Professional Wrestling: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"Tonight, the arena is sold out. A dozen shades of gray [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|will square off in a pageantry of war. The opponents are unlikely in the real world, but in the amphitheater of our imagination, they're well matched. The punk rockers will battle the mountain men. The black separatists will fight the post-apocalyptic warriors. The gang-banger will rumble with the aristocrat. The future will struggle with the past, and the living will duel with the dead.]] In the end, just like a good [[Soap Opera]], [[Status Quo Is God|no issues will be resolved]]; the story is "[[To Be Continued]]". The combatants will live to fight another night, in another town. Is wrestling fake? Absolutely. It's as fake as your imagination, as phony as your daydreams. Are we celebrating violence when we enjoy a wrestling match? Definitely. Does this mean we're a society in decay? Maybe, but don't forget that, unlike the Romans, we're not throwing Christians to the lions here. [[MST3K Mantra|Maybe we should sit back, relax, enjoy the show, and take comfort in the knowledge that we live in a society that prefers its mayhem to be make-believe]]. Sure, wrestling's fake; we wouldn't have it any other way."''|~ '''Steve Allen''', ''The Unreal Story of Professional Wrestling''}}
{{quote|''"To those who believe in the beauty of professional wrestling, nothing needs to be said. For those who don't appreciate wrestling, nothing could be said to change their minds."''|~ '''Vince McMahon'''}}
Professional Wrestling is usually full of concepts from different types of shows. Each match is roughly choreographed (though not usually in much detail since wrestlers don't have much rehearsal time, let alone for whole matches, given that they wrestle twenty-eight days per month on average--manyaverage—many of a match's details will be improvised). [[WWE|World Wrestling Entertainment]]'s programs remind one of nothing so much as a [[Soap Opera]] for guys, complete with all the emotion, melodrama, and occasional comic relief that that phrase implies. Other organizations, such as [[Ring of Honor]], strive for a more gritty, realistic presentation, but still incorporate many soap opera elements.
The history of pro wrestling is a bit convoluted; until the late '80s/early '90s, promoters claimed that wrestling was a legitimate sport, and attempted to hide the fact that it was scripted at all costs. The truth is the performances are as standardized and stylized as Japanese Kabuki theatre, or ''[[Commedia Dell'Arte]]'' -- each—each match is a miniature set piece, using stock characters, "plots" and "twists". This has become more obvious in recent years with the increased sense of theatre provided by the major promoters and programs. As more and more wrestling fans grew wise to the fact that wrestling was scripted and choreographed, promoters had no choice but to reveal [[Kayfabe|the secret]] that everybody already knew by that point anyway. Vince McMahon went so far as to televise a speech on an episode of Monday Night Raw, in which he promised to "stop insulting (fans') intelligence" and referred to Raw as an "action-adventure" series.
All wrestling organizations will have a "booker", or person who decides which wrestlers are going over on any given "card" or event. The larger wrestling organizations will have full booking teams, made of bookers (who help wrestlers lay out the matches) and scriptwriters (who tell the bookers the companies' long-term goals with the storylines). These are often called the "creative teams", or simply just "creative" (as in "Creative has no ideas for your character at the moment"). [[So You Want To/Be a Booker|Booking wrestling matches and storylines is a difficult skill]]; most of the boom times for wrestling can largely be accounted for through good booking of matches. Poor booking can be disastrous: [[WCW]] was literally destroyed through terrible creative decisions, first under the stewardship of Vince Russo and a few others, then through the [[WWE]]'s terrible "Invasion" vanity trip.
However, as many [[Sitcom]] plots (and [[Botchamania]]) have implied, [['''Professional Wrestling]]''' is very real in the sense that mistimed inexperience can leave someone seriously injured. Professional wrestlers are like stuntmen; they're acting out a scene, but ''physically'', and with the chance of injury, not to mention they get no second takes. And whatever you may have heard, they ''do'' hit each other, although their moves are generally designed to seem much more devastating than they are, and they avoid harm whenever they feasibly can without it looking too obvious. A professional wrestler literally puts his life in his opponent's hands several times in a single match; the slightest misstep could result in a broken bone, a broken neck, paralysis, possibly even death. [[Don't Try This At Home]].
