Protagonist's Journey to Villain: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[The Social Network]]''. It shows Mark's slide from average nerd to a possible [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] due to one mean streak too many. {{spoiler|Around the end of the film, he realizes his mistakes, but has somewhat realized he's gone too far to fix them, and tries to make some amends by friend requesting his ex-girlfriend who he insulted over the course of the film.}}
** Although a lot of the credibility of how villainous he really was is thrown in doubt by the end of the film considering that the film's multiple POVs, none of which are actually Mark's but of the ones testifying against him, are most likely [[Unreliable Narrator|biased.]] Discussed by Mark and his lawyer in the last scene.
{{quote| '''Mark Zuckerberg''': I'm not a bad guy. <br />
'''Marylin Delpy''': I know that. When there's emotional testimony, I assume that 85% of it is exaggeration. <br />
'''Mark Zuckerberg''': And the other fifteen? <br />
'''Marylin Delpy''': Perjury. Creation myths need a Devil. }}
*** In a similar vein, [[Pirates of Silicon Valley]] focuses a lot on Steve Jobs' transformation from a counter-culture child of [[The Sixties]] to a hard-driving [[Bad Boss]] who's consumed by his ambition and drives away his friends. [[It Got Better|He gets better.]]
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* In Livy's ''[[The History Of Rome]]'', which is a record of real events, embellished where the author felt it necessary, this is a major theme for more than a few of the kings and consuls of early Rome.
* In the ''[[Mistborn]]'' trilogy by [[Brandon Sanderson]] this is the supposed backstory. A thousand years ago a champion, the 'Hero of Ages' rose up to defeat an (unspecified) evil known only as 'The Deepness' but upon his victory he took possession of the world as its Lord Ruler.
{{quote| "For a thousand years the ash fell and no flowers bloomed. For a thousand years the Skaa slaved in misery and lived in fear. For a thousand years the Lord Ruler, the “Sliver of Infinity,” reigned with absolute power and ultimate terror, divinely invincible."}}
** The heroes of this story find an old logbook written by the man who would become the Lord Ruler which shows how he began his quest as a humble, earnest man trying to save the world. In the end the truth becomes far more complicated as the Lord Ruler's motivations are slowly revealed throughout the trilogy. The short version is that {{spoiler|the hero, Alendi, was duped by prophecies being altered by Ruin, an [[Omnicidal Maniac]] deity trapped in the Well of Ascension who would be released if the hero reached the Well and "released" the power. When the scholar who originally prophesized the hero learned the truth, he had his allies pose as guides and murder Alendi when he reached the Well. Then one of the guides named Rashek took the power in the Well and kept it, keeping Ruin trapped and becoming the Lord Ruler. He was driven insane over time by Ruin, becoming a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] [[Evil Overlord]]}}.
* The ''[[Transformers Trans Tech]]'' story "I, Lowtech" is the first-person perspective story of a [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] trying to figure out why he seems to [[Grand Theft Me|no longer be in his real body]]. While he was not exactly ''good'' to start off with, he ''was'' (technically) law-abiding and never caused direct harm. Until a combo of his first violent act done in self-defense and nobody taking his claims of a body swap seriously makes him realize [[Evil Feels Good]]/[[Evil Is Easy]] and causes him to start going insane and degenerating into a rampaging serial killer who kills just because it's convenient/for revenge.