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== Wheatley and Spanish ==
* When Wheatley takes over GLaDOS' body, he spouts a bunch of Spanish saying that he's doing something wrong and to consult the manual, and follows it up with "I don't even know what I just said!" Which would imply that he doesn't speak Spanish, which is perfectly reasonable, except for the fact that if you hang around in the Relaxation Chamber for long enough, he asks you to open the door in perfectly good Spanish. What gives?
** He only knows a certain amount of Spanish? All he says at the door is a very stilted and badly accented "Hola, amigo, abre la puerta" compared to the longer and much more fluid sentence when he takes over GLaDOS' body [[Wild Mass Guessing|(maybe to show he's still at the same intelligence either way)...]]
** You can parrot words without understanding what they mean.
Line 27:
** The moon ''does'' have an atmosphere, albeit extremely thin. Maybe he was just REALLY loud.
** Or, you know, the huge amount of air that accompanied them.
*** No, because that "huge" amount of air is laughably tiny in the vast expanse of space and will quickly dissipate.
*** You're assuming normal science will stand up in the face of Aperture Science...
*** And if you go by that logic, why bother WMG-ing at all? Just dismiss everything as being Aperture Science and not think about it, which is counter to the point of headscratchers. You can't have it both ways. It may be gonzo fictional science, but it still has limits.
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== Leaving and returning to [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] ==
* When we first left GLaDOS chamber, how did we get back? First we fell down. Then there were tests, and each lift was taking us down. Again! And then we escaped, found some tube, and got back. Where all the miles went?
** We don't know how long Chell was in the tube, and most of what we can see, she's going back up. Additionally, notice that the room GLaDOS was reactivated in is completely overrun, while the room where the stalemate takes place is fairly clean and tidy; it's possible that, like the rest of the facility, GLaDOS can move her "body" around, and the stalemate happens in another room entirely.
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== [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] and Caroline ==
* GLaDOS deleting Caroline seems rather counter-productive if GLaDOS is Caroline. And the more GLaDOS becomes her former self/Caroline, the less likely she should want to wipe her Caroline persona out. The game's purposely being really vague on the details of this subplot, so did the ARG provide any better explanations as to how much of GLaDOS is AI vs Caroline?
** I think although Caroline was originally GLaDOS, years of endless testing caused her to forget her original motive. Thus, Caroline became a different personality, which she remembered. Specifically, Caroline appears to be nicer and generally more human, whereas GLaDOS is more cold and calculating. Indeed, if you pay attention, you can actually hear a difference when she deletes Caroline. Before, it has a bit of happiness to it, whereas GLaDOS is more monotone and cold.
** There's also the fact that the technology to upload brains into computers in the first place (which is apparently how Caroline became GLaDOS) was created by Aperture Science under the direct instruction of an increasingly deranged Cave Johnson. GLaDOS is not ''necessarily'' just a brainscan of Caroline, it could be a fully sentient AI that happened to have Caroline's memories added to it (like a secondary personality core or something).
** As seen with the [http://www.thinkwithportals.com/comic/ Lab Rat comic] done by Valve, GLaDOS tried to kill all of the scientists in the facility within one sixteenth of a picosecond after being turned on. That doesn't sound like something Caroline would do. Because the artificial consciousness designed by Aperture Science was so badly created, it is unlikely that much of Caroline's personality superseded the self-aware machinations of GLaDOS's computer brain.
*** Johnson gave the order to not let Caroline say 'no' to taking over and uploading her mind to the mainframe after he died. [[Fridge Horror|Maybe the scientists, probably as insane as Johnson by that point, didn't take 'no' for an answer.]] Wouldn't ''you'' be a little pissed? Obviously, while Caroline probably felt bad after the fact, the immediate urge to get revenge would have been enhanced by the computer.
** Why do people assume GLaDOS was telling the truth about this? "Now little Caroline is in here too."
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== [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] regaining control after the Stalemate Resolution failed ==
* Considering the stalemate button blow up in Chell's face before it's activated, what caused GLaDOS to be be plugged back in the mainframe while Wheatley and Chell had a little trip on the moon?
** But how do you know it wasn't activated? Wheatley's "original function" justifies the idea that his trap fails, and the button gets turned on.
** Who's to say that the button didn't have an automatic toggle in the event it is destroyed by a corrupted and insane AI? (in other words, breaking the button is same as turning it on)
** Since Wheatley left the facility, GLaDOS won the argument by default.
*** While still being hooked to the mainframe?
*** Yeah, he was, uh, slightly distracted by the vacuum, and GLaDOS took the opportunity to hack in and make the system think the stalemate had already been resolved - [[Retconjuration]] on the mechanical scale.
*** Remember, according to the facility's BSOD, all GLaDOS had to do was ''press a key''.
** For that matter, who closes the moon portal after GLaDOS pulls Chell back in?
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== Portal speed ==
* Not so much IJBM as "I want to get this straight", how fast would a portal fired - because you have to fire a portal - reach the moon? Would it be able to hit the moon in that short amount of time it took in the game (a few seconds)? (I'm currently trying to calculate the physics of this to see if it checks, but I'm only in first-level, so I'm not too good at this.)
** From what I have found, minimum distance between the earth and the moon is approximately 356,400 km. That would mean that light would take about 1.18800 seconds to travel there. The maximum distance is approximately 406,700 km, which would take light about 1.35566 seconds to travel. The question then comes down to how fast the portal travels when fired. It wouldn't be too far-fetched for them to travel as fast as the speed of light, though even traveling at a modestly slower speed would allow it to reach the moon in a matter of a few seconds.
** Ah, okay then. Another question would be whether gravity affects the shots, but like you said, it probably wouldn't affect it too much.
** Provided the shots weight something at all, as long as they go faster than the speed required for an object to free itself from Earth gravity (can't remember right now how much), it should be fine.
Line 126:
** It seems to me that ultimately, Wheatley wasn't actually actively stupid. Poor decision maker? Yes. Occasionally thick-headed? Yeah. But he's still capable of stringing a coherent train of thought together. Also, it seems that as his reign over the facility continued, he slowly became more and more capable. From having trouble with his horribly built walking boxes to designing some formidable death-traps (the mashers), it's possible he was getting smarter just from having to do the job.
