Properly Paranoid: Difference between revisions

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[[The Cuckoolander Was Right|John is right]].
[[The Chessmaster]] or the [[Magnificent Bastard]] ''is'' out to get John and his family and friends -- andfriends—and they ''are'' using all sorts of devious devices and schemes that would succeed... if the person enacting the security lock down wasn't doing his job. Sadly, only John, the opposing forces and the audience know that the full body frisking of the boyfriend is mandatory for survival. Although it does leave the annoyed characters vulnerable to [[Too Dumb to Live]] moments.
If this doesn't make John look crazy or paranoid, it might overlap with [[Crazy Prepared]].
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* ''[[The Game (film)|The Game]]''. The movie starring Michael Douglas, a billionaire who's grown bored and weary of his life... so he hires a company to help him play a little game, after being referred there by his brother.
* ''[[The President's Analyst]]'', soon after taking the title job, worries for his own mental health when he thinks he's seeing Men In Black following him everywhere, and has a nightmare that his girlfriend is a spy. Turns out he's right on both counts.
* ''[[Strange Days]]'' reveals that the extreme misfortunes and frequent assassination attempts following the main characters around stems from a death squad operating within the LAPD designed to target undesirables, including a prominent rapper-slash-social activist who was recently assassinated. When one character dismisses this as paranoia, a [[Properly Paranoid]] one rebuts that "it's not a question of whether you're paranoid, it's whether you're paranoid ''enough''." The other characters spend the rest of the movie in a state of deep paranoia about this. {{spoiler|Except it's a complete lie; the rapper was shot by two trigger-happy cops who merely screwed up a traffic stop, most of the other events of the movie are the result of [[Gambit Pileup|various other plans and gambits crashing into each other chaotically]], and the [[Properly Paranoid]] character was in on it the whole time and made up the whole 'death squad' thing [[Xanatos Speed Chess|on the spot]] to distract from his own wrongdoings.}}
* In ''[[Star Wars]]'', the Jedi council is reluctant to take Anakin Skywalker on as an apprentice. They probably should have followed that instinct.
** On the other hand, it was also in a way their shutting him out that caused him to turn to the dark side.
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* In the first book of the ''[[Safehold]]'' series Zhaspar Clyntahn, Grand Inquisitor of the [[Corrupt Church|corrupt]] [[Path of Inspiration|Church of God Awaiting]] ([[Complete Monster|which should tell you all you need to know]]), convinces his fellow church leaders to launch an attack on the kingdom of Charis out of a paranoid delusion that the innovative nation is out to subvert the church's will. Though, as Charisian Archbishop Maikel Staynair [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]], Clyntahn is actually ''correct'' about this, as this is the goal of the Brotherhood of St. Zherneau's.
** The Brotherhood of St. Zhernaeu's themselves can also be considered this. Given that they're the only known holders of the true origins of Safehold's people in a world that's been raised to view high technology as either evil or the powers of the Archangels, the Brethren are frequently remarked to be "insanely" cautious about who they'll authorize to be let into the Inner Circle. But as much as the protagonists gripe about it, not ''once'' is their caution said to be unwarranted.
* In ''[[The Picture of Dorian Gray]]'', Dorian starts out improperly paranoid about his portrait. But he becomes very [[Properly Paranoid]] indeed the moment that {{spoiler|James Vane}} shows up.
* In the Weatherlight Saga of the [[Magic: The Gathering]] novels, the powerful planeswalker Urza plots for a millennium to defend against invasion by the Phyrexians. He's definitely crazy, and everyone assumes he's just being paranoid. But of course, when the Phyrexians show up by the million and start killing people, he's the one who leads the (barely) successful salvation of the world.
* In The Millennium Trilogy, Lisbeth is bitter to extreme; she claims there was a government conspiracy which suppressed the events of her father accident and discredited her to keep people from taking her seriously. As a result she refuses to co-operate with anyone in the medical profession. Many think she was over reacting or actually is crazy, but she's right.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* Anyone who is not this in ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' should be, because ''[[Everything Trying to Kill You|the entire universe REALLY IS out to get you]]''.
