Portal 2/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** Non-canon? The original cave labs are ''filled'' with awards for Cave Johnson's excellent sales career in shower curtains.
***** What were they testing for? The gun '''''warps the fabric of reality'''''. I'd imagine there'd be a number of testable connotations that come attached with that sort of thing, some of which are mentioned above, not least of all Health & Safety.
*** Companies diversify and shift focus all the time. To take one example off the top of my head, the company which produced the [[ColecovisionColecoVision]] video game console started off as a shoe leather company before going into paddling pools before finally ending up with video games and the [[Cabbage Patch Doll]] -- not exactly a path you'd expect looking at the company when it first started (and now I think about it, [[Fridge Brilliance|this could even be some kind of reference]]). Put simply, Cave Johnson could have made his fortune making shower curtains -- a fairly cheap and easily-made product which was in heavy demand in the 1950s -- before moving into his true passion (throwing [[For Science!|Science!]] at the wall and seeing what stuck) once he had sufficient capital, funding and government connections (thanks to the shower curtains).
**** Hell, ''Nintendo'' started making card games before shifting its focus to taxi-cabs and [[Love Hotels]]. Aperture starting as a shower curtain company doesn't seem so ridiculous.
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