** Him staying in the mainframe is the most terrible decision by a long shot as it'll cause the facility to blow up and the most reasonable thing to do would be to hand himself over to GLaDOS so that she may take control and fix things. Given the horrible long term effects of Wheatley staying in control, chances are his programming allows him to be as competent as he needs to be in order to continue keeping Chell and GLaDOS away. After all, GLaDOS does clearly make the emphasis that Wheatley isn't just designed to be an idiot, he's designed to be an idiot by the world's smartest men, making him rather special in a [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]] way.
** Also, it might have been that his role was, whenever GLaDOS tried to come up with a plan, try and derail it in such a way that neither she nor Wheatley would notice until it was too late. Evidence in favor: "Talking outside her range" i.e. with a bad American accent, failing to notice or remove the vacuum pipes containing Gel of various types on at least three separate occasions in the boss fight alone, forgetting about replacing the "crap turrets" after coming into power, GLaDOS mentioning that he was designed to come up with "stupid, unworkable plans", the list goes on.
** It's important to note that GLaDOS describes Wheatley's purpose not to be an idiot but to make bad decisions (so that, by proxy, GLaDOS would also make bad decisions and be flawed). This doesn't mean he's an idiot (though GLaDOS calls him such so that he gets angry) just that he's the type that does not always consider his options, does not consider the big picture, and does not always have the best self control (procrastinate on homework or actually do it). This also means a lot of his behavior is the result of simply a string of intentionally poor choices; of superstition, of deciding to trust the wrong people, and so forth. As a result, this doesn't mean he isn't smart or clever... just that he ultimately causes more harm than good. He ignores the reactor AI warnings for instance and decides that six minutes is enough to kill Chell and fix everything. Beyond that, he also comes across as the devil's advocate in the mainframe - the personality core that would question and present odd solutions not just to create a flawed GLaDOS but to allow her to occasionally think outside the box.
** Wheatley was created by the most brilliant minds in order to make the worst decisions possible. Which means that his purpose is basically to be extremely brilliant in the art of failing. Since not letting GLaDOS take over counts as a really bad decision, he was extremely competent in stopping the best thing that could've been done in that situation. So basically, he wins at failing.
*** So in essence, he's the computerized version of [[Image Boards|Epic Fail Guy]]!
** Wheatley brings to mind, possibly due to the British accent, a description of how the Tardis works in the current series. Paraphrased: "The Tardis lands and in the briefest of moments scans for thousands of miles around that location. Calculations the best disguise for that location. Then it becomes a police box." We have here an AI designed to the be the dumbest thing ever. No, it can't simply be dumb. Wheatley must have the capability by design to calculate every every possible contingency, idea, plan based off of the information he has access to. Then he is programed to pick the second worst plan. The worst by default would be do nothing due to his primary goal is to create and influence GLaDOS with bad plans. Aperture devices tend to be a little wonky in the first place and Wheatley is later shown damaged and sparking. The part of him designed to pick the bad ideas is damaged/failing, but not completely failed, by Portal 2.
** Or, knowing GLaDOS, the stupid thing would be [[Fridge Brilliance|going against her.]]
*** Or going against [[Spanner in the Works|Che]][[Determinator|ll.]]
** As pointed out elsewhere on the wiki, Wheatley was made by Aperture Science, none of whose creations ever worked for the purpose they were built for. In this case, they failed to purposefully make a moron core -- hence the flashes of smartness behind his [[Cloudcuckoolander]] behavior.
** Because he was programmed to make the worst possible decision. This means he had to be capable of computing as many different scenarios as [[G La DOSGLaDOS]], ranking them in order of best decision to worst, and then pick the worst, without realising it. In other words, the scientists would have to program him to make the best possible decisions, and then change a > sign somewhere in the code to a < sign.
Line 179:
** The ARG (Alternate Reality Game) has the hypernation timer set to "9999" days, which equals just about 27 years. The [http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Half-Life_universe#After_May_200- Half-Life Wiki] sets portal 1 at around the same time as Half-Life 2. That ''should'' put Portal 2 no more than 2030, a bit shorter than 30 years. It would make sense to WGM this to capping off the combine invasion of earth within too many years after Half-Life 2. ''IF'' Valve actually finish the series
*** (I'm just gonna go ahead and point out that the hibernation timer actually says "9999''*fizzle*''99") meaning either the timer is broken (most likely) or that it has been almost 3''000'' years.
*** (Incoming wall of text, very sorry) I don't think so. Here what I think: We know that GLaDOS was activated in 200- (source: Combine Overwiki and ''Lab Rat'' comic if I don't make a mistake). The activation and subsequent killing of the scientists is mostly agreed to happen while the Black Mesa keep everyone else busy, preventing any rescue attempt. It is also generally aggreed that Half-Life 1 happened in the early 2000's. A few month following that (not much more, Rattman was, uh, Still Alive in the center) the event of the Seven hour war have probably already happened. GLaDOS did say she has no understanding about what was happening on the surface, but it's implied and generally agreed that she was maintening some sort of defenses against the Combine. Now then, at time of those events, Alyx was a toddler. Since she is not so much of a baby in ''[[Half-Life 2]]'', and since the youngest citizens appear to be in their mid-late twenties (combine's anti-sex fields and whatnot), I think ''Half-Life 2'' takes place somewhere between 2020 and 2030. Considering the timer from the ARG, it could mean that Portal 2 really happened at the same time as ''Half-Life 2'', more or less. Sweet, except that the timer is implied to be a bit of a joke, and the voice you hear when Chell awaken for the second say a ''bunch'' of nines before being ''cut short''. Point being, maybe the timer actually hit its cap and the actual duration of Chell hypersleep is way more than 27 years. On the other hand, I think 27 years is enough to account for the centre being heavily damaged but not completely destroyed. Extremely few things done with today tech would survive 27 years of Gaia vengeance in perfect state. Even underground, you'd have to account for the hyper devastating power of moist. Trust me, it's something that can destroy anything in its path. I mean, even Rattman's scribling being so bright in color after 27 years is seriously stretching it, let alone 300 years.
**** This is the science facility which {{spoiler|constructed an artificial personality able to run on as little as 1.1 volts off of a potato}}, the series has shown to play rule of cool/funny whenever it can and given that the series was playing up how much Aperture had changed after the stasis then it's would be anti-climatic to have the stasis not be as horrifyingly long as implied in the name of realism.
*** Display caps. Many programs expect only 4 or so digits, and any more are cut off (esp. if there're physical space restrictions, but it also happens in other places). Not to mention integer overflow. Maybe it says 9999 days, after rolling over from 32768 to -32767 a couple times.