** Commissar [[Ciaphas Cain]],<ref>'''HERO OF THE IMPERIUM'''</ref>, of his self-titled series, is a stunning endorsement of this trope, as the only reason he hasn't been killed hundreds of times is that he ''always'' suspects something more sinister lurking under the surface, and he is ''always'' correct. In his very first appearance even, the short story ''Fight or Flight'', he looks at a cult of [[Face Full of Alien Wingwong|Genestealers]] several star systems away and loss of communications with a nearby fleet and ''immediately'' thinks "incoming [[Horde of Alien Locusts|Tyranids]]", his preparations preventing the planet being eaten long enough for the fleet to arrive and kill all the bugs.
*** It should be noted that ''[[Dark Heresy]]'', the roleplaying game of ''Warhammer 40000'', is a games system where Paranoia is a talent; it grants bonuses and you have to pay XP to acquire it. To contrast, in ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay]]'' it's a crippling mental disorder.
* As might be guessed by the name, the same is true of ''[[Paranoia]]''.
* [[Chaotic Evil]] creatures in ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' -- as—as well as anyone living close to them -- usuallythem—usually are leery to the extreme.
** The Drow are justifiably paranoid about their enemies and as such tend to get killed by their friends. [[Morton's Fork|Conversely]], if one spends too many time looking over the shoulder at one's allies... according to Drizzt Do'urden, "Those who watch their backs meet death from the front." Even technically [[Chaotic Good]] followers of Eilistraee tend to be very jumpy, as most of them are ex-Lolthites and know what to expect all too well. And of course any non-disguised Drow outside of their territory--aboveterritory—above ground or below--usuallybelow—usually are attacked on sight, [[Van Helsing Hate Crimes|without asking for their purpose or something]], by almost anyone else not too busy running away, which usually is a [[Properly Paranoid]] reaction as well.
* A way of life (or perhaps the ''only'' way of life) for the Mages of [[Mage: The Awakening]]. Personal information can be used as an ingredient for more powerful spellcasting, so Mages take great pains to make sure that they leave no hairs anywhere, that their old clothing is either properly disposed of or burned, and that no one ever, ''under any circumstances'', discovers their real name.
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** In the 4th game of Season 1, "Abe Lincoln Must Die", you find that there is {{spoiler|1=a homing beacon for ICBMs hidden in his store. Earlier on, he built a satellite missile defense system and if you try to launch a nuke at him this system will kick in and stop the missile. There's also a spy camera in his store.}}
*** In season 2, it's revealed {{spoiler|his mother has (inadvertently) had him under surveillance since before he was born... There's also a PI spying on him.}}
* Syl, Duchess of Dementia from an ''[[The Elder Scrolls|Oblivion]]'' expansion pack, is paranoid. When you first meet her, she gives you a quest to rout a conspiracy in New Sheoth. She is right too -- thetoo—the office of Duke of Dementia is gained by killing the previous Duke. {{spoiler|As part of a quest, you can end up killing her and becoming Duke (or Duchess) yourself. She is, of course, [[Crazy Prepared|prepared]].}}
* Tsugumi of ''[[Ever 17]]'' is convinced the entire disaster is some sort of setup. Obviously since it's on this page, she's right. {{spoiler|Tsugumi and Sora's routes have Lieblich trying to cover up they just released Tief Blau onto the world by shutting in any survivors, and You and Sara's routes have the disaster being entirely a [[Gambit Roulette]] based on a real event that Tsugumi was involved in before.}}
* Played with in ''[[Eternal Darkness]]'' during Maximillian Roivas' chapter. He's right to believe that body-snatching [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]s are out to get him; some of his servants are possessed, and he is forced to kill them. However, the encounter leads him to actual paranoia and insanity, and he comes to believe ''all'' his servants are monsters. One round of cold-blooded murders later, he is committed to an insane asylum.
* If this trope does not describe your mindset while playing and of the ''[[X-COM]]'' series, you'll soon [[That One Level|find]] [[Demonic Spiders|yourself]] thinking [[Paranoia Fuel|like]] [[Total Party Kill|that]].
