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[[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|As the title implies]], this index is for pages that have been subject to [[Memetic Mutation|memetic]] [[Pothole|potholing]]. This has a tendency to happen to [[Trope|tropes]] that have a [[Stock Phrase]] as their title, but it can happen to other tropes as well.
Normally, this is [[Rule of Fun|all in good fun]], but Pothole Magnetism does, indeed, have its [[Sinkhole|dark side]]. There have been tropes that have died [[About/Permanent Red Link Club|horrible, painful deaths]] due to Pothole Magnetism gone mad. In less extreme cases, it can cause a trope to be [[Renamed Tropes|renamed]].
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* [[Don't Explain the Joke]]: A [[Running Gag]] on this site is to explain jokes and pothole the explanation to this article. It's often a misuse, because the trope is actually telling you what the punchline means, not merely giving context to the joke.
* [[Epic Fail]]: Often used for things that fail annoyingly in general.
* [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]: Often potholed when something's name or title is completely self-descriptive.
* [[Executive Meddling]]: Used to pothole executive names to or refer to a certain company's management. [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] and [[Evil Overlord]] are also used as alternatives to this.
* [[Face Palm]]
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* [[Fridge Brilliance]]: Often potholed when an observation is made in a trope. Usually as a result of natter.
* [[Funny Moments (Sugar Wiki)|Funny Moments]] (also known as [[Crowning Moment of Funny]])
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Despite the article's description defining the trope as puns found lame [[In -Universe]], it continues to be used as a mainstream pothole for puns due to that being the article's original intended purpose. The article was created because [[Troper|tropers]] were misusing Incredibly Lazy Pun, the former name for [[Stealth Pun]], as a generic pothole for puns. However, the article has now mutated and is now an actual trope. Punderful.
* [[I Thought It Meant]]: Frequently potholed when contrasting two things that sound similar.
* [[Justified Trope]]: Usually potholed to note that the usage of a trope is justified and makes sense. Unfortunately subjected to heavy misuse as many of these “justified” usages are actually [[Justifying Edit|Justifying Edits]], which are, ironically enough, anything but justified.
* [[In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You]]: In Soviet Russia, Pothole Magnets pothole to YOU.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: Tropers pothole this when any use of fire as an attack occurs, and even in cases where literal fire wasn't involved, such as when tropers are screaming for an [[Example Sectionectomy]].
* [[Love It or Hate It]]: Tropers would pothole this to indicate that a work had polarizing opinions or as an alternate way of saying [[Your Mileage May Vary]]. It's a bad idea to do this outside of YMMV pages unless it's [[In-Universe]].
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: There are [[Readings Are Off the Scale|over 9000]] instances of memes being potholed to this article. <ref>There aren't actually that many.</ref>
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* [[Squee]]: Tropers tend to pothole this when it comes to moments that make them overjoyed.
* [[Squick]]: Tropers tend to pothole this when it comes to moments that make them cringe.
* [[Take That]]: A number of insults, both [[In -Universe]] and Out, tend to be potholed to this article.
* [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]]: Tropers tend to pothole this whenever the word "bitch" is used.
* [[This Is Gonna Suck]]
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* The "Artistic License - X" tropes were like this because they used to be known as "You Fail X Forever" and "X Does Not Work That Way."
* [[Comically Missing the Point]]: Formerly known as Completely Missing The Point. This caused the trope to be [[Square Peg, Round Trope|misused]] as a pothole for any statement that missed the point.
* [[The End - Oror Is It?]]: Its original title was simply Or Is It?, which attracted misuse as a [[Stock Phrase]] and [[Verbal Tic]]. The old name is now a deliberate redlink.
* [[Lampshaded Double Entendre]]: Formerly known as Nudge Nudge, and before that, If You Know What I Mean. Because of that, [[Double Entendre|double entendres]] that pothole to this article were more common than grass. This led to a cleanup effort dedicated to removing these sinkholes.
* [["No. Just... No" Reaction]]: Formerly known merely as No. Just... No, renamed because it was often potholed for when tropers' responses to something were a strong "NO", when it was supposed to refer to ''[[In-Universe]]'' instances of the [[Stock Phrase]] in reaction to a [[Squick|Squicky]] moment.
* [[Punctuated for Emphasis]]: Was originally named This! Is! SPARTA! Statements. Like. This. Are almost guaranteed to be potholed to this article. Even entries that should have been potholed to the movie ''[[Three Hundred300]]'' were potholed to this trope.
* [[Serial Escalation]]: Originally Beyond The Impossible. It got a [[Trope Transplant]] due to massive misuse as a pothole for anything that seemed impossible.
* [[Stealth Pun]]: Originally Incredibly Lazy Pun. The old name saw a lot of misuse as a generic pun pothole, resulting in the trope being renamed and the old name being permanently redlinked.
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* [[Incredibly Lazy Pun]]: Former name of [[Stealth Pun]].
* [[No Just No]]: Deliberate redlink. The old name for [["No. Just... No" Reaction]].
* [[Or Is It]]: Deliberate redlink. The old name for [[The End - Oror Is It?]]
* [[So Yeah]]: A pothole target that was used as an excuse for lazy writing.
* [[This Troper]]. Deliberate redlink. Was constantly being used as an alternative for "I". The article still exists as a history of the use of "This troper" in articles, but is flagged to discourage potholing.