Line 190:
* God, how many times does this have to be said? [[Word of God]] states that the [[Half Life]] universe and the Portal universe are being kept separate! Do all you Wheatley-level morons understand that word? On the off chance that you don't, it means: kept apart; not together! When {{spoiler|Chell is released from Aperture}}, there was no Combine invasion! So anything could be happening outside. And judging by the technology level, the games are set [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]]. So, who knows?
** Really? I remember [[Word of God]] stating that Chell "has importance with characters we already know...
** First, I think you should calm down. Second, Valve is notorious for changing their minds or leaving ambiguous answers. Keeping them separate could refer to the games being made different times(so if another Portal game comes then it will be after Half Life has finished or something). Also, [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] says herself that she's the only thing standing between us and "them" and Black Mesa is mentioned a few times.
** I know [[There Is No Such Thing as Notability|we don't do citations]], but in this case I really have to say [Citation Needed] for this. Both Portal and Portal 2 have several links to Half Life (Black Mesa is mentioned a lot), and Episode 2 has links to Portal (The Aperture Science logo on the Borealis). I'd really like some context of what was said, who said it, and where it was said.
* [[Fridge Brilliance]] - remember [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKfthzDla5k this video] in the elevators during the hard light bridge areas? If you look closely you can see the shack that you emerge from at the end of the game. The fields presumably provide power etc. for its systems, including the bridges, and so are maintained by the facility, therefore what you see at the end has little to no bearing on what the rest of the world looks like now.
Line 211:
** More to the point, what is a ''ship dock'' doing several kilometres ''underground''?
*** If you are going to run some crazy teleportation experiment that you don't want a certain rival company to see... Well, it's probably the best place to put it.
*** Based on the [http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Borealis#Miscellaneous documents] from the screenshots in ''Half-Life 2'', we know that the Borealis was in service for some time before she disappeared. Since ice breaking ships need to be refurbished every 20-30 years or so (and the AI version of GLaDOS was being developed as a new fuel system de-icer), it's probably safe to assume that the engineers were trying to teleport the ship back to Aperture's underground drydock for upgrades when she vanished.
Line 219:
*** I always got the impression the gels were oil based anyway, sort of like paint.
** Doing something you're not supposed to do isn't always going to result in catastrophic consequences 100% of the time, you know.
*** I always figured it was supposed to be a joke on how Aperture Science is more worried about the ASHPD falling into deadly water than the tester drowning. The Trailers basically confirm this.
*** The gels being potentially paint-based still doesn't explain the pouring water in some of Cave's test chambers that you can clearly submerge the portal gun in. Another lie from GLaDOS, perhaps?
*** Or it's a new, waterproof model of the Portal gun in the second game.
Line 239:
** He might've also gained a bit of speed when GLaDOS knocked him off the mainframe with that mechanical arm.
** The air pressure on Earth is about 100kPa. That means that the force exerted over a portal (about 1 square meter) is 100kN. If Wheatley is 10kg then his acceleration is 10kms^-2. Apply that force for 1s and he's already traveling at 4 times faster than escape velocity.
*** That's pressure over the ''entire'' portal area. Wheatley is much smaller and would only experience a fraction of that pressure. And 1 second is very genereous; he was likely exposed to any significant pressure for a fraction of that time (from the moment [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] knocked him off until the the effects of the air became negligible).
== What is [[G La DOSGLaDOS]]? ==
* What exactly IS GLaDOS at this point? A Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System? Okay. The new boss of Aperture Science due to the last request of Cave Johnson? The acronym's vague enough to make those two compatible. But how can she also be a fuel-system de-icer gone horribly wrong? It seems contradictory.
** Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System and de-icer were ''supposed'' to be - well, not contradictory, but they made unnecessary work out of de-icing. In terms of Caroline, it's possible they killed two birds with one stone: "Well, we need a system to support Caroline's brain and we have this big life system here. Let's put it in."
** From how I understood it, based on the slideshow easter egg from Portal 1: In the 80's Black Mesa was, as always, getting tons more government funding than Aperture. Aperture was desparately trying to impress the government by how better they were than Black Mesa, and somehow got wind of the fact that they were building a fuel line de-icing system. They wanted to one-up Black Mesa, so they integrated their fuel line de-icing system with the newly created GLaDOS/Computer Caroline, while somehow keeping the cost below that of Black Mesa's system. GLaDOS is still officially a fuel line de-icer, but is really a DOS hooked up to the mind of Caroline.
*** GLaDOS and Caroline are almost nothing alike, personality-wise - GLaDOS is basically a high-tech passive-aggressive AI with the [[Virtual Ghost]] of Caroline in her brain. She even states so herself at the end: "Caroline lives in my brain".
Line 266:
== [[G La DOSGLaDOS]]'s new body in her old location ==
* If the chamber where GLaDOS re-activates is the same chamber that you killed her in, why does she have her new body instead of the old one?
** Because last time the entire thing was blown outside the complex. Presumably the bots put her back together but couldn't boot her up.
** It's just a style retcon, like Chell having boots instead of implants.
*** The boots aren't a retcon, actually. The comic shows that her knee implants were destroyed after she killed GLaDOS. The boots are their replacement.
** Maybe Jerry and the other nanobots in the work crew tries to help fix her up?
Line 277:
* If Chell was a kid at the time of the Bring-Your-Daughter-To-Work Day Massacre on May 16th, then she was in the relaxation pod for about twenty years before being woken up at the start of Portal 1. That means that she was still growing up into womanhood despite being in stasis. If that is the case, then why does she not age over the span of time she spent trapped in the Relaxation Chamber in Portal 2?
** There is nothing in the comic that imply that Chell could be one of the kids from the bring-your-daugther-to-work Day, so maybe the "Chell" name on the potato experiment is just a red herring.
** The Lab Rat comic specifically states that she'll be in cryo-sleep. Try aging when you're a [[Human Popsicle]].
** Or maybe the Bring Your Daughter to Work Day happened quite a long ago, and that particular level was abandoned completely because of what happened there.
** It's also very possible that she was sleeping for hundreds of years before the first but only 30 years preceding the second. She didn't stop aging, just aged veerrrryy slowy. So let's say 100 years in cryo-sleep=10 years of aging. She was about 10 on [[BY Dt W]] Day, then aged 10-15 years over the course of 100-150 years of cryo-sleep. She then aged only 3 years before Portal 2.
