Prophesies, Destinies, and Killing Gods/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Happily Adopted]]: Ebony had to be adopted while on the Heroes’ Earth, due to being a child and inexperienced in the new world. She was adopted by a large family of centipede demons.
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: Favorite method of killing enemies.
* [[Massive -Numbered Siblings]]: Ebony has one biological brothers and nineteen adopted siblings.
* [[Team Mom]]: A rare form because of her status as the leader and being an action girl.
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== Zero/Ricky ==
* [[Cool Sword]]: Ricky used to have a blade named the [[Anitae Blade]], the name as a joke. It could absorb elemental attacks, and channel attacks based on the element it had absorbed, was night-unbreakable, and could [[Soul Jar|seal spirits in it.]] It was sealed away permanently to deal with a demon guarding one of the Cubes,but that happened off screen.
** Ricky has a new weapon, a ring made of [[Morph Weapon|magically metamorphic]] [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration|metal]]. Two of it's maximum ten forms are swords, the first being a rapier, the second being a hand-and-a-half sword.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Comes from having lived on Earth for quite some time, and despite his amnesia, he remembers most of it.
* [[Gosh Dang It to Heck]]: Ricky never swears , and generally sticks to "Damn it." and "Darn." If a situation is bad enough for him to swear.....
* [[Hammerspace]]: He stores a large amount of his possessions in a pocket dimension within his bag, which he created. And always carries.
** One adventure involved some of the Heroes being trapped in said bag.
* [[Heroes Prefer Swords]]: In a universe where many enemies used ranged weapons, he sure likes swords.
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* [[Laser Blade]]: Zero's Z-Saber.
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: Of the [[Identity Amnesia]] kind.
* [[Magic A Is Magic A]]: Ricky knows this rule well.
* [[Ridiculously Human Robot]]: Zero.
* [[Tranquil Fury]]: Ricky rarely loses it, and his rage generally is kept to a cold fury.
== Lotus ==
* [[Badass Damsel]]: She can hold her own in a fight, but she often gets whacked by [[Distress Ball|Distress Balls]].
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: When she's ticked off enough.
* [[Extra Ore Dinary]]
* [[Failure Knight]]: As a holy knight, she's a literal one. {{spoiler|When the Four Walkers of Ivalice attacked Riovanes Castle, she failed to protect her charge, Princess Celandine. The princess, king, and queen died, and Lotus is wracked with guilt both for surviving and for not being strong enough to save them.}}
* [[Hot Chick with a Sword]]
* [[The Paladin]] / [[Magic Knight]]
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* [[A God Am I]]: With help from {{spoiler|Metroid Prime}}, he manages to gain god-hood.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: Killed by {{spoiler|Metroid Prime}}
* [[Light Is Not Good]]:
== Liquid Awesome ==
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* BFS: His claymore
* [[The Brute]]: Fits almost all parts of this trope except one. He is extremely clever and cautious about situations.
* [[I Gave My Word]]: If he promises something, he keeps to it.
* [[The Juggernaut]]: He is this way to weaker magic and attacks. Ebony has to wear the ring in order to damage him at all and the Crusaders use specialized weapons to take him down.
* [[The Stoic]]: He doesn’t let his emotions show when interacting with normal people. However, that blank mask slips during his fight with Ebony.