If you see a word you don't understand, it may be helpful to refer to these links:
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* For names of wrestling moves you aren't familiar with, [[wikipedia:Professional wrestling#See also|the other wiki also has an index of lists.]]
* For a guide to how to effectively book a match [[So You Want To/Be a Booker|see here]]
* If you see an unfamiliar name, it's very likely that it is a famous wrestler's real name or earlier persona. It's easier to just use the search function at the other wiki rather than try to use a list. As a general rule, the wrestler's most famous persona will be used instead of their real name, although different fans will have a different opinion as to which persona was the most famous, and then to add to the confusion, the WWE/F has the annoying habit of trademarking a wrestler's name so that [[wikipedia:Warrior chr(28)wrestlerchr(29wrestler)#Trademark and libel litigation|the wrestler can't use it after they leave the promotion.]]
=== [[Trope Namers|Tropes Named]] ===
* [[All-American Face]]
* [[B -Show]]
* [[Charlie Brown From Outta Town]]
* [[Cheap Heat]]
* [[Cool Mask]]: Especially in ''Lucha Libre''.
* [[Do Not Call Me "Paul"]]
* [[Easily-Distracted Referee]]
* [[Face]]
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** [[Face Heel Double Turn]]
** [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]
** [[HeelDeadly Face Door SlamChange-of-Heart]]
** [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [[Finger-Poke of Doom]]
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* [[Loser Leaves Town]]
* [[Name of Power]]
* [[NoWon't SellWork On Me]]
* [[Parts Unknown]]
* [[Pro Wrestling Episode]]
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* [[Wrestling Family]]
* [[Wrestling Psychology]]
* [[X -Pac Heat]]
=== Provides examples of: ===
*== [[AndTropes thewith Fandom Rejoiced/Professional Wrestling|And The Fandom Rejoiced]]: It has had it fair share ofsubpages rejoicing.==
* [[Action Girl/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Actor Allusion/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Adorkable/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Affably Evil/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Alternative Character Interpretation/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[And the Fandom Rejoiced (Sugar Wiki)/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Anti-Villain/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Anyone Can Die/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Badass Boast/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Badass Creed/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Batman Gambit/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Berserk Button/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Beware the Nice Ones/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Big Damn Heroes/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Big No/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Book Ends/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Brain Bleach/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Break the Cutie/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Brick Joke/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Broken Base/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Butt Monkey/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Canon Discontinuity/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Catch Phrase/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Character Derailment/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Character Sheets/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Characterization Marches On/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Chekhov's Gun/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Cloudcuckoolander/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Continuity Nod/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Crazy Awesome/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Creator's Pet/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Darker and Edgier/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Determinator/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Disproportionate Retribution/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Dork Age/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Draco in Leather Pants/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[The Dragon/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Ear Worm/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Establishing Character Moment/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Even Evil Has Standards/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Executive Meddling/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Expy/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Failure Is the Only Option/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Fallen Creator/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Fan Disservice/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Fan Nickname/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Fanon Discontinuity/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Five-Bad Band/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Five-Man Band/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Freudian Trio/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Fun with Acronyms/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Genre Savvy/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Germans Love David Hasselhoff/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Groin Attack/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Growing the Beard/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Harsher in Hindsight/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Have a Gay Old Time/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Heroic BSOD/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Honor Before Reason/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Idiot Ball/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Internet Backdraft/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[It Will Never Catch On/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Jerkass Woobie/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Karma Houdini/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Kick the Dog/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Lampshade Hanging/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Large Ham/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Last-Name Basis/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Leitmotif/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Light