** Well, growing into maturity and aging into oldness are not the same processes. It's possible that Aperture's method of stasis stop the latter but not the former.
Line 285:
** Alternatively 3, some unstated amount of non-stasis time passed between BYDTWD and the events of Portal 1. Either GLaDOS had her out of stasis for other forms of testing beforehand, or she was not captured right away during BYDTWD.
** She was clearly interviewed in the Rattman comic as an adult by Apeture Science staff members before GLaDOS wiped everyone out with neurotoxin. Either (a) she grew up to adulthood before everything went pear-shaped, or (b) someone continued to do interviews after the facility was locked down and the Rattman is somehow aware of the contents of these interviews despite being on the run from GLaDOS at the time.
** It's also possible that, despite the timeline we were initially given (which runs into several problems when you compare it with the information given in Portal 2 and Lab Rat), the first Bring Your Daughter to Work day was ''not'' the one where [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] killed everyone. Perhaps they'd been having them for years, and the one where Chell made the potato battery happened years before the one where [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] took over. She could have gone to the latter as an adult (no one said the daughters had to be children). No aging-in-stasis required.
*** The Bring Your Daughter to Work Day banner over the potatoes in Portal 2 is printed on 80s era paper, the kind with perforated edges and holes, which could point towards it being a recurring event.
** This is getting slightly WMG-ish, but it's possible that she's actually been doing tests for years before Portal. No reason why [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] couldn't reuse the same test subject over and over again, especially one so skilled at solving puzzles. In Portal, after testing the ASHPD, she finally decided to kill her (for a number of possible reasons; maybe protocol required to kill test subjects after using the ASHPD in order to keep company secrets, or she was getting worried about her rebelling). Hence why she's aged; she's been in and out of stasis for the past couple of decades.
** Another possibility is that [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] somehow artificially aged the younger test subjects. Aperture could turn blood into gasoline and peanut water, after all, so it isn't too far-fetched.
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== No periods? ==
* Does Chell ever get her period? Did she get it while in stasis? How would she handle it while testing? Would she be provided with the proper... sanitation?
** Maybe she has an Aperture Science Blood Absorption Cup. But this is probably just like many other things [[An Acceptable Break From Reality]].
** This is just [[Nobody Poops]]. Nuthin' to see here.
** *Facepalm* In both games, Chell was out of stasis for a few hours, tops. Even if she did have to worry about that at the moment, which would be far-fetched to begin with, she was preoccupied with other matters -- such as, you know, ''getting out of this deathtrap of a facility, fast''. Besides, this is Aperture Science we're talking about. Chell has long fall boots -- it's possible that test subjects are also equipped with special clothing to avoid distractions like periods and toilet breaks. And stasis is stasis. Bodily functions are suspended.
Line 323:
** It may just be me personally, but I believe that Wheatley was lying about awakening other test subjects before Chell. There are several reasons. Four-part plan, maybe?
*** One: The things Wheatley says at the beginning of the game. Not only does he tell Chell that most of the people he was supposed to be taking care of in the chambers have died of neglect, if she hangs around long enough before opening the door to him at the very start of Chapter One he tells her that she's actually [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bENzj_yh0IE the only test subject left.] This can be tracked down to Rattmann in the Lab Rat comic, rebooting her chamber whilst the rest of the grid remained offline which systematically killed the remaining subjects. Of course, we know that there are actually a few more subjects alive somewhere in Aperture due to the ending of the Co-Op Gameplay, but it's entirely possible that Wheatley was simply given control over a certain grid of subjects and either had no knowledge of the others sleeping elsewhere or had no hands to impersonate a human and access them. As far as he knows, Chell really is the last test subject alive, miraculously.
*** Two: Wheatley's state of corruption when he tells Chell she wasn't the first subject. Somewhere past the halfway point in the game, [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] says that being plugged into the mainframe with other cores is maddening, like hearing several voices constantly chattering in your head at once. Wheatley's already pretty far gone by the time Chell arrives for the final confrontation anyway, but it's when he is slowly fused with the corrupt cores that he really loses it and begins to spout all other kinds of lies and paranoia as part of his villainous breakdown. By that point, he's declaring that Chell and [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] had a plan against him from that start, that the reactor core doesn't actually exist and neither do the papier-mache-and-SFX fires apparently raging throughout the facility. He accuses Chell of deliberately not catching him at the start of the game, of tricking him into assuming power and maliciously fooling him into showing her where to find a portal gun. He also declares that he loathes Chell quite explicitly if you give him the chance -- and that she's fat, obviously. Really, telling her that she was an easily replaceable pawn in his master plan to take over from [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] is essentially just another emotional blow he tries to hit her with to stop her jumping around and dodging his bombs.
*** Three: The reason that particular piece of audio exists in the game at all. According to the developer commentary, there was actually supposed to be some part of the gameplay at the beginning that hinted there were others before Chell, awakened and used by Wheatley before subsequently getting killed horrifically. As it is, it was dummied out. The audio of Wheatley mentioning this still remains in the boss battle but now actually there's nothing to back it up, therefore no particular reason not to believe that Wheatley is simply raving like the insane, moronic little manchildbot he is by that point.
*** Four: The unspecified amount of time passed since Chell was put to sleep. Some say thirty years, some say three hundred -- whatever your own figures are, it's an awfully long time to be trapped and unconscious in a preservation chamber ''that's offline''. Chell was personally saved by Rattmann, as we know; who saved the others? Wheatley claims he didn't know anything about the chambers being offline at all, which can be chalked down to his simple-mindedness easily enough. It stands to reason that he probably wouldn't even check ''until'' he thought he might be in danger from the deterioration of the facility and therefore needed someone to help him escape. In the meantime, uncounted numbers of people were lying in empty rooms with no food, water or any way to wake up. Just a quick note: the human body rarely manages to sustain itself beyond three days once it is deprived of water, let alone thirty years.
Line 332:
* The personality cores were made to keep GLaDOS under control and stop her from killing everyone, right? Then why did they give her an anger sphere?
** Perhaps they thought she'd become ''so'' cross, she'd make a mistake.
** These are the people who gave the turrets both an Empathy chip and an Empathy suppressant, and simulated pain response. They just put these things in.
