Project M: Difference between revisions

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* [[I Shall Taunt You]]: ''Smash 64's'' Taunt Canceling was brought back.<ref>''Melee'' and ''Brawl'' have forms of taunt canceling, but to very minimal extents. [ See for details.]</ref>
* [[Meteor Move]]: Footstool jump is one of the few techniques retained from ''Brawl''. Essentially, it gives every character a meteor smash, albeit a bad one. Unlike in ''Brawl'', where it's executed by pressing a jump button while on an opponent, it's done with a separate input from the regular jump, so it can be mapped to a different button on the controller (up on the d-pad by default), and it can't be done accidentally.
* [[NoWon't SellWork On Me]]: Characters that tether recoverer in ''Brawl'' suffered from extremely easy ledge-hogging; when a character was occupying the ledge, the tether couldn't detect the ledge, so the user wouldn't be able to recover. In ''PM'', tethers are no longer dependent on ledge occupation, so the tethers can work without being blocked off. Therefore, multiple characters could grapple to the same ledge at once, with an additional character occupying the ledge. When a tethering character pulls up while the ledge is occupied, he/she ledge-jumps instead.
* [[Scenery Porn]]: The new [[The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword|Skyloft]] [! stage].
* [[Shout-Out]]: Many; see [[Project M/Characters|the character sheet]].
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