Is Not Good/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Magnificent Bastard/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Meaningful Name/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Media Research Failure/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Memetic Badass/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Misaimed Fandom/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Missing Episode/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Mood Whiplash/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Mr. Fanservice/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Ms. Fanservice/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Narm/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Nice Hat/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Non Sequitur Scene/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Oh Crap/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Old Shame/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[One Steve Limit/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[One-Man Army/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[One-Winged Angel/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Papa Wolf/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Paper-Thin Disguise/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Precision F-Strike/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Real Women Don't Wear Dresses/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Recycled in Space/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Refuge in Audacity/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Ruined FOREVER (Darth Wiki)/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Running Gag/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Seinfeld Is Unfunny/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Serial Escalation/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Serious Business/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Sex Is Violence/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Ship Tease/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[So Bad It's Horrible/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Straw Man Has a Point/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Suspiciously Similar Song/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Take That/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Tempting Fate/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[The Other Darrin/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Too Dumb to Live/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Took a Level in Badass/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[True Companions/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Turn of the Millennium/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Values Dissonance/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Verbal Tic/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Villain Song/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Villainous Breakdown/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Vindicated by History/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Wall Banger/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Wham! Episode/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Wham! Line/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[What an Idiot!/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[What Could Have Been/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[The Woobie/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[X Meets Y/Professional Wrestling]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair/Professional Wrestling]]
== Other Tropes ==
* [[And the Fandom Rejoiced (Sugar Wiki)/Professional Wrestling|And The Fandom Rejoiced]]: It has had it fair share of rejoicing.
* [[Anyone Can Die]]: Sadly, this is starting to become true as of late, as professional wrestlers nowadays seem to have very short lifespans. Prior to drug testing (which was implemented after one such death), wrestling has had a number of high-profile deaths that seem to come out of nowhere, most notably [[Chris Benoit]] and [[Eddie Guerrero]]. Certainly fans are now conditioned to expect any wrestler to die at any time.
** Jim Cornette's opinion on the reasons for this can be listened to [ here] and [ here].
** Given that there are a ton of people that have worked in the pro wrestling business, wrestler deaths are seemingly common only in proportion to every other industry. While drugs and steroids have certainly taken more wrestlers than they should have, there are just as many wrestlers from when the territorial system was at its peak (and there were a lot more wrestlers than there are now) who die naturally in their 70s and beyond.
** Not to mention the fact that, tragically, [[Owen Hart|accidents can happen when stunts go wrong]].
** Or even [[Randy Savage (Wrestling)|in accidents outside the ring.]]
** To their credit, the WWE has worked hard in making their company more safe, from eliminating chair shots to the head (which wrestlers like Shelton Benjamin have stated can cause headaches for up to a week) to a stricter drug policy.
*** According to WWE themselves, Triple H and The Undertaker (two of their biggest names) were both fined after Triple H hit 'Taker in the head with a chair during their match at [[Wrestlemania|WrestleMania XXVII]]. To put this in perspective, at the time of that event, Triple H was an executive vice president in the company as well as the son-in-law of the owner while Undertaker was their most veteran performer with among the largest amounts of influence. So they took the health of their performers so seriously, they were willing to fine people that would be otherwise untouchable and who they would otherwise be adverse to insulting.
** After the recent passing of Randy Savage a report was put out that showed over 25% of performers from Wrestlemania VII in 1991 were dead. At 58, Randy Savage had lived over 10 years longer than the other deceased.
** [[CM Punk]] [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] this trope on the 7/11/11 edition of ''RAW:''
{{quote| "In the real world, the WWE has always gotten a mention or two for two reasons-- the first one being that CM Punk is speaking his mind; the second one is because somebody died."}}
* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: Pick a wrestler who named a famous pro-wrestling event as the reason he got into the business: e.g., Mick Foley or Edge.
** Edge was named "Most Likely to be WWF Champion", was in the audience at WrestleMania VI, and won a training camp to become a wrestler by writing an essay. It was destiny.