*** Yeah, this troper feels likewise. I mean, after the most logical installments fail to stop her (namely the ''Empathy'' chip and ''Morality'' core) where do you go from there? I get the impression that they quickly began to ran out of options and the stranger additions to her circuitry were probably added on a hope and a prayer that they'd succeed.
** That's actually her Emotional Core, not her Anger Core. She's just really pissed off.
*** It's described the first game's credits as "The Anger Sphere" though,
** Also, remember how she experiences the other cores - constantly babbling voices in her head. At some point, they may have simply decided that overwhelming her with voices was a 'better' solution than a single/handful of rational voices.
** Imagine the scientists swapping cores in and out of [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] to see what would happen. They'd stop when either they get what they want... or one of the cores causes [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] to do something evil, preventing the scientists from continuing their work!
Line 361:
** The ''Lab Rat'' comic shows that Chell's last name was redacted from the official records, so it's possible that GLaDOS doesn't even know what it is. That said, Chell did show up during Take Your Daughter to Work Day, so GLaDOS ought to know who her parents are.
** There's also a theory that GLaDOS thought Chell's actual last name was [REDACTED], and that there were two other people whose names were tagged this way, so she thought they shared the same last name.
** And then there's the chance that it's all just made up. Maybe she wasn't adopted at all, maybe [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] ''didn't'' find two people with Chell's last name.
Line 400:
** Maybe she got knocked out by the boards hitting her in the head, landed on her feet anyways, but then simply tipped over backwards.
** People in media survive absurdly long falls all the time. No need to invent crazy justifications.
* While we're on it, how did [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] survive that fall? Even if the Long Fall boots broke Chell's descent, [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] is just a potato. She ought to have been mashed potato nanochips.
** Maybe the bird caught her?
Line 412:
== [[G La DOSGLaDOS]]' redesign ==
* Why does GLaDOS' head look different between games? See [http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100309135941/half-life/en/images/1/1a/GLaDOS_rocket_almost.jpg here] and [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110421152406/half-life/en/images/d/de/P2_GLaDOS.jpg here]. I mean, I like the new one better and everything, it just seems strange to give a major character an inexplicable change in appearance between games when she's been lying there undisturbed for the entire time between games.
** In the Lab Rat comic Doug clearly says that even though the queen is down, the hive is still kicking. It's not out of the question that they moved her pieces back inside and updated her head for some reason.
Line 424:
== [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] controlling the claw ==
* Where did GLaDOS get the big claw thing at the end of the final battle? There wasn't one of those things that was under GLaDOS in the core swap scene. Also, how did she control it? She wasn't hooked to the mainframe and had no way to because, again, there wasn't a core swap thing under the mainframe. ALSO, where did her old head come from? It wasn't there before.
** The claw? It was probably there, but wasn't used the first time. Controlling it? Remember how the cores from the first game only stopped affecting her after you destroyed them? She was already linked to her body by some temporary/not very powerful remote connection just like the cores. The head? It was probably still in that area with the claws from when Wheatley put her in a potato. And, before someone brings up how she got back into her head, remember when she says "I already fixed it!"? It was a fairly fast process, and Wheatley transferred her to the potato in just about the same amount of time, if not less.
Line 440:
*** This theory falls apart a bit when you take the historical sections of the facility in to account. In the 1950's section we see cloth, wood, and even paper that is in remarkably good shape for 80 years, let alone 350. And even if we were to assume that all of these materials are long-lasting synthetics invented by Aperture (an Aperture who had barely graduated shower curtain manufacture at the time, no less,) that doesn't explain the foreign materials found in the trophy case, such as a newspaper. Also problematic the fact that Aperture didn't invent AI until well after the lower levels were sealed. Not only do they have no real reason to maintain the electronics and stuff in the older parts of the facility, but they lack any discernible method to boot. Well, perhaps except for the one possible saving grace for the "300 years" theory: the briefly-mentioned nanobot work crew. "Jerry" and his pals could be invisibly refreshing the perishable materials in order to keep the entire facility from rotting/rusting away. I admit both theories require some leaps in logic, but I still tend to lean toward "30 years" because it makes more sense story-wise in relation to future Half-Life crossover.
** But nothing said to you in the game gives a clear indication of just how much time has passed. The wake up voice recording was glitching out, GLaDOS lies to you all the time, and Wheatley is a moron. Anything they say has to be taken with a grain of salt.
** I would be more accepting of a 300 years time span if the facility hab been made entirely of glass and plastics, two materials that [[Gaia Vengeance]] tend to break its teeth onto. And again, holes in the roof, meaning the facility is exposed to everything nature can throw, from dirt to water, insects, animals (that bird must come from somewhere) and plants(those potatos plant must have acess to natural light). A devastating combo for any man-made construction.
** The old facility throws all this on its head anyway, as I pointed out earlier.
** Those who talk for 30 years don't seem to take into account all the maintenance [[A Is]] and self-repairing systems implied in the game. The place has deteriorated enough that it takes personal interference from GLaDOS to fix things up again, and she manages to get the place close to pristine condition in the matter of hours again.
== The moon isn't flat for portals ==
* I'm curious how in all the questions about the Moon portal this one gets omitted. Seeing how the portals can only be placed on perfectly flat and smooth surfaces, how can you place one on the Moon surface that is most obviously neither?!
** Cave said that lunar dust is uniquely suited to conducting portals. So who says it has to be flat and smooth?
** The moon is enormous. Have you ever seen a space walk? On a human scale, the surface of the moon is pretty flat. It's not quite as flat as, say, the Earth, but still.
** Not to mention the portal hit at an Apollo landing site. And what is the first primary key feature that would have been looked for when evaluating possible landing sites?
** The portal projectile somehow has the ability to autocorrect and find a flat surface when you fire just off of one. There is a lot of distance available for the projectile to turn in when you fire at the moon, so it could have sought out a nice, flat surface.
Line 463:
** I just added this to the WMG page, but: Can't you just imagine Cave Johnson saying "Whaddaya ''mean'' paradoxes don't harm our AIs!? I want you to make a special paradox-detector that'll fry every circuit in its brain, and I want you to put it in every single one of our AIs, on the double, or you're fired!"
*** Actually, I can imagine that quite vividly, and for a moment I even wondered to myself if he ever actually said "I want you to make a special paradox-detector that'll fry every circuit in its brain".
