• This quote from Hanna:

Hanna: Spencer, you do not need to know any more big words. You're already scary enough to anyone under 50.

  • After Mona helps Emily get back on the swim team, she says that now Emily "has to do something for her" and for a moment it looks like she's going to ask for some big serious favor. Then it turns out all she wanted was advice on what to wear to a swim meet because she doesn't want her shoes to get ruined.
  • This quote from Spencer:

Spencer: If only we could harness Mona's sense of entitlement, we could light up the whole eastern seaboard.

  • Hanna wanted to wear a revealing red dress to a funeral. Her mother's reply?

Ashley: It's a funeral, Hanna, not a Nicki Minaj concert.

  • When Aria and Spencer go to the morgue in order to see Alison's autopsy report Aria is shocked that someone can eat cookies in a morgue and leave the open box next to the dead bodies. Spencer, on the other hand, is completely nonchalant and explains that "they stay fresh".