** HHH deserves extra special mention. He went from diehard fanboy to WCW jobber to breakout WWE Superstar to marrying the boss' daughter, and if Shane McMahon's departure from the company holds up, he and his wife Stephanie McMahon Levesque are the heirs to the WWE empire.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: All the time.
* [[B -Show]]: Xplosion to Impact, Thunder to Nitro. People often cite Smackdown as a B-Show compared to RAW, but it's more like a second A-Show in terms of this trope.
** The modern ECW was almost a middle ground of this trope. It had its own storylines and World title and was considered an actual brand that is given PPV time, but its main purpose was to get talent ready for the A shows by giving them television experience and having them work with seasoned veterans such as William Regal, Tommy Dreamer, Finlay, etc.
** Velocity and Heat are (or were, last time I checked) B Shows to [[Smack Down]]! and RAW respectively.
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** And God help you if you piss off The Undertaker.
*** And for that matter, '''Batista''' is actually, in real life, a grandfather. Yes, THAT Batista.
* [[Balls of Steel]]: This trope was used once when Chyna was wrestling Road Dogg and he wore a cup.
* [[Beauty Is Bad]]: Female wrestlers who are pretty usually have to work extra hard to prove themselves as wrestlers and even then they will get hated purely because they are pretty. God help them if they have ever done even a bit of modelling. Women wrestlers who aren't conventionally beautiful usually get a free pass and are considered wrestlers regardless of whatever experience they have. Current WWE Diva Tamina is an example. This can sometimes cross over into the men's divisions with the guys getting called "gay" and "pretty boys".
* [[Beauty Is Never Tarnished]]: Used to varying degrees with woman wrestlers. WWE and TNA's women never bleed on purpose, by contrast Japanese women brutalise each other just as much as the men. Averted occasionally, particularly in 2002-03 in WWE where there were a lot of women's hardcore matches and the likes of Victoria and Trish Stratus bled quite a lot. Roxxi in TNA is another aversion.
** Also somewhat averted in a 2010 TNA match between Daffney and Tara, which was a First Blood Match. Only ''somewhat'' because at the conclusion of that match there was only a tiny trickle of blood.
* [[Bragging Rights Reward]]: See:[[MacGuffin]] entry below.
* [[Brains Evil, Brawn Good]]: Most face/heel rivalries in Professional Wrestling play out like this, with most of the drama centered around the heel cheating and tricking his way to victory against a more powerful and/or skilled babyface. Whereas a heel who's legitimately skilled gets cheered a lot of the time, the heel still gets booed because the fans know he doesn't "deserve" to keep winning and are waiting until he finally gets demolished.
** Prominent examples (as heels, of course):
*** Ric Flair
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* [[Breakup Breakout]]
* [[Catch Phrase]]
* [[Chickification]]: Happens to women wrestlers often when promoted from a indie promotion to a major one and or because of a poorly-executed gimmick change.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Any wrestler who's in their late 40s or older, but can still kick ass and take a beating. Embodied by the one and only Funker himself, Terry Funk.
* [[Creator's Pet]]: Happens to wrestlers who the fans feel gets overpushed. This trope currently applies so aptly to Drew McIntyre that the bookers have [[Lampshade Hanging|actually made it part of his gimmick]].
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* [[Diabolus Ex Machina]]: The [[Montreal Screwjob]] is the most infamous example.
* [[Divergent Character Evolution]]: Can happen alongside [[Breakup Breakout]].
* [[Do Not Call Me "Paul"]]: Triple H and The Big Show have both said this to fans that have called them by their birth names. If you meet a wrestler, it is usually a good idea to address them by their ring name.
* [[Double Standard]]: Many but one of the more recent ones involves the infamous "Piggie James" angle. People were outraged at Michelle and Layla making fun of Mickie's weight and anyone who called Mickie overweight on the IWC was immediately vilified. Yet many people started cruelly calling Michelle "Skeletor" on the internet and calling her underfed and a stick insect. Anorexia is just as big a problem as obesity and Michelle has struggled with anorexia in the past.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: The pro wrestling term for this trope is called ''Popular Heel''.