** Adding to the above theory -- think about what ''kind'' of robots we're talking about here. These are '''Aperture''' robots. We're talking about robots built by people insane enough to believe you can do anything with anything if you bend the rules and avoid awkward questions. Every single mechanism in that place, sentient, sapient or otherwise, is devoted to science and discovering how it works. For robots whose entire existence is devoted to finding answers, a paradox is not something you can just say no to. These robots are literally COMPELLED to find the answers to impossible problems. Even if you somehow find it hard to believe that every robot in the place functions as such, it's more than believable that [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] herself -- the most intelligent Aperture AI ever built and created with the explicit purpose of overseeing and masterminding every future discovery of the facility whilst ensuring that research continues with or without the lab or even ''society'' being functional -- finds the threat of an unsolvable paradox dangerously life-threatening.
Line 469:
* The final scene where {{spoiler|the space core is orbiting Wheatley}}, along with a little bit of physics, can be used to estimate Wheatley's mass. Unfortunately it also implies that Wheatley weighs something like 100 million tons. What's up with that?
** It's a stealth pun. Wheatley has a lot of mass because he's so {{spoiler|''dense''}}
** If Wheatley really weighed 100 Mt (or Tg), if any other Aperture technology wasn't as massive, he would ''obliterate'' Management Rails, {{spoiler|[[G La DOSGLaDOS]]'s body right at the moment it hangs onto it}}, and if he was given enough velocity he would smash right through the entire three mile deep facility. As [[Thinking With Portals]] forum said, "Do Wheatley and the Space Sphere have enough mass to orbit each other? No. Why are they doing it in the ending video then? [[Rule of Funny|Because it was funny.]]
*** What if the cores have some net charge between them? That would be enough to keep them in orbit at a much shorter distance.
*** I don't remember that scene, but is it possible that they're not actually orbiting, but the camera is just circling around them, making it look that way?
Line 487:
*** Even beyond brain-damage (which is, let's face it, a probability), her silence towards GLaDOS can probably be explained by an understandable reluctance to engage in pleasantries with the intelligence that forced her to literally jump through hoops for her own sadistic amusement. As for Wheatley, even when he's 'good' this can be easily be explained by the fact that when he's around her, Wheatley barely shuts up long enough to allow her to get a word in edgewise anyway.
** There's no way Chell is brain-damaged, or at least not as much as she would have to be after however long she was in suspension. She never could have done the things she does in the game otherwise. As for the jumping instead of speaking, that's obviously just [[Rule of Funny]].
** Not speaking to [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] can be explained by the reason above - not wanting to talk to the sadist who spent however long testing, insulting, and trying to kill her. Wheatley looks pretty much identical to the cores Chell incinerated except for the eye color - she probably started out not trusting him, and later he turned evil and she didn't talk because of that. She may also just be a naturally quiet person. (I imagine the jumping was a way to acknowledge Wheatley but mess with him at the same time. Chell might be an abnormally stubborn person, but that doesn't mean she can't have a sense of humor.)
Line 532:
== Revamped rooms ==
* Apparently, the facility can only be altered when some entity (e.g. GLaDOS or Wheatley) is controlling it. After the events of the first game, it's more than implied that nobody was tending to the facility (even as Wheatley puts it, you killed GLaDOS, then nothing happened, then you attempted to escape with Wheatley), so naturally the whole place fell into disrepair. My question is this; how did the original testing track change so much if there was nobody around to change it? Two of the chambers have been completely revamped, two entirely new chambers seem to have found their way in, one seems to have been fused with another, and yet another one doesn't even come back into play until ''after'' you've revived GLaDOS. Then you have all the elevators getting completely replaced. Assuming that the "announcer" at the beginning of the game has no direct control over the facility, how and ''when'' exactly did all those changes get made?
** Those could be different chambers that already existed by the events of Portal 1. You enter an elevator at the end of each chamber -- it could simply have taken you to different ones.
** Or, if you do not want to accept that it just has always been that way, perhaps it was a leftover from the storyline where there were more cores then just Wheatley, and they were running the facility, like the big Game Informer article said.
*** The different elevators are [[Art Evolution]]. The developer's commentary explains that there is no in-game reason for the elevators to be different, they just wanted to redesign them. Same story for the new Material Emancipation Grids.
** I assumed that the facility did continue to receive some upgrades after the events of the original Portal. While [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] was dead, other, unseen robots did continue to manage the test chambers as best they could, i.e. installing more movable panels, new elevators, etc. Eventually they stopped, possibly due to attrition as they broke down or from being unable to handle any problems that fell outside their programming. It would be like the entire management of a company vanishing one day. The office drones would probably continue doing their work for a while, even managing to complete previously-assigned long-term projects, but without any direction the company would eventually fall apart.
== [[G La DOSGLaDOS]]'s claws after reactivation ==
* Where did GLaDOS get these two claws with which she lifts Chell and Wheatley after being reactivated? She didn't use them in the first game, even though they could have helped stop or kill Chell right then and there, nor does she or Wheatley use them when revisiting the chamber later in the second game.
** She used the claws in other places. Maybe she had more freedom now, or the damage to the room allowed them in.
** She actually ''did'' use her claws in the first game. Maybe the Morality Core affected her ability to use them (just like it affected her ability to turn off the Rocket Sentry), or perhaps she was just that confident that the neurotoxin would be enough to finish her off. She's a sadist, so maybe she preferred the idea of watching Chell suffer (death by neurotoxin is not a pretty sight) to killing her quickly and simply with claws.
*** When did she use them in the first game? I've played Portal 1 a lot but I don't remember there being any claws like that.
**** The claws are in the game. They aren't animated, but they're implied to be how [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] gets the turrets around the complex.
Line 551:
** Maybe they outsourced for some materials. Some things they bought from other companies don't have such high tolerances and explode under extreme heat. The Aperture records simply don't take that into account.
** The fact that there was an Emergency Intelligence Incinerator in the same room as a potentially-hostile AI shows some astounding forethought on Aperture's part: they either deliberately built the cores with combustible materials, or the incinerator was hotter than 4000K. Either one would justify the cores' explosions.
** Aperture continually lied to its AI (''They told me if I ever used this, I'd die. They said that about everything!'') So the hardware could get recycled (in the same way that the turrets are recycled) and [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] etc only think that the cores get destroyed.
** Maybe the cores have a remote connection to her until they're destroyed? That could explain the tractor beam-like thing.
