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'''II. [[Space Elves]]'''
A [[Closer to Earth]] species who focus more on the mystical, spiritual or philosophical sides of knowledge. If any species has [[Psychic Powers]], it's [[Telepathic Spacemen|these guys]]. Their culture tends to gravitate toward a [[Crystal Spires and Togas]] aesthetic, and their technology may share a similar feel. Unlike [[Outgrown Such Silly Superstitions|other species]], they may hold on to beliefs in higher powers (particularly if said powers are extant [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]] or [[Energy Beings]]). Less sympathetic versions of the species may overlap with [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens]] of the [[Fundamentalist]] variety.
Proud Scholar Races of either stripe tend to be portrayed as more [[Perfect Pacifist People|peace-loving]] than some other species, but they tend to be rather [[Beware the Nice Ones|dangerous when provoked]], using superior technology, [[Psychic Powers]] and [[Superweapon Surprise|hidden superweapons]] to turn their foes into dust. They won't necessarily be portrayed as nicer people - sometimes, their love of knowledge will make them sympathetic compared to the madmen running around hitting things with swords, but other times, it will make them cold, [[Deadly Decadent Court|slimy and sinister]] compared to the honest fighters doing their duty for their country. Similarly, any non-scientists in this race (no matter how important to their society) will suffer [[Klingon Scientists Get No Respect]]—err, ''Vulcan Warriors Get No Respect''.
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* The more scientifically inclined of John Galt's followers (including Galt himself) from ''[[Atlas Shrugged]]'' combine this with [[Proud Merchant Race]].
* The Beetle-kinden of Collegium in Adrian Tchaikovsky's ''[[Shadows of the Apt]]'' series are type 1 and have a culturally symbiotic relationship with the [[Proud Merchant Race|Beetle-kinden of Helleron]]. The Moth-kinden are Type 2.
* The Ogier from ''[[The Wheel of Time]]''. Very big on history, arts, craftmanship, public speaking, and gardening. However, while they don't much ''like'' fighting, they're very good at it if sufficiently motivated.
* The Betans in [[Vorkosigan Saga]] are always going on about how enlightend they are while[[Moral Myopia|selling arms to everyone in sight]]. Their chief representative, Cordelia cannot stop talking about how barbarous Barrayarans supposedly are and how everything would be right if they would just open up and do things ''her'' way. Sometimes you just want to give them a [[Screw You, Elves|good smack in the head.]]
== Live-Action TV ==
* The Time Lords as originally portrayed on ''[[Doctor Who]]''. A[[Retcon]] subsequently made them wear the "decadent and self-involved" rather than "scholarly" [[Planet of Hats|hat]]. Subsequently, it [[Depending on the Writer|varied form story to story]]. Fanfic tends to emphasize the more alien, aloof, scholastic side of Gallifreyan culture. Regardless, the names of the Doctor and the Master deliberately evoked higher learning. but only those two characters are really active outside Gallifrey. Then the Time War happened...
* Vulcans in ''[[Star Trek]]'' are almost the [[Ur Example]] of the stoic, detached scholar race, including mild [[Psychic Powers]] in the form of the mind meld.
** Vulcans are an example of both subsets of this trope. While they are usually presented as the scientific side sometimes they show a mystical aspect too. Occasionally as well they show some remainders of rather dark primeval traditions in their culture as in the episode "Amok Time" when Spock's [[Arranged Marriage|chosen bride]] manipulates Kirk and Spock into fighting a [[Duel to the Death]] for her favor. That episode is probably a remainder of the time when Vulcans were a [[Proud Warrior Race]].
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** Both the Asgard and the Nox, in [[Stargate Verse|the same Verse]], have elements of this as well. The Asgard are type 1, the Nox are type 2. The Asgard are an odd example as they are named after (or, in-universe, inspired the legends of) [[Norse Mythology]], generally much less scholarly than most.
* The Minbari of ''[[Babylon 5]]'' fit this trope pretty perfectly. At least as much psi potential as any other race, one of the "elder" races, on relatively good terms with the [[Precursors]], [[Crystal Spires and Togas]], [[Ape Shall Never Kill Ape]] (very common in [[Space Elves]] if they're not straight-up [[Perfect Pacifist People]]), and loads of [[Cultural Posturing]] and [[Can't Argue with Elves]]. Even their warrior caste members, such as Lennier, come across as pretty egg-headed.
* [[Wonder Woman (TV series)|Wonder Woman TV Series]]: In this incarnation, Paradise Island’s amazons are Type 1 because they are [[Perfect Pacifist People]]. In contrast with the [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]] from the comics, the amazons were overpowered by the Nazis in “The Feminum Mystique”. However, the Amazons easily overpower the Nazis once Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl came back to liberate the Isle.
== Tabletop Games ==
* The Eldar from ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000|Warhammer 40K]]''.
* The Darrians in ''[[Traveller]]''.
* ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'' tends to have a few scholarly peoples in its racial lineup; the elven subraces tend to lean toward the mystical end of the spectrum. The 4th edition Eladrin, in particular, embody the scholarly side of the elven archetype. [[Our Gnomes Are Weirder|Gnomes]] also tend to be protrayed in this fashion, whether they're illusionists and wizards, or tinkers and inventors. (The word "gnome", by the way, comes from the Greek word for "to know", and their stereotypical pointed hats may share the symbolic origin of the [[Robe and Wizard Hat|Wizard Hat]]—that is, the knowledgeable few at the top, above the uneducated masses on the bottom.)
** [[Turned Up to Eleven]] and Deconstructed in the ''[[Eberron]]'' campaign setting. The gnomes of the nation of Zilargo are known for their intellects. In their land is the largest library (which doubles as the most respected university in the world), as well as the most respected newspaper which is distributed across the continent. Their prowess in elemental binding has made gnomes a match of the various [[Mega Corp]]orations that deal in [[Magitek]]. But the Gnomes' value and thirst of knowledge is so great it has taken a dark side - spying on one's neighbors and family for secrets and blackmail is not only common, but expected. Their entire society is held together by blackmail, and because of their affinity for knowledge, Zilargo is a police state run an intelligence organization that rivals the two [[Mega Corp]]orations that specialize in spying. Criminals in Zilargo are not tried or arrested, they have "[[The Coroner Doth Protest Too Much|accidents]]" or simply vanish. Similarly, it is a common saying that the gnomes do not go to war in the traditional sense - they wage their battles through information warfare and intelligence warfare.
** Gnomes were portrayed this way in the setting-generic, late-3rd Edition sourcebook ''Races of Stone''. Using their racial affinity for illusion magic as a springboard, the writers portrayed gnomes as having a culture based around the concept of truth and the philosophical pursuit of uncovering or obscuring it.
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* The Asari from the ''[[Mass Effect]]'' games fit the "mystic" description to a T, having superior talents at biotics.
** The salarians in ''[[Mass Effect]]'' have a reputation as good scientists, albeit one overshadowed by their other reputation as spies. These are often the same people.
* The Protoss from the ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' series are a mix between this and the [[Proud Warrior Race]].
* The Chozo from ''[[Metroid]].'' They're not humanoid, but they have great powers, are possibly magical, are wise and knowedgeable, [[Closer to Earth]] (or, more accurately, Tallon IV), and are generally mystical.
** They also fit the Scientific side of the trope: the thing is that they grew so scientifically advanced that they hit a dead end. Since science offered no more answers, they turned to mysticism to complement it.
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* Ashpaw Longstripe from ''[[Tasakeru]]'', though he's more than willing to step up into [[Badass Bookworm]] territory when necessary.
== Western Animation ==
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