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* [[Female Misogynist]]: Deena describes herself as such. True enough, she rarely gets along with any woman.
* [[The Fog of Ages]]
* [[Good Cop, Bad Cop]]
* [[Green Rocks]]: One of the reasons the muggle cops have any chance against villains is because of the technology that cancels out powers. ([[MST3K Mantra|Don't think too hard about how that would work]]).
* [[Innocent Bystander Series]]: How it starts out, but Deena and Walker eventually become much more than mundane cops. They both do their best to keep it hidden, though.
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* [[Stock Super Powers]]
* [[Tabloid Melodrama]]: a ''constant'' theme is about the attention/obsession everything from trashy tabloids to two-bit political commentators would have for superpowered figures, and how that works to screw over their normal lives.
* [[The Chosen Many]]: The Millennium Corps (the in-universe [[Shout -Out]] to [[Green Lantern]]). {{spoiler|Walker becomes the newest one of them while investigating the death of the most recent one.}}
* [[The Stoic]]: Walker.
* [[Super Registration Act]]: As a result of the events at the end of the first volume, the second starts with a repeat of the first volume's end report--a presidential order that all super heroes need to be registered. The authorities are just ''sane'' in this milieu - they treat it no differently than a driver's license.