Porcupine Tree: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Music.PorcupineTree 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Music.PorcupineTree, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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=== [[Porcupine Tree]] provides examples of: ===
* [[All -Star Cast]]: Steve Wilson works with a lot of famous prog and metal musicians, and they often end up performing on Porcupine Tree albums. [[Opeth|Mikael Akerfeldt]] and Adrian Belew from [[King Crimson]] show up on ''Deadwing'', and [[Rush|Alex Lifeson]] and [[King Crimson|Robert Fripp]] both contribute to ''Fear of a Blank Planet''. There's also plans for a [[Supergroup]] featuring Mikael, Steven, and [[Dream Theater (Music)|Mike Portnoy]], though that seems to be stuck in [[Development Hell]].
** There's hope for the Portnoy/Wilson/Akerfeldt project now that Portnoy's left Dream Theater though.
*** [[Jossed]]; according to Akerfeldt Portnoy is probably not going to be involved.
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* [[Older Than They Look]]: Steven, definitely. [http://www.google.com/imgres?q=steven+wilson&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1066&bih=616&tbm=isch&tbnid=H53v3tgPmYqwxM:&imgrefurl=http://www.orphaned-disciples.org/site/lang/en/2009/11/30/steven-wilson-comments-on-mixing-the-new-orphaned-land-album/&docid=xrUP948tai4tQM&imgurl=http://www.orphaned-disciples.org/site/wp-content/uploads/StevenWilson.jpg&w=534&h=800&ei=8lyqT5WqOob22gWX4qGmAg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=806&vpy=215&dur=2479&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=94&ty=199&sig=105116874912750534258&page=1&tbnh=130&tbnw=87&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0,i:99 Take a nice long look at this picture.] He's 44.
* [[The Pete Best]]: A lot of the lyrics on ''Sunday'' were written by one of Wilson's school friends, Alan Duffy. By the time the band became an actual concern, the two had lost contact.
* [[Precision F -Strike]]: There's a particularly effective one in the extended cut of ''Even Less.''
* [[Progressive Metal]]: ''In Absentia'' onward. It helps that ever since that album, the metal community has considered them a member, with websites such as ''Metal Storm'' and ''Metal Underground'' reviewing their latest albums and adding their artist profile to their database.
* [[Record Producer]]: Steven Wilson does it himself, and has produced other bands (most notably [[Opeth]]). He's also been remixing [[King Crimson]]'s old albums for re-release.
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** The title of "The Nostalgia Factory" is a swipe at the music press' short attention span (and hilariously, ''Melody Maker'' compared the song to [[Ride]] when it came out, proving the point).
{{quote| '''Wilson''': One thing I’ve tended to experience with the British music press is that if you try to talk to them about the history of music, their knowledge often doesn’t go back beyond [[The Stone Roses]] or Happy Mondays.}}
* [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made On Drugs?|What Do You Mean, It Wasn't Made on Drugs?]]: The lyrics of [http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/127049/ Nine Cats]. Full stop.
** As seen below under Word Salad Lyrics, many of the lyrics prior to ''The Sky Moves Sideways'' or arguably ''Signify'' could fall under this. Nine Cats seems almost sensible compared to [http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/127040/ The Joke's On You].
* [[Word Salad Lyrics]]: Mostly seen on the earlier work, like "Nine Cats".