* In ''[[Mega Man X]] 5'', [[The Medic|Lifesaver]] begins to suspect a connection between [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Zero]] and [[The Virus|The Maverick Virus]] after Zero shows odd reactions to it. In [[Multiple Endings|the good ending]], his theory leads to [[The Hero|X]] [[Let's You and Him Fight|and Zero fighting each other]]. [[A God Am I|The bad ending proves him right.]]
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** Also, Sigma in ''X4'', when trying to convince General to go maverick, explains that humanity intends to destroy any reploid that doesn't obey them perfectly. Come the [[Mega Man Zero]] series, and especially with the character of Dr. Weil, and it shows that Sigma was pretty much spot on with his assessment.
* Takumi in ''[[Chaos;Head]]'' is correct about a surprisingly large amount of his paranoid thoughts, thought not all of them. {{spoiler|Like that Yua had ulterior motives for being nice to him, some invisible godlike presence is watching him or that some sort of conspiracy surrounding Shogun is targeting him. Even about the idea that someone always seems to be watching him and that he is the avatar of someone else the same way Knight-Hart is his own in ESO.}}
* ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'' has the spy. That guy who looks like he's guarding the intelligence could be a spy. The sniper on the sniper deck could be a spy. ''Your own team's spy'' could be a spy. ''You'' could be a spy. It could be you. It could be me! It could even be--oopsbe—oops, a spy just killed you.
** [[Don't Explain the Joke|Which justifies one of the most ubiquitous actions in the game: shooting your allies to find spies. Since team-mates don't take damage when they shoot each other, but spies do, firing a few shots at your allies ("spy-checking") can be a life-saver.]]
*** That spy checking is easy, effective, and ubiquitous, and yet Spies are ''still one of the most popular classes'' gives you some idea of what we're dealing with here...
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** Also in a level of irony, a spy is pretty paranoid at all times on whether the other team knows he is a spy or not.
* ''[[BioShock (series)]]'' has {{spoiler|Peach Wilkins. A fisherman and smuggler who has holed himself up in Fontaine Fisheries, he believes you are just a troublesome agent of his dead colleague Fontaine, who he currently has a VERY low opinion of (justifiably, Fontaine was a crook and a slimeball). He was right. Sure, you didn't know it at the time, as Fontaine was masquerading as the sympathetic Irishman Atlas.}}
** Starting at Fort Frolic, the [[Properly Paranoid]] player will develop a habit of shooting any frozen splicers, statues, or suspicious corpses he comes across. Because you never know when one of them might spring to life and assassinate you.
* ''[[Runescape]]'' has a whole quest series where an ex-zookeeper, Larry, was fired for claiming penguins are trying to take over the world. After the first quest in the series, you can see him squirming in a straitjacket outside the zoo where he once worked.
* ''[[Grand Theft Auto San Andreas]]'' has The Truth, who at first glance looks like your average [[The Stoner|perpetually stoned]] [[New Age Retro Hippie]]. But as the game goes on, more and more of the weird, seemingly random and/or insane stuff he talks about turns out to be true.
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** [[The Dragon|Saren]] himself is paranoid that {{spoiler|[[Sapient Ship|his ship]] [[Big Bad|Sovereign]]}} is [[More Than Mind Control|indoctrinating him.]] {{spoiler|It is}}.
** Ashley has a lot of misgivings about the Council, feeling that when push come to shove they'll look out for their own species' interests and leave humanity out to dry. Come the second game, Ashley's beliefs end up becoming true.
* Every ''[[Assassin's Creed]]'' assassination target who voices concern about the Assassin's presence -- sincepresence—since all are done within earshot of the Assassin. One notable example in the first game was Sibrand, who is first seen (by Altaïr) threatening a Scholar whose white robes are similar to those of the Assassins. Unfortunately, although (as the Scholar points out accurately) that's ''why'' the Assassins wear those robes, Sibrand cuts him down anyway. Eventually this isn't enough "security" for Sibrand, who then flees to a boat that's quite off-shore, correctly believing that the Assassins are still hunting him.
