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== Real Life ==
<!-- %%The jury is still out on what to describe as "propaganda" in RealLife, as it is impossible to play it straight nowadays (one would think). So let's apply the RuleOfCautiousEditingJudgment and concentrate on ''[[AcceptableTargets historical]]'' examples. The modern day has become a particular problem as [[VoiceOfTheResistance underground but more accurate news sources]] and official or mainstream media have started dressing up as one another for credibility, publicity, and lulz. -->
* [[Nazi Germany]] and Joseph Goebbels in particular.
* American post-war propaganda and "mental hygiene films" were directly inspired by the Nazi use of cinema, a great volume of which was produced by the military<ref>No exaggeration; This Troper's grandfather was a filmmaker for the US Marines, and subjected him to over eight hours of his work throughout the decades.</ref> They reasoned that it could, and should, be used for indoctrination of pro-American values of the time. Of course, this was when film was still going through its [[New Media Are Evil]] phase, and there was much more belief in cinema's power over people's minds. [[PSA]]s are descended from the early American Propaganda Machine.
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