* [[Easily-Distracted Referee]]: You have to wonder if these referees have ever seen a woman before, given their reactions to a valet shaking what God/their friendly plastic surgeon gave her.
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* [[Evil Is Cool]]: Also a type of ''Popular Heel''.
* [[Evil Is Dumb]]: Edge has nearly been bent in half by the World's Greatest Tag Team, bloodied in steel cages and forced to wrestle giants with a broken hand and ''not'' use his cast. He was still able to win through sheer determination and will to win. As a [[Rudo]], he can hardly win a match without relying on shortcuts, outside interference, manipulation of the general manager or outright cheating
* [[Fan Dumb]]: Like you wouldn't believe. From the people who say that only WWE matters to the elitist snobs who only watch ROH and NOAH, wrestling fandom is filled with back-biting [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] and fans who invoke [[Ruined FOREVER]] a bit too often.
* [[Fan Hater]]: Yes, we know it's staged! You can stop "informing" us.
* [[Fascinating Eyebrow]]: Thanks to The Rock
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** A good example was when [[Randy Orton]] approached [[John Cena]] backstage at Backlash 2007 just before their Fatal Four-Way match with Shawn Michaels and Edge. He suggested that he and Cena team up to take out the competition, but unfortunately he used the words "get together" - and, to top it off, tried to appeal to Cena's vanity by noting how "young" and "good-looking" they both were. Cena, being the [[Deadpan Snarker]] he was, replied that, while he was okay with Orton's lifestyle, "that's not how I roll." He then walked off, leaving Orton yelling, "Very funny, Cena! But you know how this is going to end - with you on your back and me on top of you!" Enter the always-outspoken Ron Simmons, complete with his "DAMN" T-shirt. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
** [[Chris Jericho]] and [[Stephanie McMahon]].
* [[Four Is Death]]: The four-way matches, most [[Power Stable|Power Stables]]s.
* [[Fun with Acronyms]]: Rosey, Super-Hero In Training, The S.H.I.T?
** You had to [[Don't Explain the Joke|go and explain the joke]].
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* [[Good Is Dumb]]: Generally played straight, although occasionally subverted. Batista, who [[Heel Face Turn|turned face]] when he heard his stablemates plotting against him and who displayed above average keenness as a face, is the biggest of those.
** The most [[Egregious]] example? [[Sting (wrestling)|Sting]], who is commonly referred to as "The dumbest man in wrestling". Although, he's averted it mightily over his years in [[TNA]].
* [[Ham -to -Ham Combat]]: Naturally, since hamminess is any wrestler's stock in trade.
* [[Harpo Does Something Funny]]: The format of most wrestling promos.
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]
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* [[Melee a Trois]]: Three-way matches, called, depending on the promotion, a "Three Way Dance" or a "Triple Threat".
* [[Monster Clown]]: Doink The Clown's shtick while a heel.
* [[Muscles Are Meaningless]]: Somewhat surprisingly, you don't have to have tremendous physical strength to execute a number of non-luchador moves. Part of this is the fact that a large number of moves require (or are much more safely performed) with the cooperation of the person getting slammed or what have you.
** Take [[Shawn Michaels]], for instance. He looked pretty scrawny compared to most other main-eventers, but he could still execute a scoop slam.
*** Stacy Keibler, ditto.
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** [[Hulk Hogan]]. Full stop.
** [[Sting (wrestling)|Sting]], too.
* [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!]]: For all we know, WWE may have INVENTED this trope. Just ask The Rock ("If ya suh-mellllll....what the!") or Booker T ("Can you dig it....SUCKA?!) or especially the guy who stamped his whole goddamn meal ticket with this trope ("MMMMMisterrrrrr....Kennedy....KEN-NE-DY!")
* [[The Quisling]]: Usually local heels who sides with an [[Evil Foreigner]].
