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== [[Film]] ==
* Both the original ''[[My Bloody Valentine (Filmfilm)|My Bloody Valentine]]'' and the remake had killers with a pickaxe as their [[Weapon of Choice]].
* In ''[[Friday the 13th (Filmfilm)|Friday the 13 th]] Part II'', Jason's very first kill is the [[Final Girl]] of the original, who he kills with an ice pick to the head. Later, he hunts Ginny down with a pickaxe.
* [[It Got Worse|Shit gets worse]] in ''[[The Descent (Film)|The Descent]]'' when {{spoiler|Juno accidentally puts a climbing pick through her buddy's neck after a protracted fight with monsters. After said friend is found by another of Juno's friends [[Your Cheating Heart|(who are now rivals because Juno slept with her husband)]] she gets hunted down in revenge.}}
* The demon-possessed killer of ''[[Happy Hell Night]]'' uses a pickaxe.
* The killer in ''[[Death Onon Demand]]'' uses an [[wikipedia:Ice axe|ice axe]].
* ''Curse of the Forty-Niner'', aka ''Miner's Massacre''.
* Alissa eliminates most of the remaining characters with a pickaxe she picks up in ''[[Blood Night the Legend of Mary Hatchet|Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet]]''.
* The villain of ''Simon Says'' has a severe pickaxe fetish, to the point of actually constructing a machine gun-like contraption that fires them.
== [[Literature]] ==
* [[Adventures of a Demon Hunting Soccer Mom (Literature)|Kate Connor]] got a bunch of ice picks on sale because they make good weapons and having them around the house wouldn't be looked at askance.
* ''[[Discworld]]'''s dwarfs use special axes: one side is a pickaxe, in case you need to mine; the other is a traditional axe, in case somebody tries to stop you.
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* In an episode of ''[[CSI: NY]]'', someone was killed with an ice pick to the neck. As it turns out {{spoiler|he was dying of cancer and he requested that he be killed this way}}.
* There was an episode of ''[[Bones]]'' where a woman was murdered with a pick used for rock-climbing in caverns.
* The ''[[Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior]]'' episode ''See No Evil'' depicted a woman getting an ice pick [[Ear Ache|rammed into her ear]].
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''[[Dwarf Fortress]]'': picks deal piercing damage, which is one of the best ways to damage internal organs (and thus, potentially kill a victim in a single blow depending on where you hit.) The skill that governs weapon use also governs one's skill at mining, and so your best weapon-wielding dwarfs often start off as pickaxe-wielding miners, and may never trade up the pick for a hammer or sword in their life. Try temporarily recruiting a legendary miner (so s/he doesn't run away from the enemy) and not assigning him/her a weapon (so they continue to use the pick.) Ass will be kicked.
* ''[[War CraftWarcraft]] 3'' has the Rusty Pick item, which adds a little damage and has a chance to stun an enemy. Peasants and Peons [[Percussive Maintenance|use them as tools]] and weapons, if you order them to attack.
* ''[[Runescape]]'': partially averted; pickaxes can be wielded as a weapon, but they are less effective than weapons made of the same metal. That being said, players frequently wield their pickaxes while mining, rather than simply wield another weapon, because it saves an inventory space that could be used to carry more ore. Also, some bosses have armor than needs to be broken with a pickaxe before you can actually start hacking away at it's HP with another weapon (though you can still use the pickaxe if you wish).
* The Soldier class in ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|Team Fortress 2]]'' has a pick as his unlockable melee weapon called The Equalizer. It turns him into the ultimate [[Glass Cannon]] by raising in damage output and running speed based on how low his health level is. At 1 [[Hit Point]], he can hit with 113 points of damage and is almost as fast as the [[Fragile Speedster|Scout]].
* ''[[Modern Warfare]] 2'': one level has you using ice picks as melee weapons.
** Well, you get to see MacTavish using ice picks as weapons. To dismount a guy on a snowmobile, no less. It's ''beyond'' awesome.
* An ordinary icepick is the closest thing ''Ferazel's Wand'' has to an [[Infinity+1 Sword]], doing ''many'' times the damage of a dagger or a fireball spell.
* The Imperial Pick from ''[[Phantasy Star Online]]'' is a very good Partisan weapon, despite being, essentially, a very large and ornate pickaxe.
* A pickaxe is also the best weapon in ''[[Penumbra (Videovideo Gamegame series)|Penumbra]]: Overture''--or more accurately, [[Improvised Weapon|every other weapon is worse]]. You'll still have to hit [[Hell Hound|Hellhounds]] a dozen times to kill them, but two hits can handle a [[Giant Spider]].
* Grayback from ''[[Battle Realms]]'' wields one; justified as he and most of the Wolf Clan pre-revolt were miners.
* One of the first weapons in ''[[Drakensang]] 2: The River of Time'' is a pick, classified as a "Two-Handed Axe" type weapon.