Portal 2/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** Wheatley brings to mind, possibly due to the British accent, a description of how the Tardis works in the current series. Paraphrased: "The Tardis lands and in the briefest of moments scans for thousands of miles around that location. Calculations the best disguise for that location. Then it becomes a police box." We have here an AI designed to the be the dumbest thing ever. No, it can't simply be dumb. Wheatley must have the capability by design to calculate every every possible contingency, idea, plan based off of the information he has access to. Then he is programed to pick the second worst plan. The worst by default would be do nothing due to his primary goal is to create and influence GLaDOS with bad plans. Aperture devices tend to be a little wonky in the first place and Wheatley is later shown damaged and sparking. The part of him designed to pick the bad ideas is damaged/failing, but not completely failed, by Portal 2.
** Or, knowing GLaDOS, the stupid thing would be [[Fridge Brilliance|going against her.]]
*** Or going against [[Spanner in Thethe Works|Che]][[Determinator|ll.]]
** As pointed out elsewhere on the wiki, Wheatley was made by Aperture Science, none of whose creations ever worked for the purpose they were built for. In this case, they failed to purposefully make a moron core -- hence the flashes of smartness behind his [[Cloudcuckoolander]] behavior.
** Because he was programmed to make the worst possible decision. This means he had to be capable of computing as many different scenarios as [[G La DOS]], ranking them in order of best decision to worst, and then pick the worst, without realising it. In other words, the scientists would have to program him to make the best possible decisions, and then change a > sign somewhere in the code to a < sign.
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** The ARG (Alternate Reality Game) has the hypernation timer set to "9999" days, which equals just about 27 years. The [http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Half-Life_universe#After_May_200- Half-Life Wiki] sets portal 1 at around the same time as Half-Life 2. That ''should'' put Portal 2 no more than 2030, a bit shorter than 30 years. It would make sense to WGM this to capping off the combine invasion of earth within too many years after Half-Life 2. ''IF'' Valve actually finish the series
*** (I'm just gonna go ahead and point out that the hibernation timer actually says "9999''*fizzle*''99") meaning either the timer is broken (most likely) or that it has been almost 3''000'' years.
*** (Incoming wall of text, very sorry) I don't think so. Here what I think: We know that GLaDOS was activated in 200- (source: Combine Overwiki and ''Lab Rat'' comic if I don't make a mistake). The activation and subsequent killing of the scientists is mostly agreed to happen while the Black Mesa keep everyone else busy, preventing any rescue attempt. It is also generally aggreed that Half-Life 1 happened in the early 2000's. A few month following that (not much more, Rattman was, uh, Still Alive in the center) the event of the Seven hour war have probably already happened. GLaDOS did say she has no understanding about what was happening on the surface, but it's implied and generally agreed that she was maintening some sort of defenses against the Combine. Now then, at time of those events, Alyx was a toddler. Since she is not so much of a baby in ''[[Half-Life 2 (Video Game)|Half-Life 2]]'', and since the youngest citizens appear to be in their mid-late twenties (combine's anti-sex fields and whatnot), I think ''Half-Life 2'' takes place somewhere between 2020 and 2030. Considering the timer from the ARG, it could mean that Portal 2 really happened at the same time as ''Half-Life 2'', more or less. Sweet, except that the timer is implied to be a bit of a joke, and the voice you hear when Chell awaken for the second say a ''bunch'' of nines before being ''cut short''. Point being, maybe the timer actually hit its cap and the actual duration of Chell hypersleep is way more than 27 years. On the other hand, I think 27 years is enough to account for the centre being heavily damaged but not completely destroyed. Extremely few things done with today tech would survive 27 years of Gaia vengeance in perfect state. Even underground, you'd have to account for the hyper devastating power of moist. Trust me, it's something that can destroy anything in its path. I mean, even Rattman's scribling being so bright in color after 27 years is seriously stretching it, let alone 300 years.
**** This is the science facility which {{spoiler|constructed an artificial personality able to run on as little as 1.1 volts off of a potato}}, the series has shown to play rule of cool/funny whenever it can and given that the series was playing up how much Aperture had changed after the stasis then it's would be anti-climatic to have the stasis not be as horrifyingly long as implied in the name of realism.
*** Display caps. Many programs expect only 4 or so digits, and any more are cut off (esp. if there're physical space restrictions, but it also happens in other places). Not to mention integer overflow. Maybe it says 9999 days, after rolling over from 32768 to -32767 a couple times.
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** Really? I remember [[Word of God]] stating that Chell "has importance with characters we already know...
** First, I think you should calm down. Second, Valve is notorious for changing their minds or leaving ambiguous answers. Keeping them separate could refer to the games being made different times(so if another Portal game comes then it will be after Half Life has finished or something). Also, [[G La DOS]] says herself that she's the only thing standing between us and "them" and Black Mesa is mentioned a few times.
** I know [[There Is No Such Thing Asas Notability|we don't do citations]], but in this case I really have to say [Citation Needed] for this. Both Portal and Portal 2 have several links to Half Life (Black Mesa is mentioned a lot), and Episode 2 has links to Portal (The Aperture Science logo on the Borealis). I'd really like some context of what was said, who said it, and where it was said.
* [[Fridge Brilliance]] - remember [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKfthzDla5k this video] in the elevators during the hard light bridge areas? If you look closely you can see the shack that you emerge from at the end of the game. The fields presumably provide power etc. for its systems, including the bridges, and so are maintained by the facility, therefore what you see at the end has little to no bearing on what the rest of the world looks like now.
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== Tone differences between Portal and Half-Life ==
* ''[[Portal (Video Gameseries)|Portal]]'' takes place in the same universe as ''[[Half Life|Half-Life]]''. So how is it that Cave Johnson and Aperture Science can take [[Refuge in Audacity]] while everything related to Gordon Freeman, Black Mesa and City 17 are much more realistically treated?
** Because they are different games that are related only by very broad-strokes [[Continuity Overlap]]. Valve is trying to keep them as separate as possible plotwise and thematically.
** At least until ep3 friggin finally come out...