* [[Rage Quit]]: Via intentional disqualification (or count out) by the (usually) [[Heel]] champion who knows the (usually) [[Face]] challenger has them beat. Often leads to a "Title changes hands via DQ (or count out)" stipulation being added to prevent this.
* [[Real Life Writes the Plot]]: Wrestlers' real-life issues often provide fodder for their self-based characters' wrestling storylines.
** One of the most famous examples is the Matt Hardy/Edge feud: Edge stole Matt's girlfriend (Lita) while he was out with an injury (and subsequently released by WWE); when Matt returned, his first feud was with Edge, and much ado was made of the Edge/Lita/Matt triangle.
** His brother Jeff's drug issues were also used as the basis of Jeff's feud with the [[Straight Edge]] [[CM Punk]].
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* [[Seinfeld Is Unfunny]]: As the years passed, many things in pro wrestling that used to be unique or shocking have become commonplace. Examples follow...
** The ladder match. At [[Wrestlemania]] X, it was very exciting and revolutionary for its time. Fans who grew up watching TLC matches may find this match boring.
** The DDT was once a devastating maneuver but it is now a standard move so watching an older match end with one stretches fan's willingness to suspend disbelief. Ditto for moves like the Power Bomb, Superplex, Stampeder (running power slam), and -- goingand—going back even further -- thefurther—the Thesz Press.
** Watching old [[American Wrestling Association|AWA]] matches, moves like the Clothesline and Dropkick were also match enders back in the day.
** [ Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka famous splashing of Don Muraco from the top of a cage]. An iconic [[Moment of Awesome]] for wrestling in 1983 and for years afterward. Several wrestlers note it as the moment that inspired them to get into the business. By today's standards, it looks like just another highspot.
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*** Averted with regards to Natalya and the Sharpshooter. Aside from a one-off [[Trish Stratus]] match, fans had never seen a woman do it before and while it's not as amazing now to see her use it, she still gets great reactions whenever she does use it to win matches.
**** Part of the reason she gets great reactions for it? She's the daughter of Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart and was trained by the Hart family, the first woman to ever be trained in The Dungeon.
* [[Self-Deprecation]]: The Hurricane may be a parody of the almost cartoonish characters of the 80s, though [[Your Mileage May Vary]].
* [[Serious Business]]: There is absolutely no situation that cannot be resolved with a wrestling match on PAY PER VIEW! ORDER NOW!
** Kayfabe, in the old days, was major [[Serious Business]], with at least one instance of a wrestler losing a court case because he would not break kayfabe, even under oath.
** Then there's the [[Fan Dumb]]. Everything from what qualifies as a "world title" to how seriously wrestling should take itself. The fact that wrestling draws upon the framework of a sport while actually being entertainment creates a lot of this thinking, since fans often try to see some kind of order or hierarchy that doesn't exist.
* [[She's Got Legs]]: Often used with the female manager/valet -- whichvalet—which see Miss Elizabeth in the 2-on-3 match at [[Summer Slam]] for when used minimally for maximum effect. Taken to the extreme during the Attitude Era (and similar on WCW) with Stacy Keibler ('nuff said).
* [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad]]
* [[Spot Monkey]]
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* [[The Theme Park Version]]: In relation to amateur wrestling and mixed martial arts.
* [[There Are No Girls on the Internet|There Are No Female Wrestling Fans]]: And if there are, the assumption is that they're shrieking fangirls who don't know a Sharpshooter from a suplex.
** Completely and utterly averted and destroyed with All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling. During the '70s and '80s, tag teams like the Beauty Pair and Crush Gals enjoyed massive mainstream popularity among girls to the point where arenas were packed mainly with screaming girls.
** Also the majority of Hardy Boyz fans were screaming young girls, demonstrated by the massive pops they got whenever they removed their shirts during matches. The likes of [[Lita]] and [[Trish Stratus]] also proved to draw in hundreds of female fans.
* [[Throwing Down the Gauntlet]]
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* [[Tonight in This Very Ring]]
* [[Underwear of Power]]: You want a list? Too many to count.
