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* [[Student Council President]] Nodoka Manabe from ''[[K-On!]]'' sports this, although she's actually pretty friendly.
* Subverted by [[Black Lagoon|Balalaika]], who has the long, flowing hair you usually see on a Damsel.
* Subverted in [[Hellsing]] with Integra, the leader of the Hellsing organization and the leash on world's most powerful vampire, Alucard. Has long straight hair that reaches beyond her shoulders.
== Films ==
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* [[Meryl Streep]]'s character in ''[[The Devil Wears Prada]]'' is a good modern film example.
* In ''[[Sliding Doors]]'' the Helen who catches the train gets one.
* Another of Streep's memorable performances was in the remake of ''[[The Manchurian Candidate (novel)|The Manchurian Candidate]]'', where she plays a senator and mother to Raymond Shaw, again with typical Power Hair.
* [[Angela Lansbury]] in the original ''[[The Manchurian Candidate (novel)|The Manchurian Candidate]]''. She's the the power behind the throne of her politician husband. Her Power Hair is poofier, but is short enough to qualify.
* In ''[[American Beauty]]'', Carolyn Burnham's methods of "projecting an image of success at all times" was a shock of Power Hair.
* [[Judi Dench]] as M in the ''[[James Bond]]'' series.
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* Jenny Shepherd, director of ''[[NCIS]]'' goes through a number of hairstyles, but this seems to be the most common.
* Angela Petrelli of ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'' has Power Hair to go along with her painfully perfect cutthroat [[Stepford Smiler|high society aide]]. {{spoiler|It really shouldn't come as a surprise when it turns out she's the [[Evil Matriarch]] and in league with [[Fallen Hero|Linderman]] to destroy New York.}}
** In later seasons the actress's hair got longer, and she started arranging it in a very tight updo which creates an even more power-y effect. The comparison became obvious in a flashback to pre-season 1 {{spoiler|before Arthur's apparent death}}.
* Kathryn Janeway in ''[[Star Trek: Voyager]]'', although less obviously so as the series went on (in the first season it was so heavily moussed it would probably have worked as a crash helmet).
** Her original hairdo was the Power Bun. Later she got an unimportant haircut, [[Letting Her Hair Down|not quite up]] to Power Hair standards.
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* Adelle De Witt from ''[[Dollhouse]]'' has slightly longer than average Power Hair by season two, but it's still much shorter than her hair in season one.
* Maggie Walsh from ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' wore her hair like this.
* Eva Thorne from ''[[Eureka]]'' has classic Power Hair, befitting her business-like persona and background.
* Leslie's mother on ''[[Parks and Recreation]]'', who is the head of the Department of Education, has this haircut.
* On ''Veep'', vice president Selina Myers has a longer version of this currently, around a medium length, but averted this in the opening montage symbolizing her earlier career aspirations. Amy, her chief of staff, has hair ending slightly longer than hers while Sue, her secretary, has longer hair than both though she keeps it in some sort of bun most of the time.
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