Line 573:
** I got the impression that the old chambers were deliberately ''preserved'', not just passively let to rot like it was the case with the modern facility. Thus they could have taken the measures to prevent decay, such as reinforcing the walls and covering the furniture in whatever protective stuff they have at Aperture. They simply shut the power and gel flow down and let the area rest until Chell reactivated it. Notice also that while the test chambers and offices are well-preserved, the vast space between them isn't; Aperture probably didn't bother taking measures to preserve the maintenance areas while sealing them off.
*** Cave Johnson says that the Enrichment Spheres are coated in Asbestos to keep the rats out. Kinda flimsy, but if he covered them with enough of it, it should hold off most of nature for at least a little while.
** Deep underground the chambers wouldn't be exposed to a lot of things like rain, wind, plants, and sunlight so it would last longer even setting aside Aperture's obsession with [[Ragnarok Proofing]]. That said, it is significantly damaged, there are many areas where you have to make portal jumps because walkways have collapsed.
** It's implied that even a lot of the upper test chambers are underground. With the chambers from Cave's era, they're so far down they're practically like preserved fossils.
** Keep in mind, though, that they're still in '''a salt mine''', and in a planet that was in the process of being taken over from below by burrowing Antlions (unless the Antlions were only introduced to the eastern hemisphere).
Line 593:
== [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] can't help you? ==
* The bit about GLaDOS being unable to tell you the solution to a given problem. I don't get it; either the punitive shock is tied into the main core, in which case GLaDOS should have been unaffected; '''or''', the shock is tied into ''all'' personality cores, in which case Wheatley should have known about it long before it became relevant. And in either event, GLaDOS is currently working with one-point-six volts; what energy could she possibly muster to significantly shock herself with?
** Easy, it's a [[Hand Wave]]. They needed a reason she couldn't help you, and the other idea they had -- having her "puzzle solving memory" getting constantly pecked off by a bird -- wasn't technically feasible.
Line 600:
*** They probably told him he'd die if he ever helped a test subject solve a test, and finally catching on, he presumed that warning was rubbish like all the other things they told him would kill him. Hilariously, turns out that one was partially true.
** Note that whenever she uses too much energy, she temporarily shuts down. It's possible that it would start to shock her, only to instead shut her down, which would be more of a hindrance because she's gone for a while.
** There's also the fact that the puzzles you do with her are handmade by Wheatley either from scratch or by combining multiple test chambers together, so she would be trying to figure them out as much as the player since it's likely she knows the answer to one component or one chamber, but not when the components are put together in a new arrangement she hasn't seen before. In a way when it's mentioned, it's [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] telling you why she couldn't have helped you before even if she wanted.
** Maybe she wasn't entirely sure if it would shock her or not, but didn't want to risk frying her potato (which could kill her).
Line 633:
== [[G La DOSGLaDOS]]'s lack of morality ==
* Chell destroyed GLaDOS' Morality Core in the first game, which made GLaDOS go from "Use humans for test subjects" to "Kill all humans". How come when Chell reactivated GLaDOS, she didn't immediately try to kill Chell and instead sent her off to do more tests? Her body was repaired, but there was no sign that GLaDOS got a new Morality Core.
** GLaDOS was going for a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] this time, as is plainly obvious. The facility is in ruins and her neurotoxin probably wasn't online at the time. She needed to have Chell waste time solving tests. Note that as soon as she has the place up and running again, she does immediately try to kill you.
** Maybe the Morality Core didn't really work, GLaDOS just tricked everyone into thinking it did? The core never talks, and GLaDOS might have dropped it off ''on purpose'' so that Chell could destroy it, thus pretending to have more of a justified excuse in killing her. After all, even ''before'' you get to GLaDOS's chamber, she says "Turn back or I will kill you."
** [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] attempts to kill you once well before you get to her room in the first game. It's made quite clear that the Morality Core never really worked, all it succeeded in doing was preventing her from using the neurotoxin specifically.
== Plumbing ==
* How does the plumbing in Old Aperture still work? There's switches for the gel pumps, but nothing that controls water, so there's no reason to assume that it was ever switched off. So how have the tanks for the water in some of the test spheres not run dry over the course of god knows how many years? (Unless it's just purified sludgewater pumped in from the other spheres, which is [[Nausea Fuel|gross]].)
** [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] states that the air everyone breaths in the Enrichment Center is just re-used air. A similar process may work on water. Besides, we just know that it's a incolor liquid. [[Nightmare Fuel|It could be anything.]]
** It could be that all that water is what's responsible for the filling of the Enrichment Spheres and the salt mine with sludge/acid/stuff. It might also explain why, if the top levels of the facility are exposed to the elements, rainwater doesn't flood the old testing tracks; it's just drained to the bottom (maybe as a way to drown off the Mantis Men?)
== Chell getting recaptured ==
* I can't believe nobody's asked the most obvious question: How did Chell get recaptured in the first place? [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] was dead. Did those androids find her and put her in the Relaxation Vault?
** The "Lab Rat" tie-in comic, available on the official website, explains this.
** Even before that, a Portal update modified the ending, showing Chell get dragged back in.
Line 652:
== Core corruptions ==
* What is core corruption, anyway? In Portal, [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] had several personality cores attached, thus was corrupted. However, you had to remove them to defeat her: Making her "pure" again. {{spoiler|But in Portal 2, they say she's corrupted, but she's the only core in the mainframe. Okay, so maybe the computer thought that her insanity was enough to make her corrupt... but that doesn't explain why Wheatley becomes corrupt just after you attatch other personality cores to it. I mean, the guy was MADE to be a moronic imbelice, so insanity counts as core corruption but having "Be a moron" between your codes lines is cool? Also, when you're heading to Wheatley's Lair, you stumble across some corrupted cores, according to [[G La DOSGLaDOS]]. Honestly, the guy you were trying to beat and [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] herself are in many ways worse than those guys.}}
** The corrupted cores' behaviour make it clear that there's some fundamental flaw in their programming. Wheatley wasn't considered corrupt because his programming wasn't damaged, and he was still doing exactly what he was programmed to do ("be a moron"), and he wasn't totally messed up like the corrupted cores. [[G La DOSGLaDOS]], on the other hand, is very clearly corrupt. It's pretty clear that there's something wrong in her programming, somewhere.