** Earlier, there's a conversation between two Templar troops who are discussing the Assassin and Sibrand's growing paranoia, only to have Sibrand stomp up toward them and berate them for being so suspiciously secretive. Then Sibrand turns around, convinced that Assassins are watching them, and yells at the passing crowd at the top of his lungs that he knows the Assassins are out there, listening and watching right now. The hilarious thing is that Altair actually ''is'' listening in right at that very moment, so Sibrand's paranoia is entirely justified.
* It's always so much fun to slowly make the henchman paranoid and terrified enough to shoot off wildly at the tiniest noise in the predator sections of ''[[Batman: Arkham Asylum]]'' and its sequel ''[[Batman: Arkham City]]''. Some of their buddies will try to calm them down saying Batman's not all that. But boy do you get to prove them wrong.
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* [[Whateley Universe|Whateley Academy]] is actively trying to instill a form of this attitude in its students. As staff members have been heard to state outright, the point of the school isn't so much to produce superheroes or - villains - or even provide a formal education (though it does that, too) as to train young mutants to survive in a world in which many people ''are'' out to get them.
** Phase is paranoid, and rightly so. He grew up in an ultra-wealthy family, and so has spent his whole life watching for conmen, hucksters, golddiggers, false friends, you name it. He bought a high-end utility belt after only a couple weeks at Whateley Academy. The one time he wasn't wearing it (because the powers testing guys insisted on experimenting on it) he really, really needed it.
** Except for Gunny Sergeant Bardue, whose behaviour is less [[Properly Paranoid]] and more simply [[Jerkass]]. He beats up a young student for demonstrating how his illusions work because the illusion, which was quite clearly only an illusion, resembled an antique pistol. He later hurls a car at a student that has no mutant ability, with the intent of forcing her latent mutation to manifest. Not only is the manifestation of a mutant power actually none of his concern, it may have been a life-destroying change for the student, such as if her power manifested by turning her permanently into a monstrous form. And that's assuming that she had a latent mutation that would react to, and be able to defend against, a car hurtling towards her. [[What an Idiot!]]!
* In ''[[Marble Hornets]]'', Alex starts constantly filming himself midway through producing his student film. After J watches the tapes, he starts filming himself as well. What they find is disturbing, to say the least.
* [[Gaia Online]], true to form, has at least three known examples.
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'''British Guy:''' I nicked it when you let your guard down for that split second, and I'd do it again. ''(sips tea)'' Goodbye.
'''Homer:''' You see, Marge? Do you see? }}
** And then another episode had Homer ''making up'' conspiracies and posting them to the internet. One such conspiracy (Flu shots being used for [[Mind Control]]) turned out to be true, causing Homer to be kidnapped and held in [[The Prisoner|The Villa]]--no—no I mean "The Island".
** In another episode, "Hungry Hungry Homer," Homer stumbles upon evidence that suggests that the Springfield Isotopes were going to be sold to Albuquerque. He attempts to alert the press, but by the time they go there, all the evidence is gone, leading them to believe that Homer was either lying or paranoid. He then orchestrates a food strike just to prove it. Eventually, he manages to stop the food strike when it as becoming clear that it was having bad effects on his health. Ironically, his quitting the food strike was also what caused him to be proved correct in his paranoia all along (as, thanks to a mistake in food changes, they ended up revealing that the foodstuff was of Albuquerque-style food, and they even sported the name "[[Defictionalization|Albuquerque]] [[wikipedia:Albuquerque Isotopes|Isotopes]].")
** In the episode Beyond Blunderdome, the executives were not willing to allow the remake that Mel Gibson or Homer Simpson to be released, as they feared it would result in negative backlash. After reluctantly letting them release it, their fears proved to be very sound, with several people walking out of the movie in disgust after watching it.
* ''[[Code Lyoko]]'': Waldo Schaeffer, alias Franz Hopper; changing his name was only the tip of the iceberg. His electronic diary was encrypted with code that would take years to crack, hidden in a train station locker whose key was hidden in his daughter's plushy which was in turn hidden in a crack of a wall in his house. And he created a ''[[Cyberspace|whole virtual world]]'' with the aim of hiding there with Aelita, out of danger from his pursuers. But hey, [[The Men in Black]] '''were''' after him, and they'd already kidnapped his wife.
