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== [[Literature]] ==
* In [[Belisarius Series]] the Malwa regularly conquered by a combination of numbers and technology. When they met the Romans they met an enemy who was warned (by a messenger from the future) to develop their own technology. And a general who was not only a superb campaigner but capable of encouraging subversion through their empire.
* In [[Honor Harrington]], Haven regularly grabbed territory as a method of shoring up it's revenue problems. It created a vast, if ramshackle, empire thereby but found out when it met the Manticorans that they were years ahead in technology.
* The [[Discworld]] novel ''[[Discworld/Pyramids|Pyramids]]'' has a scene involving this trope: two nations that are obviously expies of ancient Greece and Troy go to war with each other, each using the weapon that won the last war. Thus, the war begins with a dozen [[Trojan Horse|wooden horses]] arrayed on each side of the line of battle.
{{quote|"The one on the end's on rockers, sir; must be the officers."}}