and free will, and he'd reign over it as it's God. His battle prowess and dedication to his cause consistently manages to impress [[The Hero|Hareta]] despite him knowing that Cyrus is in the wrong, and Hareta in turn both impresses and influences Cyrus enough for him to rethink his evil ways. When Dialga and Palkia's fight threatens to tear apart all of existence, it's Cyrus who divulges a working strategy for stopping this from coming to pass, and when he returns to lead his old followers in the charge against [[The Starscream|Charon]], all of them get behind him without question due to how bold and inspirational a leader he is, despite the fact that he'd previously mistreated or even tried to kill them!
* [[Mind Game Ship]]: Pretty much everything Cyrus does to both Mitsumi and Hareta in volumes 4 and 5.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: Charon accomplishes this before he even ''shows up'', what with the would-be suicide bombers ready to take out a crowded stadium basically because he told them to, and the explosion could potentially wipe out the entire town were it to spread.