* [[Ultimate Job Security]]
* [[Unnecessary Roughness]]
* [[Unpleasable Fanbase]]: The Internet Wrestling Community
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* [[Watch Where You're Going]]: Two wrestlers go for a Clothesline or Cross body splash at the same time. [[Double Knockout]] ensues.
* [[Wham! Episode/Professional Wrestling|Wham Episode]]
* [[Wham! Line/ProProfessional Wrestling|Wham Line]]
* [[What Could Have Been/ProProfessional Wrestling|What Could Have Been]]
* [[Wild Card]]: The pro wrestling term for this trope is called ''Tweener'', [[Renamed Tropes|which previously served]] as the [[Trope Namer]].
* [[World of Badass]]
* [[World of Ham]]: Wrestling is home to so many enormous slices of ham. When someone as hammy as John Cena looks fairly normal by comparison, you know you're in a [[World of Ham]].
* [[Wrestling Doesn't Pay]]
* [[You Have to Have Jews]]: Notoriously averted. World Wrestling Entertainment has (at least in recent years) gained a reputation for welcoming athletes of all ethnic backgrounds, except that it's one of the most goyish entertainment franchises in history. In the past decade alone, Glen Jacobs (otherwise known as "Kane") and Bill Goldberg have been the only two Jewish wrestlers to reach main-event status, and then only briefly. Scotty Goldman (a.k.a. "Colt Cabana") famously quit the company after enduring anti-Semitic harassment from his trainer, and Paul Heyman has been outspoken in his condemnation of latent anti-Semitism in the wrestling business. Though in 2011 WWE crowned its first Jewish Divas' Champion in [[Kelly Kelly]].
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** And then hilariously [[Averted Trope|averted]] in 2011, also by [[CM Punk]], when [[Alberto Del Rio]] came down to cash in his contract, [[CM Punk]] kicked him in the back of the head before the referee had the chance to ring the bell.
=== [[Professional Wrestling]] promotions of note: ===
=== {{smallcaps| USA}} ===
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* [[WCW]] (World Championship Wrestling)
** [[WCW Nitro]] - WCW's flagship show during the [[Monday Night Wars]]
* [[World Wrestling Entertainment|WWE]] (World Wrestling Entertainment; the biggest professional wrestling promotion in the world, [ as much as they would like to pretend otherwise])
** [[WWE Raw]] - WWE's flagship "A-show" brand
** [[WWE Smackdown]] - WWE's "B-show" (to some fans, though it is technically the second "A-show") brand
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=== {{smallcaps| Japan}} ===
* [[All Japan Pro Wrestling]]
* [[All Japan WomensWomen's Pro Wrestling]] ([[AJW]])
* [[Dragon Gate]]
* Frontier Martial Arts Wrestling (FMW)
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* CMLL (Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre)
==== Known wrestling fansites: ====
* [[Bill and Doug]]
* [[Botchamania]]
* [[Wrestlecrap]]
=== Names To Know In Professional Wrestling: ===
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* [[AJ Styles]] - One of TNA Wrestling's longest-tenured professional wrestlers.
* [[Alberto Del Rio]] - A former luchador who went to the WWE and rose to the top in just a year. But you already know that!
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* [[Paul Heyman]] - One of the masterminds behind the original ECW.
* [[Randy Orton]] - Originally a "legend killer" he has transformed into a sadistic villain and later the company's main anti-hero.
* [[Randy Savage (Wrestling)|Randy Savage]] - One of the big names in the 1980s, and later WCW. He was known for his [[Large Ham|over-the-top persona]] as well as being the spokeswrestler for Slim Jims.<ref>Snap into a Slim Jim! OOOOOOHHHHH YEAAAAHHHHH!!!!!</ref>.
* [[Raven (wrestling)|Raven]] - WHAT ABOUT ME? He has been a major star in ECW, and has been a midcard staple in both WWE and WCW.
* [[Rey Mysterio, Jr.|Rey Mysterio Jr]]. - A former WCW competitor that went on to become ''the'' [[Masked Luchador]] of the 2000s-era WWF/E. Known as "the biggest little man in WWE."
* [[Ric Flair]] - One of the most legendary figures in the industry. He was the main star of Jim Crockett Promotions. Known for his dirty tactics.
* [[Rob Van Dam]] - One of the cornerstones of the original [[ECW]], he made stops in [[WWE]] and [[TNA]] as well, where he has more often than not sat very firmly in [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] territory.
* [[Roddy Piper]] - played the role of the stereotypical [[Violent Glaswegian]] for years. Still one of WWE's more loved characters.
* [[Ron Killings]] - Currently wrestles in WWE as "R-Truth". His gimmick was a that of a rapper, before changing it to that of a crazy person.
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* [[Zack Ryder]] - Internet favorite wrestler who started out as a joke, but gained enough levels in badass to become somewhat of a formidable force in the ring. WWWYKI!
==== Stables: ====
* [[The Corporation]] - Taking [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] to a whole new level.
* [[D Generation X]] - The innovators of [[Troll]] tactics, [[Wacky Fratboy Hijinx]], and more [[Crowning Moment of Funny|Crowning Moments of Funny]] than you can shake a stick at.
* [[The Four Horsemen]] - Wrestling's first "elite" stable, made up of [[Ric Flair]], Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and Ole Anderson. The Horsemen are synonymous with excellence, breaking [[Kayfabe]], and [[Becoming the Mask]].
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* [[The Nexus]] - A stable that originally consisted of the eight "rookies" from season one of WWE NXT, and slowly evolved into something completely different.
==== Miscellaneous: ====
* [[Attitude Era]] - WWE's shift to a more adult-oriented product from 1996/97 to 2001.
* [[The Wrestling Observer Newsletter]] - Run by Dave Meltzer, while it also offers up inside info about pro wrestling, it's best known for its star-rating for matches (scale of 1 to 5).
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* [[Monday Night Wars]] - The period from 1995 to 2001 when ''Raw'' (WWE) and ''Nitro'' (WCW) went head to head.
* [[Montreal Screwjob]] - A moment that has had long-lasting implications on both WWE itself and the careers of several wrestlers, notably Bret Hart.
* [[New World Order]] - The [[WCW]] angle that helped bring WCW on par with [[WWF]] during the [[Monday Night Wars]].
* [[Ring of Hell]] - A non-fiction book primarily about Chris Benoit's wrestling career.
* [[Royal Rumble]] - One of WWE's signature events, featuring a 30-wrestler battle royale.
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=== Fictional works featuring Professional Wrestling: ===
==== {{smallcaps|Anime and Manga}} ====
* ''[[Ayane's High Kick|Ayanes High Kick]]''
* ''Metal Fighter Miku''
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* ''[[Tiger Mask]]'': Whom actually became ''[[Defictionalization|a real]]'' proffesional wrestler, five wrestlers who have taken upon his name and legacy to be precise.
* ''Wrestle! Idol''
=== {{smallcaps| Card Games}} ===
* ''WWE Raw Deal''
=== {{smallcaps|Comic Books}} ===
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=== {{smallcaps|Tabletop Games}} ===
* ''WWE: Know Your Role''
==== {{smallcaps| Card Games}} ====
* ''WWE Raw Deal''
=== {{smallcaps|Theater}} ===
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* ''[[Def Jam Series|Def Jam Vendetta]]''
=== {{smallcaps|WebcomicsWeb Comics}} ===
* ''[[Botched Spot]]''
* ''[[Rival Angels]]''
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=== {{smallcaps|Western Animation}} ===
* ''[[Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling]]''
* ''[[Mucha Lucha]]''
* ''[[Pixar Shorts|''MonsterTruckMater''Monster Truck Mater]]''
* ''[[Mongo Wrestling Alliance]]''
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