* In ''[[Invader Zim]]'', Dib has the [[Cassandra Truth]] reputation going strong. But he's right -- Zimright—Zim, the main character, is indeed an evil alien bent on conquering humanity. What's more, whenever he's seen engaging in other paranormal studies (such as chasing a hairy kid he thinks is a baby Bigfoot), he continues to show much more awareness of the world around him than... well, the world around him. Maybe he'd be more credible if he stopped talking to himself.
** His sister Gaz knows he's right and that Zim is an alien... however she's too busy with video games and pizza to actually give a damn. Although, she has an excuse:
{{quote|'''Dib:''' Don't you care that Zim is trying to destroy all mankind? Huh?
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* The Tribunal from ''[[Metalocalypse]]''. Seem like a bunch of crazy people, convinced that a metal band is going to fulfill some kind of prophecy, right? Wrong. As the seasons have gone on, Dethklok has been doing almost everything the The Tribunal has feared, and they aren't even aware of it. The Tribunal however is, and they're very worried about it.
* In [[Recess: School's Out]], TJ Dettwiler tries to tell everyone in town that there was suspicious activity going on at the school, yet his parents and the police never believed him, and even his friends felt doubtful at what happened after stealing one of their crates and Prickly apparently leaving the school ([[It Makes Sense in Context]]). Turns out, TJ was actually very sound in his suspicions, as the school had actually been taken over by an extremist group led by the former Secretary of Education and former principal of Third Street Elementary, Phllium Benedict, that was trying to eliminate Recess.
* [[Lovable Coward|Wade]] from ''[[Garfield and Friends]]'' comes off as this once he points out that local [[Reality Warper]] Orson keeps dragging Wade into [[Portal Book|dangerous stories]] via [[Dream Sequence|Dream Sequences]]s. This is emphasized in one episode where Orson's reading causes Wade to be placed in a series of dangers, including a polar bear, a train, and a Tyrannosaurus Rex. [[What the Hell, Hero?|Suddenly it makes sense for Wade to be scared of everything.]]
* Penny Proud in one episode of ''[[The Proud Family]]'' suspected that the reason why she was getting bad grades from her teacher despite having put much work into her paper was because her teacher hated her, to which her family members didn't believe her (Oscar initially thought that she gave her a bad grade because the teacher was republican [Penny wrote her paper on how Hillary Clinton inspired her]). Turns out, Penny was actually closer to the truth than even she realized: She did hate her in a way, although mostly because she was sore towards Suga Mama for winning a coin toss (well, cheating in the coin toss is a bit more accurate), and Penny is related to Suga Mama, being her granddaughter and all.
* A couple of ''[[Looney Tunes]]'' shorts had Sylvester as [[Porky Pig]]'s pet cat, who would be the only one who knew that, for instance, a sinister mob of mice were out to kill his master. Porky would catch Sylvester doing truly bizarre things to save both their skins and chalk his behavior up to cowardice, insanity or both.
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* [[Ernest Hemingway]] believed himself to be tailed by the FBI, a claim his friend dismissed as a delusion resulting from mental deterioration and depression. However, it was recently [ revealed] that he really ''was'' ordered to be monitored for his activities in Cuba by J Edgar Hoover.
* Michael Drosnin using codes he claimed were hidden in the Bible predicted an assasination involving Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Then Rabin was assasinated.
* During late July/early August of 2011, many members of the Bethesda forums expressed a suspicion that the Lonesome Road DLC for [[Fallout: New Vegas]] would be delayed, to the point that the senior producer, Jason Bergman, called people paranoid and said that Lonesome Road would come out in August. A week later, it was announced that Lonesome Road had been delayed and wouldn't come out in August.
* Joseph McCarthy tried several people who were supposedly Communist spies in what History would call the [[Red Scare]]. Although he ultimately tried the wrong people and destroyed many more lives and careers in the process thanks to his [[Witch Hunt]] tactics, his beliefs that the Soviets had actually infiltrated the country via various media personalities and government officials did actually prove to be quite sound when the relevant KGB records were declassified after 1991.
* Doubly happened on September 11, 2001:
