Popeye (cartoon)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Living MacGuffin]]: In his first appearance in the comic, he becomes this -- there are a lot of people who want him for his abilities.
* [[The Omniscient]]: He knows everything and can predict the future, and will gladly tell you if you ask him -- but since he can't talk he can only answer "yes" or "no" questions.
* [[Once forFor Yes, Twice For No]]: Ask him a "yes" or "no" question; if he raises his tail, the answer is "yes," if he lowers it, the answer is "no." This method of communication isn't flawless, however, as he like so many animals also often uses his tail to express emotion; at one point Popeye thought the Jeep was answering "yes" to a question -- it turned out that he hadn't heard the question and was raising his tail because he had seen something interesting on the ground and was curious about it.
* [[The Unintelligible]]: Some cartoons ignore the [[Once forFor Yes, Twice For No]] thing and just make him this, leaving other characters to translate what he's saying.