** I always thought that it referred to the fact that her cores were removed. GLaDOS had four cores hung on her mainframe in the first game. As you defeat her by destroying them, they obviously were semi-vital to her function. In portal 2, the announcer says that {{spoiler|1=she is 80% corrupted. Four cores plus GLaDOS, the main core, is five cores. Four "corrupted" (nonexistent) cores to one intact core is 80% corruption. Also, you need Wheatley to be at 100% corruption with three corrupted cores plus him not doing the mainframe because GLaDOS is still at 80% corruption (if not more) while she's PotatOS, and the core transfer can only replace a more-corrupt core with a less-corrupt one.}}
== Wheatley surviving getting crushed ==
* So after he accidentally revive [[G La DOSGLaDOS]], she crushes Wheatley and tosses him aside. A few levels later, he's back and somewhat fine (if a bit twitchy), on his management rail again. How did he get back onto that rail?
** Wheatley tells you himself, kind of, in Chapter 4. It's something of a [[Noodle Incident]] but apparently involves a bird.
** Perhaps he has an identical twin.
Line 668:
** At least until ep3 friggin finally come out...
*** Or Half-Life 3. Either way though, I don't think we'll see Chell actually fight alongside Gordon Freeman or anything, since Valve is keeping them separate.
**** I don't think you quite remember how silly the original Half-Life was. Black Mesa was an absurd place with [[No OSHA Compliance]] through the wazoo.
Line 687:
** On a similar note, right before GLaDOS tries to hit him with a [[Logic Bomb]], she says "Hey, moron!" and he just goes "Oh, hello." Why didn't he fly into a rage like he did the prior and subsequent times he was called a moron?
** Because he wasn't expecting anyone to show up to talk to him, so he blew it off.
** [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] directly calls him the 'Moron Sphere,' maybe he doesn't mind other nasty names for the same reason a non-white person wouldn't mind being called 'honky' as much as other epitaphs.
*** Maybe he thinks 'idiot' is a designation, like how the Adventure Sphere's real name is Rick.
** It should be noted that he is still affected by being called a moron in the last part of the game. The first instance, he does appear to shrug it off, but eventually he starts getting annoyed with it to the point he [[Feigning Intelligence|fakes reading Machiavellian works and plays classical music to appear intelligent.]]
{{quote|'''[[G La DOSGLaDOS]]:''' {{smallcaps| I think I took that "moron" thing a little too far this time.}}}}
== Building the facility ==
* Has it occurred to anybody else that Aperture labs is built upside-down? Seriously, the earliest parts of the complex are the furthest from the surface. It doesn't seem like an ''Aperture is incompetent'' trope to me because if that was true then they worked out exactly how much space they would need for the next 40 years.
** Building up from the bottom is hardly unusual. What would be unusual is if they started at the top and built ''down''.
*** That's how they would do if they built the base from scratch, but since they bought some abandoned mining complex instead, they already had the tunnels ready, and could start from the bottom.
*** If you're making a building, obviously you build from bottom to top, but when you're making a tunnel or a mine, it's far more logical to start from the top and build down. Two main reasons: Firstly, all the earth you dig up has to be transported out, and equipment transported in. You can theoretically manage with a single deep shaft, but it's just easier to keep the supply lines as short as possible. It's easy to do this if you have available space nearby i.e. directly above you, where you can keep all your equipment, personnel and supplies, and just keep gradually moving it down as you dig. Secondly, "digging up" is inherently dangerous. Ceilings have a habit of falling apart when you poke them with shovels or drills. No matter how hard you dig at a floor, it isn't going to fall on top of you. But, to answer OP's question: Hey it's Aperture Science! It's their MO to do everything in the most dangerous, money-wasting manner possible.
Line 708:
* Is there any in-game reason that the gels were not used in the newer testing chambers?
** Well, none is mentioned, but I could imagine it was one of the following: a) the gels were too poisonous, even for Aperture Science, b) they'd already sufficiently tested the gels by the time the newer test chambers were build, c) newer inventions made the gels redundant, d) they got bored of them.
** The second time you open a gigantic vault door (the horizontal one that drops a lift for you) you see three large pipes from inside the room connect with pipes to the outside. The upper, newer sections were literally cut off from the gels until Chell opened the way. The gels were buried and forgotten by GLaDOS's time.
*** Though, GLaDOS did say that Wheatley's tests were ''her'' tests now, just jammed together out of different skeletons that she had kept. You used the gels quite a bit in those areas. Maybe she had initially worked her away around those pipes and did nothing with them in those chambers?
** There's a dummied out line somewhere in the script files where [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] knows about the conversion gel, at least ("Wait. I HEARD about this. We discontinued it after all the test subjects kept escaping.").
== Thinking of the paradox ==
* In order to use a paradox on Wheatley, GLaDOS needed to think about the paradox to use on the way up, yet she didn't short out. Maybe Caroline helped, since she was reunited with GLaDOS in Chapter 7? GLaDOS does say each word of the paradox one at a time with a pause, even the first one, like she's repeating each word after someone's saying it...
** I always saw [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] giving the paradox word by word as a way of bracing herself. Immediately after saying "FALSE" she starts muttering "don't think about it".
*** That could be a possibility - still doesn't explain much about not freaking out from the time she got the idea to the time she said the paradox aloud, since technically, she'd need to think about the paradox in order to plan out what to say if she was doing it on her own.
**** I don't think what [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] thinks is true necessarily has to be true.
Line 735:
== [[G La DOSGLaDOS]]' head ==
* In one of the last scenes of single-player, you {{spoiler|see [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] dragging her head back with the claw while it 'wakes up.' But where was it the entire time? How did she stuff herself back into it? Where did the potato go? Also, how was she able to control the claw that she sends the corrupt cores to you with? Perhaps being plugged into the core input thing was part of it, but I don't think I entirely get it.}}
== Did Wheatley know his purpose? ==
* Did Wheatley ever give any indication that he knew he was an Intelligence Dampening Sphere and was once attached to [[G La DOSGLaDOS]] before she said so? This has been bugging me for a while now, because he seems to be surprised about it during that scene.
** I don't think he did. Like you said, he seemed to be surprised by the revelation. and from what we've seen, cores connected to the main A.I are not entirely conscious (seeing how all the very [[Motor Mouth]] cores turned almost completly silent when connected), they can probably become aware of rhe situation if they want to (The Curiosity Core knowing who Chell is, Space and Rick talking while connected to Wheatley)but I [[WM Ged]] that they in sort of a sleep-like state when attached. [[Fridge Horror|and yes, it does mean you killed the Portal 1 cores only minutes after their first independence thoghts]]