Princess Waltz: Difference between revisions

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** Dialogue: ALL of the girls (especially in the true ending), wind up liking Arata to some greater or lesser degree, ranging anywhere from profound respect to outright love.
** Plot Implications: We are given very broad reason to believe that not only is the world the Princesses have come from very relaxed standards wise (they aren't as hung up over illegitimate kids), but the [[Brother-Sister Incest]] implications in the plot are not regarded as [[Squick]] by the other girls. In fact, they SUPPORT Arata/Chris (with the broad implication on both sides that they wouldn't mind being haremettes or in a polygamous relationship, which is actually not uncommon for royalty)
** Practical Reasons: Due to the events of the game plot having caused major political uncertainty, the [[TenchiMarry SolutionThem All]] would be a great idea for political expendiency (with the added bonus the prince and princesses would actually be pretty okay with it), and considering the whole plot was an [[Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny]] to determine the continuance of the political balance, the [[TenchiMarry Them SolutionAll]] benefits all sides.
** The above said, the plot begs for an extended epilogue [[Fanfic]].
** And at the very least, the game pretty much says flat out that although Chris is the more important, Arata also gets together with at least the princess he merged with at the end.
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* [[Wham! Episode]]: Chapter 12-13 : Those that Fall.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]:
** Iris (and Chris) use a [[BFSBig Freaking Sword|sword]], as expected of [[The Hero]].
** Liesel uses a [[Drop the Hammer|freaking huge hammer]], obviously in reference to her being a blacksmith. Arata actually notes that it looks rather odd wielded by the [[Emotionless Girl|emotionless]] and small framed girl.
** Suzushiro {{spoiler|is a [[Bare-Fisted Monk]], her personality a equal mix of cocky and disciplined.}}